Run Touchless PO Creation Diagnostic Reports

To know why a requisition failed to convert into a PO, as a buyer, you can run a diagnostic test report. Here's what you have to do to generate the report:

  1. On the Setting and Actions menu, click Run Diagnostics Tests.

  2. In the Search for Tests section, enter Touchless PO Creation Diagnostic Report in the Test Name field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. Select the test and click Add to Run. The test will be added to the Choose Test to Run and Supply Inputs section.

  5. To provide the required input parameters, click the warning icon.

  6. On the Input Parameters page, enter the requisition number and click OK.

  7. In the Run Tests section, to run the test click Run.

The diagnostic report helps you to resolve PO creation related issues. The report shows requisition data and reason for its failure in a tabular format. In the report, you can check the REQTOPO_AUTOMATION_FAILED (Y/N) and REQTOPO_AUTO_FAILED_REASON columns to know the reason why a requisition failed to convert into a PO.