This staging table stores the information about supplier site level attributes pertaining to change requests.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: POZ

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: Default

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
SITE_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Yes This field is the unique identifier for a supplier site change request
OVERRIDE_B2B_COMM_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Captures specific criterion to override the supplier site B2B communication for purchasing documents.
SUPP_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Yes This field stores the request id corresponding to the change request in the POZ_SUPP_REQUESTS table.
CHANGE_REQ_ROW_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 Yes Type of the request. This could either be 'CHANGE' or 'SNAPSHOT'
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
VENDOR_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Vendor Site identifier for which the change request is created.
VENDOR_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Stores the vendor id for which the change request is created.
PRC_BU_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Procurement business unit Identifier
CARRIER_ID NUMBER 18 This field stores the Carrier identifier
MODE_OF_TRANSPORT VARCHAR2 30 This field stores the method of transportation for a Carrier.
SERVICE_LEVEL VARCHAR2 30 This field stores the priority of method of transportation for a Carrier.
FREIGHT_TERMS_LOOKUP_CODE VARCHAR2 30 This field stores the default freight terms type
FOB_LOOKUP_CODE VARCHAR2 20 This field stores the default free-on-board type
COUNTRY_OF_ORIGIN_CODE VARCHAR2 2 This field stores the code of country of manufacture
TERMS_ID NUMBER 18 This field stores the payment terms unique identifier
TERMS_DATE_BASIS VARCHAR2 25 This field stores the type of invoice payment schedule basis
PAY_DATE_BASIS_LOOKUP_CODE VARCHAR2 30 This field stores the type of payment date basis
PARTY_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Party Site Identifier
VENDOR_SITE_CODE VARCHAR2 240 Site code name
PURCHASING_SITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether you can purchase from this site
RFQ_ONLY_SITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether you can only send RFQs to this site
PAY_SITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether you can send payments to this site
SUPP_ADDRESS_REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 This field is the unique identifier for address details change.
SERVICES_TOLERANCE_ID NUMBER 18 Services tolerance identifier
TOLERANCE_ID NUMBER 18 Tolerance Identifier
EXCLUDE_FREIGHT_FROM_DISCOUNT VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the freight amount is to be excluded from the discount
DEFAULT_PAY_SITE_ID NUMBER 18 Payment site for the site in which the receipt was entered.
PAY_ON_RECEIPT_SUMMARY_CODE VARCHAR2 25 If the PAY_ON_CODE is 'RECEIPT', then this column identifies how to consolidate the receipts to create invoices. Valid values are PAY_SITE, PACKING_SLIP, and RECEIPT.
PCARD_SITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator of whether the site allows use of procurement cards
MATCH_OPTION VARCHAR2 25 Indicator of whether to match the invoices to the purchase order or receipt
CREATE_DEBIT_MEMO_FLAG VARCHAR2 25 Indicator of whether a debit memo should be created
SUPPLIER_NOTIF_METHOD VARCHAR2 25 The preferred Notification Method for the supplier
FAX VARCHAR2 15 Customer site facsimile number
FAX_AREA_CODE VARCHAR2 10 Customer site
EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR2 2000 E-mail address of the supplier contact
PRIMARY_PAY_SITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 A value of Y indicates that this is the default pay site for the supplier
SELLING_COMPANY_IDENTIFIER VARCHAR2 10 Selling Company Identifier used in generating invoice numbers when gapless invoice numbering is enabled
GAPLESS_INV_NUM_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether gapless invoice numbering is used
AUTO_CALCULATE_INTEREST_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Auto Calculate interest flag
PURCHASING_HOLD_REASON VARCHAR2 240 Purchasing hold reason
CUSTOMER_NUM VARCHAR2 25 Customer number wiith the suppler
VENDOR_SITE_CODE_ALT VARCHAR2 320 Alternate Supplier site code
PAY_GROUP_LOOKUP_CODE VARCHAR2 25 Payment group type
INVOICE_AMOUNT_LIMIT NUMBER Maximum amount per invoice
ALWAYS_TAKE_DISC_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicator of whether Oracle Payablesshould always take a discount for the supplier
INVOICE_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Default currency unique identifier
PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2 15 Default payment currency unique identifier
HOLD_ALL_PAYMENTS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether Oracle Payables should place all payments for this supplier on hold
HOLD_FUTURE_PAYMENTS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether Oracle Payables should place unapproved invoices for this supplier on hold
HOLD_REASON VARCHAR2 240 Reason that the supplier site has been placed on hold.
HOLD_UNMATCHED_INVOICES_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether unmatched invoices should be put on hold
PAYMENT_HOLD_DATE DATE Payment hold date
TAX_REPORTING_SITE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Tax reporting site flag
ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 150 Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 DATE Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP1 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP2 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP3 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP4 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP5 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP6 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP7 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP8 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP9 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP10 TIMESTAMP Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER10 NUMBER Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the user descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE2 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE3 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE4 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE5 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE6 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE7 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE8 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE9 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE10 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE11 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE12 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE13 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE14 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE15 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE16 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE17 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE18 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE19 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE20 VARCHAR2 150 Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE1 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE2 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE3 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE4 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE5 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE6 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE7 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE8 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE9 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE10 DATE Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP1 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP2 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP3 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP4 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP5 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP6 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP7 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP8 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP9 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP10 TIMESTAMP Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER2 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER3 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER4 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER5 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER6 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER7 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER8 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER9 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER10 NUMBER Global Descriptive Flexfield: segment of the global descriptive flexfield.
GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY VARCHAR2 30 Global Descriptive Flexfield: structure definition of the global descriptive flexfield.
ALLOW_SUBSTITUTE_RECEIPTS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Allow substitute receipts flag
ALLOW_UNORDERED_RECEIPTS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Allow unordered receipts flag
ENFORCE_SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE VARCHAR2 25 Enforce ship to location code
QTY_RCV_EXCEPTION_CODE VARCHAR2 25 Quantity received exception code
RECEIPT_DAYS_EXCEPTION_CODE VARCHAR2 25 Receipt days exception code
QTY_RCV_TOLERANCE NUMBER Quantity received tolerance
DAYS_EARLY_RECEIPT_ALLOWED NUMBER Days early receipt allowed
DAYS_LATE_RECEIPT_ALLOWED NUMBER Days late receipt allowed
RECEIVING_ROUTING_ID NUMBER 18 Receiving routing identifier
AGING_PERIOD_DAYS NUMBER 5 The maximum number of days the material may be on consignment.
AGING_ONSET_POINT VARCHAR2 30 The mutually agreed event point at which consigned material begins to age.
CONSUMPTION_ADVICE_FREQUENCY VARCHAR2 30 The frequency at which the ?Create Consumption Advice? program will be run for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under one agreement.
CONSUMPTION_ADVICE_SUMMARY VARCHAR2 30 The granularity at which consumption advices will be generated.
PAY_ON_USE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Flag indicating whether self-billing is enabled for consigned material.
BANK_CHARGE_DEDUCTION_TYPE VARCHAR2 1 Type of deduction for bank charges. Values are Standard, Negotiated, and None.
PO_ACK_REQD_CODE VARCHAR2 30 Indicates whether the supplier is required to send an acknowledgment to verify receipt of the purchasing document.
PO_ACK_REQD_DAYS NUMBER The number of days, from receipt of the purchasing document, the supplier must provide acknowledgement.
INVOICE_CHANNEL VARCHAR2 30 Supplier site attribute to capture the invoice channel information.
B2B_SITE_CODE VARCHAR2 256 B2B Supplier Site Code
INSPECTION_REQUIRED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Inspection required flag
RECEIPT_REQUIRED_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Receipt required flag
PAY_ON_CODE VARCHAR2 1 When to create an invoice.
EXCLUDE_TAX_FROM_DISCOUNT VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether the tax amount to be excluded from the discount

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
poz_supp_tpp_rel_requests poz_supp_site_requests SITE_REQUEST_ID


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns