Create Approved Supplier List Entries

Approved supplier list entry resources track suppliers that are authorized to supply critical items and services. The data can be maintained for a particular procurement BU or a specific ship-to organization within a procurement BU.

There are two REST API resources that are required to create approved supplier list entries and associate source documents to those entries.

  • The Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries REST API resource maintains a repository linking items to the suppliers and supplier sites that are approved to provide them to a specific ship-to organization or to the entire enterprise.
  • The Approved Supplier List Source Documents REST API resource maintains a repository linking approved supplier list entries to source documents.

As a buyer or an integration user, you can use the Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries and Approved Supplier List Source Documents to create new approved supplier list entries and add source documents to them.

For example, Amy is a buyer who wants to create multiple approved supplier list entries for the same Ship-to Organization and supplier but different items. Amy can use the Procurement Approved Supplier List Entries resource to create new approved supplier list entries. She can then use the Approved Supplier List Source Documents resource to add source documents to the already created approved supplier list entries.

Create Multiple Approved Supplier List Entries

To create an organization-specific approved supplier list entry, Amy needs to provide values for these attributes:
  • Procurement BU
  • Ship-to organization
  • Supplier
  • Item
  • Approved supplier list status

Example URL

Use this resource URL format:


curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format:
  "parts": [
      "id": "part0",
      "path": "/procurementApprovedSupplierListEntries",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "Item": "CM13139",
        "Status": "Approved",
        "PrimaryVendorItem": null,
        "ReviewDueDate": null,
        "DisableFlag": null,
        "Comments": null
      "id": "part1",
      "path": "/procurementApprovedSupplierListEntries",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "Item": "RCV-100",
        "Status": "Approved",
        "PrimaryVendorItem": null,
        "ReviewDueDate": null,
        "DisableFlag": null,
        "Comments": null

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:
  "parts": [
      "id": "part0",
      "path": "https://server/fscmRestApi/resources/version/procurementApprovedSupplierListEntries",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "AslId": 300100564454102,
        "ProcurementBUId": 204,
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "AslScopeCode": "SHIP_TO_ORG",
        "Scope": "Ship-to Organization",
        "ShipToOrganizationId": 204,
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "Item": "CM13139",
        "ItemId": 249,
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierId": 335,
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "SupplierSiteId": 335,
        "PrimaryVendorItem": null,
        "Status": "Approved",
        "AslStatusId": 2,
        "ReviewDueDate": null,
        "DisableFlag": null,
        "Comments": null,
        "AslCreationDate": "2022-10-27T13:20:49.002-05:00"
      "id": "part1",
      "path": "https://server/fscmRestApi/resources/version/procurementApprovedSupplierListEntries",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "AslId": 300100564454103,
        "ProcurementBUId": 204,
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "AslScopeCode": "SHIP_TO_ORG",
        "Scope": "Ship-to Organization",
        "ShipToOrganizationId": 204,
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "Item": "RCV-100",
        "ItemId": 663907,
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierId": 335,
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "SupplierSiteId": 335,
        "PrimaryVendorItem": null,
        "Status": "Approved",
        "AslStatusId": 2,
        "ReviewDueDate": null,
        "DisableFlag": null,
        "Comments": null,
        "AslCreationDate": "2022-10-27T13:20:49.891-05:00"

Add Multiple Source Documents to Approved Supplier List Entries

After the approved supplier list entries are created, Amy can then add source documents to the approved supplier list entries recently created. She needs to provide values for these attributes:
  • Procurement BU
  • Supplier
  • Item
  • Agreement Type
  • Agreement
  • Agreement Line

Example URL

Use this resource URL format:


curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format:
  "parts": [
      "id": "part0",
      "path": "/approvedSupplierListSourceDocuments",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "Item": "CM13139",
        "AgreementType": "Blanket Purchase Agreement",
        "Agreement": "1002839",
        "AgreementLine": 1
      "id": "part1",
      "path": "/approvedSupplierListSourceDocuments",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "Item": "RCV-100",
        "AgreementType": "Blanket Purchase Agreement",
        "Agreement": "1002839",
        "AgreementLine": 2

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:
  "parts": [
      "id": "part0",
      "path": "https://server/fscmRestApi/resources/version/approvedSupplierListSourceDocuments",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "AslSourceDocumentsId": 300100564454163,
        "AslId": 300100564454102,
        "AslAttributesId": 300100564454104,
        "ProcurementBUId": 204,
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "ScopeCode": "SHIP_TO_ORG",
        "Scope": "Ship-to Organization",
        "ShipToOrganizationId": 204,
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "ItemId": 249,
        "Item": "CM13139",
        "SupplierId": 335,
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierSiteId": 335,
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "AgreementTypeCode": "BLANKET",
        "AgreementType": "Blanket Purchase Agreement",
        "AgreementId": 300100564451039,
        "Agreement": "1002839",
        "AgreementLineId": 300100564451042,
        "AgreementLine": 1,
        "AgreementStatus": "OPEN",
        "AgreementStartDate": null,
        "AgreementEndDate": null
      "id": "part1",
      "path": "https://server/fscmRestApi/resources/version/approvedSupplierListSourceDocuments",
      "operation": "create",
      "payload": {
        "AslSourceDocumentsId": 300100564454164,
        "AslId": 300100564454103,
        "AslAttributesId": 300100564454105,
        "ProcurementBUId": 204,
        "ProcurementBU": "Vision Operations",
        "ScopeCode": "SHIP_TO_ORG",
        "Scope": "Ship-to Organization",
        "ShipToOrganizationId": 204,
        "ShipToOrganization": "Vision Operations",
        "ItemId": 663907,
        "Item": "RCV-100",
        "SupplierId": 335,
        "Supplier": "Big Computers",
        "SupplierSiteId": 335,
        "SupplierSite": "97",
        "AgreementTypeCode": "BLANKET",
        "AgreementType": "Blanket Purchase Agreement",
        "AgreementId": 300100564451039,
        "Agreement": "1002839",
        "AgreementLineId": 300100564451045,
        "AgreementLine": 2,
        "AgreementStatus": "OPEN",
        "AgreementStartDate": null,
        "AgreementEndDate": null