Products and Services and Business Classifications in Questions

The Supplier Profile is a standardized collection of attributes that's used by the application to define a supplier. Some example attributes include information such as corporate, tax information, addresses values, and site usages about the supplier. You can reference these attributes as question fields.

When a supplier provides information for the field, and the qualification manager accepts the response, the value is used to update the supplier's profile.

Depending on which supplier attribute you map to, values for Question Type and Response Type are defaulted and can't be changed. If there are multiple possible values defined for the attribute in the supplier profile, those values comprise the acceptable values for the question. You can delete values from the list, but you can't add values. Any changes you make only affect the values used in the question, not in the underlying values in the supplier profile.

There are also attributes that are categories of values such as business classifications used to describe the supplier, and a hierarchy of products and services used to identify a supplier's products or services offerings. These attributes are frequently used in qualification questions. Questions using Products and Services attributes are typically used as branch questions. Questions using Business Classification attributes can't have any branch questions.