Create one agreement import request




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Business Unit Accesses
Type: array
Title: Business Unit Accesses
Agreement business unit access contains mapping for client requisitioning business units that can make purchases using the agreement. For example, a blanket purchase agreement with supplier Advanced Network Devices is hosted by Vision Operations, and is made available to Vision Services where Vision Operations provides the procurement service for all requisitions created by its client, Vision Services.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Lines
Type: array
Title: Lines
Details of the goods or services to be purchased from the supplier. The line doesn't contain delivery dates or individual delivery quantities or amounts. For example, an agreement line can be service-based for installing a television or a goods item to negotiate the price for 50 laptops.
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Bill-to BU
    Maximum Length: 240
    Value that identifies the business unit that processes supplier invoices for the purchasing document.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that processes supplier invoices for the purchase order.
  • Title: Bill-to Location
    Maximum Length: 60
    Value that identifies the bill-to location where the supplier sends the invoice.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to location.
  • Title: Enabled
    Maximum Length: 1
    Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the business unit assignment record on the agreement is enabled. If false, then business unit assignment record on the agreement is disabled. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the interface business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Maximum Length: 50
    Value that uniquely identifies the interface business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the interface header of the business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Maximum Length: 50
    Value that uniquely identifies the interface header of the business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Title: Order Locally
    Maximum Length: 1
    Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the client's order for items on the agreement should be routed to local supplier sites maintained by the client. If false, then the client's order for items on the agreement won't route to local supplier sites maintained by the client. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
  • Title: Purchasing Site
    Maximum Length: 240
    Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site for the purchasing operating unit.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site for the purchasing operating unit.
  • Title: Requisitioning BU
    Maximum Length: 240
    Business unit that creates the requisition.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that requested the goods or services being purchased.
  • Title: Ship-to Location
    Maximum Length: 60
    Name of the location where the supplier ships the item.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the location where the supplier ships the shipment item.
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Item Attributes
Type: array
Title: Item Attributes
Agreement item attribute captures additional information about the item on the agreement line such as supplier item auxiliary identifier, supplier URL, manufacturer name, manufacturer URL, manufacturer part number, United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, UNSPSC, and image URL. For example, Big Computers could be the manufacturer of a laptop whereas B004521 could be the manufacturer part number for a television.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Price Breaks
Type: array
Title: Price Breaks
Agreement price breaks are reductions in the price of an item depending on certain conditions such as purchasing in bulk or from a certain location. For example, for a laptop, price will be reduced by 100 dollars if your order exceeds 20 quantity or 30 dollars if you order for a specific location.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Translation Item Attributes
Type: array
Title: Translation Item Attributes
Translation item attributes capture additional information about purchasing item translation attributes.
Show Source
Nested Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-lines-priceBreaks-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-lines-translationItemAttributes-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Business Unit Accesses
Type: array
Title: Business Unit Accesses
Agreement business unit access contains mapping for client requisitioning business units that can make purchases using the agreement. For example, a blanket purchase agreement with supplier Advanced Network Devices is hosted by Vision Operations, and is made available to Vision Services where Vision Operations provides the procurement service for all requisitions created by its client, Vision Services.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Lines
Type: array
Title: Lines
Details of the goods or services to be purchased from the supplier. The line doesn't contain delivery dates or individual delivery quantities or amounts. For example, an agreement line can be service-based for installing a television or a goods item to negotiate the price for 50 laptops.
Show Source
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-businessUnitAccess-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Bill-to BU
    Maximum Length: 240
    Value that identifies the business unit that processes supplier invoices for the purchasing document.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that processes supplier invoices for the purchase order.
  • Title: Bill-to Location
    Maximum Length: 60
    Value that identifies the bill-to location where the supplier sends the invoice.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to location.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    User who created the business unit access on the purchase agreement
  • Read Only: true
    Date and time when the buyer or application created the purchase agreement.
  • Title: Enabled
    Maximum Length: 1
    Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the business unit assignment record on the agreement is enabled. If false, then business unit assignment record on the agreement is disabled. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the interface business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Maximum Length: 50
    Value that uniquely identifies the interface business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the interface header of the business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Maximum Length: 50
    Value that uniquely identifies the interface header of the business unit access assignment of an agreement.
  • Read Only: true
    Date and time when the buyer or application last updated the business unit access of a purchase agreement.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    User who created the business unit access on the purchase agreement
  • Links
  • Title: Order Locally
    Maximum Length: 1
    Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the client's order for items on the agreement should be routed to local supplier sites maintained by the client. If false, then the client's order for items on the agreement won't route to local supplier sites maintained by the client. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 25
    Value that uniquely identifies the interface record status.
  • Title: Purchasing Site
    Maximum Length: 240
    Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site for the purchasing operating unit.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site for the purchasing operating unit.
  • Title: Requisitioning BU
    Maximum Length: 240
    Business unit that creates the requisition.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that requested the goods or services being purchased.
  • Title: Ship-to Location
    Maximum Length: 60
    Name of the location where the supplier ships the item.
  • Value that uniquely identifies the location where the supplier ships the shipment item.
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-lines-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Item Attributes
Type: array
Title: Item Attributes
Agreement item attribute captures additional information about the item on the agreement line such as supplier item auxiliary identifier, supplier URL, manufacturer name, manufacturer URL, manufacturer part number, United Nations Standard Products and Services Code, UNSPSC, and image URL. For example, Big Computers could be the manufacturer of a laptop whereas B004521 could be the manufacturer part number for a television.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Price Breaks
Type: array
Title: Price Breaks
Agreement price breaks are reductions in the price of an item depending on certain conditions such as purchasing in bulk or from a certain location. For example, for a laptop, price will be reduced by 100 dollars if your order exceeds 20 quantity or 30 dollars if you order for a specific location.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Translation Item Attributes
Type: array
Title: Translation Item Attributes
Translation item attributes capture additional information about purchasing item translation attributes.
Show Source
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-lines-itemAttributes-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-lines-priceBreaks-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : purchaseAgreementImportRequests-lines-translationItemAttributes-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
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These examples describe how to create and update an agreement using purchase agreement import request.

This step populates the interface tables with the agreement data. A batch ID is required to identify the interface data provided for the agreements.


A draft purchase agreement or an approved purchase agreement can be updated using the POST operation. To initiate a change, the action code must be populated. For an approved purchase agreement, change order description and change order initiating party are required.

Example cURL Command

Use the following cURL command to submit a request on the REST resource.

curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 
Example Description
Example 1 Create a blanket purchase agreement.
Example 2 Create a contract purchase agreement.
Example 3 Update the end date on a blanket purchase agreement.
Example 4 Update the price and supplier item on an agreement line.
Example 5 Create a blanket purchase agreement with descriptive flexfields.

Example 1 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format to create a blanket purchase agreement for goods and services. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.

    "BatchId": 116656,
    "ActionCode": "ORIGINAL",
    "DocumentTypeCode": "BLANKET",
    "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
    "Buyer": "Clare Furey",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "Supplier": "CV_SuppA01",
    "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
    "Description": "Create BPA#1",
    "businessUnitAccess": [
            "RequisitioningBU": "Vision Operations",
            "OrderLocallyFlag": false,
            "PurchasingSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
            "ShipToLocation": "V1- New York City",
            "BillToBU": "Vision Operations",
            "BillToLocation": "V1 - Vision Operations",
            "EnabledFlag": true
    "lines": [
            "ActionCode": "ADD",
            "LineNumber": 1,
            "LineType": "Goods",
            "Item": "RCV-100",
            "Price": 150,
            "UOM": "Each",
            "Category": "Miscellaneous_1",
            "PriceBreakType": "NON CUMULATIVE",
            "priceBreaks": [
                    "PriceBreakNumber": 1,
                    "ShipToLocation": "V1- New York City",
                    "ShipToOrganizationCode": "V1",
                    "Price": 110,
                    "StartDate": "2023-03-01",
                    "EndDate": "2024-03-01"
            "itemAttributes": [
                    "ThumbnailImageURL": "",
                    "ManufacturerPartNumber": "146.234",
                    "RoundingFactor": 0.7,
                    "Availability": "Yes",
                    "LeadTime": 10,
                    "UNSPSC": "26000000"
            "translationItemAttributes": [
                    "Manufacturer": "ABCS",
                    "LongDescription": "Laptop equipment for new office space",
                    "Language": "US"
            "ActionCode": "ADD",
            "LineNumber": 2,
            "LineType": "Fixed Price Services",
            "ItemDescription": "Laptop Repair",
            "Amount": 70,
            "UOM": "Each",
            "Category": "Miscellaneous_1"           

Example 1 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590329973,
  "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
  "ActionCode" : "ORIGINAL",
  "BatchId" : 116656,
  "ImportSource" : null,
  "ApprovalActionCode" : null,
  "AgreementHeaderId" : null,
  "AgreementNumber" : null,
  "DocumentTypeCode" : "BLANKET",
  "StyleId" : null,
  "Style" : null,
  "ProcurementBUId" : null,
  "ProcurementBU" : "Vision Operations",
  "BuyerId" : null,
  "Buyer" : "Clare Furey",
  "CurrencyCode" : "USD",
  "Description" : "Create BPA#1",
  "SupplierId" : null,
  "Supplier" : "CV_SuppA01",
  "SupplierSiteId" : null,
  "SupplierSite" : "CVSuppA01Site01",
  "SupplierContactId" : null,
  "SupplierContact" : null,
  "FOB" : null,
  "CarrierId" : null,
  "Carrier" : null,
  "FreightTerms" : null,
  "PayOnReceiptFlag" : null,
  "PaymentTermsId" : null,
  "PaymentTerms" : null,
  "ChangeOrderDescription" : null,
  "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty" : null,
  "RequiredAcknowledgmentCode" : null,
  "SupplierOrder" : null,
  "AcknowledgmentWithinDays" : null,
  "SupplierCommunicationMethodCode" : null,
  "SupplierFax" : null,
  "SupplierEmailAddress" : null,
  "ConfirmingOrderFlag" : null,
  "AgreementAmount" : null,
  "AmountLimit" : null,
  "MinimumReleaseAmount" : null,
  "StartDate" : null,
  "EndDate" : null,
  "NoteToSupplier" : null,
  "NoteToReceiver" : null,
  "AutomaticallyGenerateOrdersFlag" : null,
  "AutomaticallySubmitForApprovalFlag" : null,
  "GroupRequisitionsFlag" : null,
  "GroupRequisitionLinesFlag" : null,
  "UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag" : null,
  "UseNeedByDateFlag" : null,
  "CatalogAdministratorAuthoringFlag" : null,
  "ApplyPriceUpdatesToExistingOrdersFlag" : null,
  "CommunicatePriceUpdatesFlag" : null,
  "BuyerEmailAddress" : null,
  "ModeOfTransportCode" : null,
  "ModeOfTransport" : null,
  "ServiceLevelCode" : null,
  "ServiceLevel" : null,
  "AgingOnsetPointCode" : null,
  "AgingPeriodDays" : null,
  "ConsumptionAdviceFrequencyCode" : null,
  "ConsumptionAdviceSummaryCode" : null,
  "DefaultConsignmentLinesFlag" : null,
  "PayOnUseFlag" : null,
  "BillingCycleClosingDate" : null,
  "ConfigurationOrderingEnabledFlag" : null,
  "UseCustomerSalesOrderFlag" : null,
  "BuyerManagedTransportFlag" : null,
  "AllowOrderingFromUnassignedSitesFlag" : null,
  "OutsideProcessEnabledFlag" : null,
  "MasterContractNumber" : null,
  "MasterContractId" : null,
  "MasterContractTypeId" : null,
  "MasterContractType" : null,
  "UseOrderDateForOrderPricingFlag" : null,
  "AttributeCategory" : null,
  "Attribute1" : null,
  "Attribute2" : null,
  "Attribute3" : null,
  "Attribute4" : null,
  "Attribute5" : null,
  "Attribute6" : null,
  "Attribute7" : null,
  "Attribute8" : null,
  "Attribute9" : null,
  "Attribute10" : null,
  "Attribute11" : null,
  "Attribute12" : null,
  "Attribute13" : null,
  "Attribute14" : null,
  "Attribute15" : null,
  "Attribute16" : null,
  "Attribute17" : null,
  "Attribute18" : null,
  "Attribute19" : null,
  "Attribute20" : null,
  "AttributeDate1" : null,
  "AttributeDate2" : null,
  "AttributeDate3" : null,
  "AttributeDate4" : null,
  "AttributeDate5" : null,
  "AttributeDate6" : null,
  "AttributeDate7" : null,
  "AttributeDate8" : null,
  "AttributeDate9" : null,
  "AttributeDate10" : null,
  "AttributeNumber1" : null,
  "AttributeNumber2" : null,
  "AttributeNumber3" : null,
  "AttributeNumber4" : null,
  "AttributeNumber5" : null,
  "AttributeNumber6" : null,
  "AttributeNumber7" : null,
  "AttributeNumber8" : null,
  "AttributeNumber9" : null,
  "AttributeNumber10" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp1" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp2" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp3" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp4" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp5" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp6" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp7" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp8" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp9" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp10" : null,
  "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.106+00:00",
  "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
  "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.106+00:00",
  "ProcessCode" : null,
  "RequestId" : null,
  "businessUnitAccess" : [ {
    "InterfaceBUAssignmentId" : 300100590329974,
    "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590329973,
    "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
    "InterfaceBUAssignmentKey" : null,
    "RequisitioningBUId" : null,
    "RequisitioningBU" : "Vision Operations",
    "OrderLocallyFlag" : false,
    "PurchasingSiteId" : null,
    "PurchasingSite" : "CVSuppA01Site01",
    "ShipToLocationId" : null,
    "ShipToLocation" : "V1- New York City",
    "BillToBUId" : null,
    "BillToBU" : "Vision Operations",
    "BillToLocationId" : null,
    "BillToLocation" : "V1 - Vision Operations",
    "EnabledFlag" : true,
    "CreatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.115+00:00",
    "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.115+00:00",
    "ProcessCode" : null,
    "RequestId" : null,
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973/child/businessUnitAccess/300100590329974",
      "name" : "businessUnitAccess",
      "kind" : "item",
      "properties" : {
        "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973/child/businessUnitAccess/300100590329974",
      "name" : "businessUnitAccess",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "parent",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973",
      "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
      "kind" : "item"
    } ]
  } ],
  "lines" : [ {
    "InterfaceLineId" : 300100590329975,
    "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
    "InterfaceLineKey" : null,
    "ActionCode" : "ADD",
    "LineNumber" : 1,
    "LineType" : "Goods",
    "LineTypeId" : null,
    "Item" : "RCV-100",
    "ItemId" : null,
    "ItemRevision" : null,
    "Category" : "Miscellaneous_1",
    "CategoryId" : null,
    "ItemDescription" : null,
    "AgreementAmount" : null,
    "UOM" : "Each",
    "UOMCode" : null,
    "Price" : 150,
    "Amount" : null,
    "AllowPriceOverrideFlag" : null,
    "NotToExceedPrice" : null,
    "SupplierItem" : null,
    "NegotiatedFlag" : null,
    "NoteToReceiver" : null,
    "NoteToSupplier" : null,
    "MinimumReleaseAmount" : null,
    "SupplierPartAuxiliaryId" : null,
    "SupplierReferenceNumber" : null,
    "AgingPeriodDays" : null,
    "ConsignmentLineFlag" : null,
    "UnitWeight" : null,
    "WeightUOMCode" : null,
    "WeightUOMName" : null,
    "UnitVolume" : null,
    "VolumeUOMCode" : null,
    "VolumeUOMName" : null,
    "ParentItem" : null,
    "ParentItemId" : null,
    "TopModel" : null,
    "TopModelId" : null,
    "SupplierParentItem" : null,
    "SupplierTopModel" : null,
    "PriceBreakType" : "NON CUMULATIVE",
    "AllowDescriptionUpdateFlag" : null,
    "AttributeCategory" : null,
    "LineAttribute1" : null,
    "LineAttribute2" : null,
    "LineAttribute3" : null,
    "LineAttribute4" : null,
    "LineAttribute5" : null,
    "LineAttribute6" : null,
    "LineAttribute7" : null,
    "LineAttribute8" : null,
    "LineAttribute9" : null,
    "LineAttribute10" : null,
    "LineAttribute11" : null,
    "LineAttribute12" : null,
    "LineAttribute13" : null,
    "LineAttribute14" : null,
    "LineAttribute15" : null,
    "Attribute16" : null,
    "Attribute17" : null,
    "Attribute18" : null,
    "Attribute19" : null,
    "Attribute20" : null,
    "AttributeDate1" : null,
    "AttributeDate2" : null,
    "AttributeDate3" : null,
    "AttributeDate4" : null,
    "AttributeDate5" : null,
    "AttributeDate6" : null,
    "AttributeDate7" : null,
    "AttributeDate8" : null,
    "AttributeDate9" : null,
    "AttributeDate10" : null,
    "AttributeNumber1" : null,
    "AttributeNumber2" : null,
    "AttributeNumber3" : null,
    "AttributeNumber4" : null,
    "AttributeNumber5" : null,
    "AttributeNumber6" : null,
    "AttributeNumber7" : null,
    "AttributeNumber8" : null,
    "AttributeNumber9" : null,
    "AttributeNumber10" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp1" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp2" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp3" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp4" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp5" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp6" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp7" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp8" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp9" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp10" : null,
    "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590329973,
    "CreatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.118+00:00",
    "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.118+00:00",
    "ProcessCode" : null,
    "RequestId" : null,
    "ExpirationDate" : null,
    "AgreementQuantity" : null,
    "itemAttributes" : [ {
      "InterfaceAttributeId" : 300100590329977,
      "InterfaceLineId" : 300100590329975,
      "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590329973,
      "InterfaceLineKey" : null,
      "InterfaceAttributeKey" : null,
      "ThumbnailImageURL" : "",
      "ImageURL" : null,
      "ManufacturerPartNumber" : "146.234",
      "RoundingFactor" : 0.7,
      "Availability" : "Yes",
      "LeadTime" : 10,
      "UNSPSC" : "26000000",
      "AttachmentURL" : null,
      "SupplierURL" : null,
      "ManufacturerURL" : null,
      "PackagingString" : null,
      "AttributeCategory" : null,
      "Attribute1" : null,
      "Attribute2" : null,
      "Attribute3" : null,
      "Attribute4" : null,
      "Attribute5" : null,
      "Attribute6" : null,
      "Attribute7" : null,
      "Attribute8" : null,
      "Attribute9" : null,
      "Attribute10" : null,
      "Attribute11" : null,
      "Attribute12" : null,
      "Attribute13" : null,
      "Attribute14" : null,
      "Attribute15" : null,
      "Attribute16" : null,
      "Attribute17" : null,
      "Attribute18" : null,
      "Attribute19" : null,
      "Attribute20" : null,
      "AttributeDate1" : null,
      "AttributeDate10" : null,
      "AttributeDate2" : null,
      "AttributeDate3" : null,
      "AttributeDate4" : null,
      "AttributeDate5" : null,
      "AttributeDate6" : null,
      "AttributeDate7" : null,
      "AttributeDate8" : null,
      "AttributeDate9" : null,
      "AttributeNumber1" : null,
      "AttributeNumber10" : null,
      "AttributeNumber2" : null,
      "AttributeNumber3" : null,
      "AttributeNumber4" : null,
      "AttributeNumber5" : null,
      "AttributeNumber6" : null,
      "AttributeNumber7" : null,
      "AttributeNumber8" : null,
      "AttributeNumber9" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp1" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp10" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp2" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp3" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp4" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp5" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp6" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp7" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp8" : null,
      "AttributeTimestamp9" : null,
      "CreatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
      "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.137+00:00",
      "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
      "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.137+00:00",
      "ProcessCode" : null,
      "RequestId" : null,
      "links" : [ {
        "rel" : "self",
        "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973/child/lines/300100590329975/child/itemAttributes/300100590329977",
        "name" : "itemAttributes",
        "kind" : "item",
        "properties" : {
          "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
      }, {
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      "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.147+00:00",
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    "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.158+00:00",
    "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T10:35:55.158+00:00",
    "ProcessCode" : null,
    "RequestId" : null,
    "ExpirationDate" : null,
    "AgreementQuantity" : null,
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      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973/child/lines/300100590329979",
      "name" : "lines",
      "kind" : "item",
      "properties" : {
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      "kind" : "item"
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      "rel" : "parent",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973",
      "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
      "kind" : "item"
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      "name" : "priceBreaks",
      "kind" : "collection"
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      "rel" : "child",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973/child/lines/300100590329979/child/translationItemAttributes",
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    "kind" : "item",
    "properties" : {
      "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
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    "name" : "lines",
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    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590329973/action/importPurchaseAgreements",
    "name" : "importPurchaseAgreements",
    "kind" : "other"
  } ]

Example 2 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format to create a contract purchase agreement. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.

    "BatchId": 1133662,
    "ActionCode": "ORIGINAL",
    "ApprovalActionCode": "NONE",
    "DocumentTypeCode": "CONTRACT",
    "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
    "Buyer": "Clare Furey",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "Supplier": "CV_SuppA01",
    "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
    "Description": "Create CPA",
    "businessUnitAccess": [
            "RequisitioningBU": "Vision Operations",
            "OrderLocallyFlag": false,
            "PurchasingSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
            "ShipToLocation": "V1- New York City",
            "BillToBU": "Vision Operations",
            "BillToLocation": "V1 - Vision Operations",
            "EnabledFlag": true

Example 2 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590327129,
  "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
  "ActionCode" : "ORIGINAL",
  "BatchId" : 1133662,
  "ImportSource" : null,
  "ApprovalActionCode" : "NONE",
  "AgreementHeaderId" : null,
  "AgreementNumber" : null,
  "DocumentTypeCode" : "CONTRACT",
  "StyleId" : null,
  "Style" : null,
  "ProcurementBUId" : null,
  "ProcurementBU" : "Vision Operations",
  "BuyerId" : null,
  "Buyer" : "Clare Furey",
  "CurrencyCode" : "USD",
  "Description" : "Create CPA",
  "SupplierId" : null,
  "Supplier" : "CV_SuppA01",
  "SupplierSiteId" : null,
  "SupplierSite" : "CVSuppA01Site01",
  "SupplierContactId" : null,
  "SupplierContact" : null,
  "FOB" : null,
  "CarrierId" : null,
  "Carrier" : null,
  "FreightTerms" : null,
  "PayOnReceiptFlag" : null,
  "PaymentTermsId" : null,
  "PaymentTerms" : null,
  "ChangeOrderDescription" : null,
  "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty" : null,
  "RequiredAcknowledgmentCode" : null,
  "SupplierOrder" : null,
  "AcknowledgmentWithinDays" : null,
  "SupplierCommunicationMethodCode" : null,
  "SupplierFax" : null,
  "SupplierEmailAddress" : null,
  "ConfirmingOrderFlag" : null,
  "AgreementAmount" : null,
  "AmountLimit" : null,
  "MinimumReleaseAmount" : null,
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  "EndDate" : null,
  "NoteToSupplier" : null,
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  "UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag" : null,
  "UseNeedByDateFlag" : null,
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  "ApplyPriceUpdatesToExistingOrdersFlag" : null,
  "CommunicatePriceUpdatesFlag" : null,
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  "MasterContractNumber" : null,
  "MasterContractId" : null,
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    "kind" : "item",
    "properties" : {
      "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
  }, {
    "rel" : "canonical",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590327129",
    "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
    "kind" : "item"
  }, {
    "rel" : "child",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590327129/child/businessUnitAccess",
    "name" : "businessUnitAccess",
    "kind" : "collection"
  }, {
    "rel" : "child",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590327129/child/lines",
    "name" : "lines",
    "kind" : "collection"
  }, {
    "rel" : "action",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590327129/action/importPurchaseAgreements",
    "name" : "importPurchaseAgreements",
    "kind" : "other"
  } ]

Example 3 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format to update the end date on a purchase agreement header. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.

    "BatchId": 115582,
    "ActionCode": "UPDATE",
    "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
    "AgreementNumber": 1003356,
    "Supplier": "CV_SuppA01",
    "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
    "ChangeOrderDescription": "End date the agreement",
    "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty": "BUYER",
    "EndDate": "2025-06-01"

Example 3 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590332684,
  "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
  "ActionCode" : "UPDATE",
  "BatchId" : 115582,
  "ImportSource" : null,
  "ApprovalActionCode" : null,
  "AgreementHeaderId" : null,
  "AgreementNumber" : "1003356",
  "DocumentTypeCode" : null,
  "StyleId" : null,
  "Style" : null,
  "ProcurementBUId" : null,
  "ProcurementBU" : "Vision Operations",
  "BuyerId" : null,
  "Buyer" : null,
  "CurrencyCode" : null,
  "Description" : null,
  "SupplierId" : null,
  "Supplier" : "CV_SuppA01",
  "SupplierSiteId" : null,
  "SupplierSite" : "CVSuppA01Site01",
  "SupplierContactId" : null,
  "SupplierContact" : null,
  "FOB" : null,
  "CarrierId" : null,
  "Carrier" : null,
  "FreightTerms" : null,
  "PayOnReceiptFlag" : null,
  "PaymentTermsId" : null,
  "PaymentTerms" : null,
  "ChangeOrderDescription" : "End date the agreement",
  "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty" : "BUYER",
  "RequiredAcknowledgmentCode" : null,
  "SupplierOrder" : null,
  "AcknowledgmentWithinDays" : null,
  "SupplierCommunicationMethodCode" : null,
  "SupplierFax" : null,
  "SupplierEmailAddress" : null,
  "ConfirmingOrderFlag" : null,
  "AgreementAmount" : null,
  "AmountLimit" : null,
  "MinimumReleaseAmount" : null,
  "StartDate" : null,
  "EndDate" : "2025-06-01",
  "NoteToSupplier" : null,
  "NoteToReceiver" : null,
  "AutomaticallyGenerateOrdersFlag" : null,
  "AutomaticallySubmitForApprovalFlag" : null,
  "GroupRequisitionsFlag" : null,
  "GroupRequisitionLinesFlag" : null,
  "UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag" : null,
  "UseNeedByDateFlag" : null,
  "CatalogAdministratorAuthoringFlag" : null,
  "ApplyPriceUpdatesToExistingOrdersFlag" : null,
  "CommunicatePriceUpdatesFlag" : null,
  "BuyerEmailAddress" : null,
  "ModeOfTransportCode" : null,
  "ModeOfTransport" : null,
  "ServiceLevelCode" : null,
  "ServiceLevel" : null,
  "AgingOnsetPointCode" : null,
  "AgingPeriodDays" : null,
  "ConsumptionAdviceFrequencyCode" : null,
  "ConsumptionAdviceSummaryCode" : null,
  "DefaultConsignmentLinesFlag" : null,
  "PayOnUseFlag" : null,
  "BillingCycleClosingDate" : null,
  "ConfigurationOrderingEnabledFlag" : null,
  "UseCustomerSalesOrderFlag" : null,
  "BuyerManagedTransportFlag" : null,
  "AllowOrderingFromUnassignedSitesFlag" : null,
  "OutsideProcessEnabledFlag" : null,
  "MasterContractNumber" : null,
  "MasterContractId" : null,
  "MasterContractTypeId" : null,
  "MasterContractType" : null,
  "UseOrderDateForOrderPricingFlag" : null,
  "AttributeCategory" : null,
  "Attribute1" : null,
  "Attribute2" : null,
  "Attribute3" : null,
  "Attribute4" : null,
  "Attribute5" : null,
  "Attribute6" : null,
  "Attribute7" : null,
  "Attribute8" : null,
  "Attribute9" : null,
  "Attribute10" : null,
  "Attribute11" : null,
  "Attribute12" : null,
  "Attribute13" : null,
  "Attribute14" : null,
  "Attribute15" : null,
  "Attribute16" : null,
  "Attribute17" : null,
  "Attribute18" : null,
  "Attribute19" : null,
  "Attribute20" : null,
  "AttributeDate1" : null,
  "AttributeDate2" : null,
  "AttributeDate3" : null,
  "AttributeDate4" : null,
  "AttributeDate5" : null,
  "AttributeDate6" : null,
  "AttributeDate7" : null,
  "AttributeDate8" : null,
  "AttributeDate9" : null,
  "AttributeDate10" : null,
  "AttributeNumber1" : null,
  "AttributeNumber2" : null,
  "AttributeNumber3" : null,
  "AttributeNumber4" : null,
  "AttributeNumber5" : null,
  "AttributeNumber6" : null,
  "AttributeNumber7" : null,
  "AttributeNumber8" : null,
  "AttributeNumber9" : null,
  "AttributeNumber10" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp1" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp2" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp3" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp4" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp5" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp6" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp7" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp8" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp9" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp10" : null,
  "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T11:33:05.004+00:00",
  "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
  "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T11:33:05.004+00:00",
  "ProcessCode" : null,
  "RequestId" : null,
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "self",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590332684",
    "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
    "kind" : "item",
    "properties" : {
      "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
  }, {
    "rel" : "canonical",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590332684",
    "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
    "kind" : "item"
  }, {
    "rel" : "child",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590332684/child/businessUnitAccess",
    "name" : "businessUnitAccess",
    "kind" : "collection"
  }, {
    "rel" : "child",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590332684/child/lines",
    "name" : "lines",
    "kind" : "collection"
  }, {
    "rel" : "action",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590332684/action/importPurchaseAgreements",
    "name" : "importPurchaseAgreements",
    "kind" : "other"
  } ]

Example 4 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format to update the price and supplier item on an agreement line. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.

    "BatchId": 115583,
    "ActionCode": "UPDATE",
    "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
    "AgreementNumber": 1003356,
    "Supplier": "CV_SuppA01",
    "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
    "ChangeOrderDescription": "Update line price and supplier item",
    "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty": "BUYER",
    "lines": [
            "ActionCode": "SYNC",
            "LineNumber": 1,
            "Price": 145,

Example 4 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

  "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590330020,
  "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
  "ActionCode" : "UPDATE",
  "BatchId" : 115583,
  "ImportSource" : null,
  "ApprovalActionCode" : null,
  "AgreementHeaderId" : null,
  "AgreementNumber" : "1003356",
  "DocumentTypeCode" : null,
  "StyleId" : null,
  "Style" : null,
  "ProcurementBUId" : null,
  "ProcurementBU" : "Vision Operations",
  "BuyerId" : null,
  "Buyer" : null,
  "CurrencyCode" : null,
  "Description" : null,
  "SupplierId" : null,
  "Supplier" : "CV_SuppA01",
  "SupplierSiteId" : null,
  "SupplierSite" : "CVSuppA01Site01",
  "SupplierContactId" : null,
  "SupplierContact" : null,
  "FOB" : null,
  "CarrierId" : null,
  "Carrier" : null,
  "FreightTerms" : null,
  "PayOnReceiptFlag" : null,
  "PaymentTermsId" : null,
  "PaymentTerms" : null,
  "ChangeOrderDescription" : "Update line price and supplier item",
  "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty" : "BUYER",
  "RequiredAcknowledgmentCode" : null,
  "SupplierOrder" : null,
  "AcknowledgmentWithinDays" : null,
  "SupplierCommunicationMethodCode" : null,
  "SupplierFax" : null,
  "SupplierEmailAddress" : null,
  "ConfirmingOrderFlag" : null,
  "AgreementAmount" : null,
  "AmountLimit" : null,
  "MinimumReleaseAmount" : null,
  "StartDate" : null,
  "EndDate" : null,
  "NoteToSupplier" : null,
  "NoteToReceiver" : null,
  "AutomaticallyGenerateOrdersFlag" : null,
  "AutomaticallySubmitForApprovalFlag" : null,
  "GroupRequisitionsFlag" : null,
  "GroupRequisitionLinesFlag" : null,
  "UseShipToOrganizationAndLocationFlag" : null,
  "UseNeedByDateFlag" : null,
  "CatalogAdministratorAuthoringFlag" : null,
  "ApplyPriceUpdatesToExistingOrdersFlag" : null,
  "CommunicatePriceUpdatesFlag" : null,
  "BuyerEmailAddress" : null,
  "ModeOfTransportCode" : null,
  "ModeOfTransport" : null,
  "ServiceLevelCode" : null,
  "ServiceLevel" : null,
  "AgingOnsetPointCode" : null,
  "AgingPeriodDays" : null,
  "ConsumptionAdviceFrequencyCode" : null,
  "ConsumptionAdviceSummaryCode" : null,
  "DefaultConsignmentLinesFlag" : null,
  "PayOnUseFlag" : null,
  "BillingCycleClosingDate" : null,
  "ConfigurationOrderingEnabledFlag" : null,
  "UseCustomerSalesOrderFlag" : null,
  "BuyerManagedTransportFlag" : null,
  "AllowOrderingFromUnassignedSitesFlag" : null,
  "OutsideProcessEnabledFlag" : null,
  "MasterContractNumber" : null,
  "MasterContractId" : null,
  "MasterContractTypeId" : null,
  "MasterContractType" : null,
  "UseOrderDateForOrderPricingFlag" : null,
  "AttributeCategory" : null,
  "Attribute1" : null,
  "Attribute2" : null,
  "Attribute3" : null,
  "Attribute4" : null,
  "Attribute5" : null,
  "Attribute6" : null,
  "Attribute7" : null,
  "Attribute8" : null,
  "Attribute9" : null,
  "Attribute10" : null,
  "Attribute11" : null,
  "Attribute12" : null,
  "Attribute13" : null,
  "Attribute14" : null,
  "Attribute15" : null,
  "Attribute16" : null,
  "Attribute17" : null,
  "Attribute18" : null,
  "Attribute19" : null,
  "Attribute20" : null,
  "AttributeDate1" : null,
  "AttributeDate2" : null,
  "AttributeDate3" : null,
  "AttributeDate4" : null,
  "AttributeDate5" : null,
  "AttributeDate6" : null,
  "AttributeDate7" : null,
  "AttributeDate8" : null,
  "AttributeDate9" : null,
  "AttributeDate10" : null,
  "AttributeNumber1" : null,
  "AttributeNumber2" : null,
  "AttributeNumber3" : null,
  "AttributeNumber4" : null,
  "AttributeNumber5" : null,
  "AttributeNumber6" : null,
  "AttributeNumber7" : null,
  "AttributeNumber8" : null,
  "AttributeNumber9" : null,
  "AttributeNumber10" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp1" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp2" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp3" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp4" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp5" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp6" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp7" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp8" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp9" : null,
  "AttributeTimestamp10" : null,
  "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T11:38:59.008+00:00",
  "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
  "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T11:38:59.008+00:00",
  "ProcessCode" : null,
  "RequestId" : null,
  "lines" : [ {
    "InterfaceLineId" : 300100590330021,
    "InterfaceHeaderKey" : null,
    "InterfaceLineKey" : null,
    "ActionCode" : "SYNC",
    "LineNumber" : 1,
    "LineType" : null,
    "LineTypeId" : null,
    "Item" : null,
    "ItemId" : null,
    "ItemRevision" : null,
    "Category" : null,
    "CategoryId" : null,
    "ItemDescription" : null,
    "AgreementAmount" : null,
    "UOM" : null,
    "UOMCode" : null,
    "Price" : 145,
    "Amount" : null,
    "AllowPriceOverrideFlag" : null,
    "NotToExceedPrice" : null,
    "SupplierItem" : "SI01",
    "NegotiatedFlag" : null,
    "NoteToReceiver" : null,
    "NoteToSupplier" : null,
    "MinimumReleaseAmount" : null,
    "SupplierPartAuxiliaryId" : null,
    "SupplierReferenceNumber" : null,
    "AgingPeriodDays" : null,
    "ConsignmentLineFlag" : null,
    "UnitWeight" : null,
    "WeightUOMCode" : null,
    "WeightUOMName" : null,
    "UnitVolume" : null,
    "VolumeUOMCode" : null,
    "VolumeUOMName" : null,
    "ParentItem" : null,
    "ParentItemId" : null,
    "TopModel" : null,
    "TopModelId" : null,
    "SupplierParentItem" : null,
    "SupplierTopModel" : null,
    "PriceBreakType" : null,
    "AllowDescriptionUpdateFlag" : null,
    "AttributeCategory" : null,
    "LineAttribute1" : null,
    "LineAttribute2" : null,
    "LineAttribute3" : null,
    "LineAttribute4" : null,
    "LineAttribute5" : null,
    "LineAttribute6" : null,
    "LineAttribute7" : null,
    "LineAttribute8" : null,
    "LineAttribute9" : null,
    "LineAttribute10" : null,
    "LineAttribute11" : null,
    "LineAttribute12" : null,
    "LineAttribute13" : null,
    "LineAttribute14" : null,
    "LineAttribute15" : null,
    "Attribute16" : null,
    "Attribute17" : null,
    "Attribute18" : null,
    "Attribute19" : null,
    "Attribute20" : null,
    "AttributeDate1" : null,
    "AttributeDate2" : null,
    "AttributeDate3" : null,
    "AttributeDate4" : null,
    "AttributeDate5" : null,
    "AttributeDate6" : null,
    "AttributeDate7" : null,
    "AttributeDate8" : null,
    "AttributeDate9" : null,
    "AttributeDate10" : null,
    "AttributeNumber1" : null,
    "AttributeNumber2" : null,
    "AttributeNumber3" : null,
    "AttributeNumber4" : null,
    "AttributeNumber5" : null,
    "AttributeNumber6" : null,
    "AttributeNumber7" : null,
    "AttributeNumber8" : null,
    "AttributeNumber9" : null,
    "AttributeNumber10" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp1" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp2" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp3" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp4" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp5" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp6" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp7" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp8" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp9" : null,
    "AttributeTimestamp10" : null,
    "InterfaceHeaderId" : 300100590330020,
    "CreatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "CreationDate" : "2024-01-18T11:38:59.054+00:00",
    "LastUpdatedBy" : "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "LastUpdateDate" : "2024-01-18T11:38:59.054+00:00",
    "ProcessCode" : null,
    "RequestId" : null,
    "ExpirationDate" : null,
    "AgreementQuantity" : null,
    "links" : [ {
      "rel" : "self",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/lines/300100590330021",
      "name" : "lines",
      "kind" : "item",
      "properties" : {
        "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
    }, {
      "rel" : "canonical",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/lines/300100590330021",
      "name" : "lines",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "parent",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020",
      "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
      "kind" : "item"
    }, {
      "rel" : "child",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/lines/300100590330021/child/itemAttributes",
      "name" : "itemAttributes",
      "kind" : "collection"
    }, {
      "rel" : "child",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/lines/300100590330021/child/priceBreaks",
      "name" : "priceBreaks",
      "kind" : "collection"
    }, {
      "rel" : "child",
      "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/lines/300100590330021/child/translationItemAttributes",
      "name" : "translationItemAttributes",
      "kind" : "collection"
    } ]
  } ],
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "self",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020",
    "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
    "kind" : "item",
    "properties" : {
      "changeIndicator" : "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
  }, {
    "rel" : "canonical",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020",
    "name" : "purchaseAgreementImportRequests",
    "kind" : "item"
  }, {
    "rel" : "child",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/businessUnitAccess",
    "name" : "businessUnitAccess",
    "kind" : "collection"
  }, {
    "rel" : "child",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/child/lines",
    "name" : "lines",
    "kind" : "collection"
  }, {
    "rel" : "action",
    "href" : "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseAgreementImportRequests/300100590330020/action/importPurchaseAgreements",
    "name" : "importPurchaseAgreements",
    "kind" : "other"
  } ]

Example 5 Request Body

The following example includes the contents of the request body in JSON format to update the price and supplier item on an agreement line. You replace the request payload in the cURL command with the contents of the Example Request Body. The request payload specifies attribute values that the command will use in the record that it updates.

{   "ActionCode":"ORIGINAL",
    "Style":"Blank Purchase Agreement",
    "ProcurementBU":"Vision Operations",
    "Buyer":"Benita Ayon",
    "Description":"Testing REST BPA  ",
    "SupplierContact":"Andrews, Rob",
    "NoteToSupplier":"Test supplier",
    "NoteToReceiver":"Test receiver",
    "Attribute10":"BPA Header DFF",
        "InterfaceHeaderKey": "1",
        "InterfaceBUAssignmentKey": "1",
        "RequisitioningBUId": 204,
        "RequisitioningBU": "Vision Operations",
        "OrderLocallyFlag": true,
        "PurchasingSiteId": "2444",
        "PurchasingSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
        "ShipToLocationId": "204",
        "ShipToLocation": "V1- New York City",
        "BillToBUId": "204",
        "BillToBU": "Vision Operations",
        "BillToLocationId": "300100025284030",
        "BillToLocation": "V1 - Vision Operations",
        "EnabledFlag": true
          "ItemDescription":"Test line1",
          "NoteToReceiver":"Note to receiver line1",
          "NoteToSupplier":" Note to supplier line1",
          "LineAttribute2":"BPA Line DFF",
                "ShipToLocation":"V1 - Vision Operations",
                "Attribute2":" DFF Price break"
                "ThumbnailImageURL":"Thumbnail Image",
                "ImageURL":"Image URL",
                "AttachmentURL":"Attachment URL",
                "SupplierURL":"Supplier URL",
                "ManufacturerURL":"Manufacturer URL"
                "Description":"Korean Description",
                "Manufacturer":"Manufacturer KO",
                "Alias":"Alias KO",
                "Comments":"Comments KO",
                "LongDescription":"Long Description Korean",
                "Description":"US Description",
                "Manufacturer":"Manufacturer US",
                "Alias":"Alias US",
                "Comments":"Comments US",
                "LongDescription":"Long Description US",
          "LineType":"Fixed Price Services",
          "ItemDescription":"test line 2",

Example 5 Response Body

The following example includes the contents of the response body in JSON format:

    "InterfaceHeaderId": 300100592985721,
    "InterfaceHeaderKey": null,
    "ActionCode": "ORIGINAL",
    "BatchId": 12345,
    "ImportSource": null,
    "ApprovalActionCode": "SUBMIT",
    "AgreementHeaderId": null,
    "AgreementNumber": null,
    "DocumentTypeCode": "BLANKET",
    "StyleId": 1,
    "Style": "Blank Purchase Agreement",
    "ProcurementBUId": 204,
    "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
    "BuyerId": 100010026863839,
    "Buyer": "Benita Ayon",
    "CurrencyCode": "USD",
    "Description": "Testing REST BPA  ",
    "SupplierId": 12,
    "Supplier": "CV_SuppA01",
    "SupplierSiteId": 2444,
    "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA01Site01",
    "SupplierContactId": 300100002882605,
    "SupplierContact": "Andrews, Rob",
    "FOB": null,
    "CarrierId": null,
    "Carrier": null,
    "FreightTerms": null,
    "PayOnReceiptFlag": null,
    "PaymentTermsId": null,
    "PaymentTerms": null,
    "ChangeOrderDescription": null,
    "ChangeOrderInitiatingParty": null,
    "RequiredAcknowledgmentCode": null,
    "SupplierOrder": null,
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