Create Externally Managed Requisitions

An integrating application may want to automatically procure goods externally either through blanket purchase agreements (BPA) from a specific supplier at previously negotiated prices or master items. An integrating application can call the Purchase Requisitions resource to create externally managed requisitions to procure these goods.

An integrating application can call the POST standard action to create the externally managed requisition in Incomplete status, and then call the submitRequisition custom action to submit the incomplete purchase requisition. The approvals workflow is bypassed for the externally managed requisitions.


The integration application user (similar to APPID) should have the duty role, Procurement REST Service Duty (ORA_PO_PROCUREMENT_REST_SERVICE_DUTY) or the aggregate privilege, Requisition Management Using REST Service (ORA_POR_USE_REST_SERVICE_MANAGE), to access the Purchase Requisitions resource.
Let's discuss these scenarios briefly.
  • Create externally managed requisitions

Here's a typical process flow for this scenario:

  1. The integrating application calls the purchase requisitions REST service, with POST operations to create an externally managed requisition for the items followed by submitRequisition custom action to submit the incomplete purchase requisition.
  2. Based on a blanket purchase agreement for the item, a purchase order is generated from the requisition, either automatically or manually.

Create Externally Managed Requisitions

Let's consider that the integrating application wants to create an externally managed requisition to procure a standard desktop item that has a list price of US$ 1107.86. The number of the item is AS54888 and the supplier to fulfil the order has been identified as CV_SuppA00.

To create a requisition with this item:

  1. Identify the item number.
  2. Optionally, identify the item ID.
  3. Perform a POST operation on this URL, providing the following details in the request body.
    • Post with Externally Managed Flag as true.
      "ExternallyManagedFlag": true
    • Post with item number.
      "Item": "AS54888"
    • Optionally, post with item ID.
      "ItemId": 149
  4. Additionally:
    • You can provide a blanket purchase agreement reference.
    • You can add descriptive flexfields to the requisition header, line, and distribution.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format:


cURL Command
curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format:
"RequisitioningBUId": 204,
"PreparerId": 300100178696854,
"ExternallyManagedFlag": true,
"Description": "Externally Managed Requisition",
      "LineTypeCode": "Goods",
      "ItemId": 149,
      "SupplierId": 230,
      "SupplierSiteId": 5232,
      "RequestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-03",
      "DestinationTypeCode": "EXPENSE",
      "RequesterId": 300100178696854,
      "DestinationOrganizationId": 204,
      "DeliverToLocationId": 204,

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:

    "RequisitionHeaderId": 300100546582871,
    "Requisition": "10505911",
    "RequisitioningBUId": 204,
    "RequisitioningBU": "Vision Operations",
    "PreparerId": 300100178696854,
    "Preparer": "SSPUSER05",
    "PreparerEmail": "",
    "Description": "Externally Managed Requisition",
    "Justification": null,
    "DocumentStatus": "Incomplete",
    "DocumentStatusCode": "INCOMPLETE",
    "SubmissionDate": null,
    "ApprovedDate": null,
    "FunctionalCurrencyCode": null,
    "SoldToLegalEntityId": null,
    "SoldToLegalEntity": null,
    "FundsStatus": null,
    "FundsStatusCode": null,
    "InterfaceSourceCode": null,
    "InterfaceSourceLineId": null,
    "EmergencyPONumber": null,
    "ModifyingApproverId": null,
    "ModifyingApprover": null,
    "ModifyingApproverEmail": null,
    "OverridingApproverId": null,
    "OverridingApprover": null,
    "OverridingApproverEmail": null,
    "FundsOverrideApproverId": null,
    "FundsOverrideApprover": null,
    "FundsOverrideApproverEmail": null,
    "ApprovedById": null,
    "ApprovedByEmail": null,
    "BudgetaryControlEnabledFlag": null,
    "EmergencyRequisitionFlag": null,
    "ExternallyManagedFlag": true,
    "InternalTransferFlag": false,
    "FundsChkFailWarnFlag": false,
    "CreationDate": "2021-08-20T10:04:09+00:00",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2021-08-20T10:04:09.543+00:00",
    "CreatedBy": "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "LastUpdatedBy": "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
    "ActiveRequisitionFlag": false,
    "SourceApplicationCode": null,
    "RejectedById": null,
    "RejectedByDisplayName": null,
    "RejectedReason": null,
    "lines": [
            "RequisitionHeaderId": 300100546582871,
            "RequisitionLineId": 300100546582872,
            "LineNumber": 1,
            "SmartFormId": null,
            "SmartFormName": null,
            "LineTypeId": 1,
            "LineTypeCode": "Goods",
            "RequisitionLineSource": "REST_INTEGRATION",
            "CategoryId": 91,
            "CategoryName": "Finished Goods_91",
            "ItemDescription": "Standard Desktop",
            "ItemId": 149,
            "Item": "AS54888",
            "ItemRevision": null,
            "Quantity": 1,
            "SecondaryQuantity": null,
            "UnitPrice": 1107.86,
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "Currency": "US Dollar",
            "UOMCode": "Ea",
            "UOM": "Each",
            "SecondaryUOMCode": null,
            "SecondaryUOM": null,
            "ConversionRateType": null,
            "ConversionRateDate": null,
            "ConversionRate": null,
            "Price": 1107.86,
            "LineStatus": "INCOMPLETE",
            "LineStatusDisplayValue": null,
            "Amount": null,
            "CurrencyAmount": null,
            "UrgentFlag": null,
            "NegotiatedByPreparerFlag": null,
            "NegotiationRequiredFlag": null,
            "SourceAgreementTypeCode": null,
            "SourceAgreementType": null,
            "SourceAgreementHeaderId": null,
            "SourceAgreement": null,
            "SourceAgreementLineId": null,
            "SourceAgreementLineNumber": null,
            "UNNumberId": null,
            "UNNumber": null,
            "HazardClassId": null,
            "HazardClass": null,
            "HazardClassCode": null,
            "UNSPSCCode": null,
            "ManufacturerName": null,
            "ManufacturerPartNumber": null,
            "BPAPriceUserOverrideFlag": null,
            "NewSupplierFlag": null,
            "SupplierId": 230,
            "Supplier": "CV_SuppA00",
            "SupplierSiteId": 5232,
            "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA00Site01",
            "SupplierContactId": null,
            "SupplierContact": null,
            "SupplierContactEmail": null,
            "SupplierContactPhone": null,
            "SupplierContactFax": null,
            "SuggestedSupplier": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierSite": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContact": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContactPhone": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContactFax": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContactEmail": null,
            "SupplierItemNumber": null,
            "RequesterId": 300100178696854,
            "Requester": "SSPUSER05",
            "RequesterEmail": "",
            "SuggestedBuyerId": null,
            "SuggestedBuyer": null,
            "SuggestedBuyerEmail": null,
            "ModifiedByBuyerId": null,
            "ModifiedByBuyer": null,
            "AssignedBuyerId": null,
            "AssignedBuyer": null,
            "AssignedBuyerDisplayName": null,
            "AssignedBuyerEmail": null,
            "RequestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-03",
            "DestinationTypeCode": "EXPENSE",
            "DestinationType": "Expense",
            "DestinationOrganizationId": 204,
            "DestinationOrganizationCode": "V1",
            "DestinationOrganization": "Vision Operations",
            "DestinationSubinventory": null,
            "OneTimeLocationFlag": false,
            "DeliverToLocationId": 204,
            "DeliverToLocationCode": "V1- New York City",
            "DeliverToAddress": "90 Fifth Avenue, New York,NY 10022-3422, New York, United States",
            "FormattedDeliverToAddress": "90 Fifth Avenue<BR>New York,NY 10022-3422<BR>New York<BR>United States",
            "NoteToBuyer": null,
            "NoteToReceiver": null,
            "NoteToSupplier": null,
            "POAutomationFailedReasonCode": null,
            "POAutomationFailedReason": null,
            "POHeaderId": null,
            "POLineId": null,
            "PurchaseOrder": null,
            "POBuyerId": null,
            "BuyerOnPurchaseOrder": null,
            "SupplierOnPurchaseOrder": null,
            "ProcurementBUId": null,
            "ProcurementBU": null,
            "SourceTypeCode": "EXTERNAL",
            "SourceType": null,
            "SourceOrganizationId": null,
            "SourceOrganization": null,
            "SourceSubinventory": null,
            "TransferOrderHeaderId": null,
            "TransferOrder": null,
            "TransferOrderLineId": null,
            "NegotiationHeaderId": null,
            "Negotiation": null,
            "NegotiationLineNumber": null,
            "ResponseNumber": null,
            "ResponseLineNumber": null,
            "OnNegotiationFlag": null,
            "WorkOrderId": null,
            "WorkOrder": null,
            "WorkOrderOperationId": null,
            "WorkOrderOperationSequence": null,
            "WorkOrderProduct": null,
            "WorkOrderSubType": null,
            "BackToBackFlag": null,
            "ConfiguredItemFlag": false,
            "DeliverToCustomerId": null,
            "DeliverToCustomer": null,
            "DeliverToCustomerLocationId": null,
            "RequestedShipDate": null,
            "SalesOrderLineNumber": null,
            "SalesOrder": null,
            "SalesOrderScheduleNumber": null,
            "ShipToCustomerId": null,
            "ShipToCustomer": null,
            "ServiceLevelCode": null,
            "ServiceLevel": null,
            "ModeOfTransportCode": null,
            "ModeOfTransport": null,
            "CarrierId": null,
            "Carrier": null,
            "CreatedBy": "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
            "CreationDate": "2021-08-20T10:04:09.079+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "PRC_INTEGRATION_USER",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2021-08-20T10:04:09.552+00:00",
            "LastSubmittedDate": null,
            "LastApprovalDate": null,
            "OriginalSubmittedDate": null,
            "OriginalApprovalDate": null,
            "CancelDate": null,
            "CancelReason": null,
            "RequisitionLineGroup": "LINES_REQUIRING_ATTENTION",
            "LineImageURL": null,
            "SupplierItemAuxiliaryId": null,
            "DisableAutosourceFlag": false,
            "DeliverToOneTimeAddress": null,
            "LineTypeOrderTypeLookupCode": "QUANTITY",
            "ReturnedByBuyerId": null,
            "ReturnedByBuyerDisplayName": null,
            "ReturnReason": null,
            "distributions": [
                    "RequisitionDistributionId": 300100546582873,
                    "RequisitionLineId": 300100546582872,
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "DistributionNumber": 1,
                    "ChargeAccountId": null,
                    "ChargeAccount": null,
                    "CurrencyAmount": null,
                    "CurrencyNonrecoverableExclusiveTax": null,
                    "CurrencyRecoverableExclusiveTax": null,
                    "ChartOfAccountId": 101,
                    "UserAccountOverrideFlag": false,
                    "links": [
                        . . . 
            "links": [
                . . . 
    "links": [
        . . . 