Supplier Tax Details Import

You can import supplier's profile level tax registration country and the tax registration number using supplier import template. You can add these values while creating or updating suppliers. All the other supplier's tax registration related attributes can be imported using the Tax Implementation Workbook.

For more information on the Tax Implementation Workbook, see the related topics. You can use the Tax Implementation Workbook to update the values of tax registration country and tax registration number also, but it's recommended to do it through the supplier import for these reasons:

  • Using supplier import will validate the supplier for duplicate tax registration number and therefore prevent duplicate supplier creation.

  • Using the supplier import will create a party tax profile for the supplier, which otherwise has to be done using the Tax Implementation Workbook through a separate worksheet that's hidden by default.

If you haven't already done the Tax setup, you must first complete the configuration using the Tax Configuration Workbook. For more information on the Tax Configuration Workbook, see the related topics.

You will have to use the Tax Implementation Workbook to import supplier address level tax registration details. Supplier addresses are uniquely identified using the party site ID, which can be used when importing address tax registration information.