Create Requisitions with Master Items

You may have master items in your product hub that you will be purchasing. You can use the Purchase Requisitions resource to create requisitions that reference these master items.

You can use the POST standard action to create the requisition in incomplete status. And then submit the incomplete purchase requisitions for approval using the submitRequisition custom action.

Let's discuss these scenarios briefly.
  • Create a requisition with master items.

Here's a typical process flow for this scenario:

  1. The product manager of your organization configures purchasable master items in Oracle Fusion Product Information Management with or without a list price.
  2. After the item is configured in your organization, you can create requisitions with these items.

Create a Requisition with Master Items

Let's consider that your organization has a standard desktop item with a list price of US$ 1107.86. The number of the item is AS54888 and the supplier to fulfil the order has been identified as CV_SuppA00.

To create a requisition with this item:

  1. Identify the item number, and primary unit of measure.
  2. Optionally, identify the item ID.
  3. Perform a POST operation on this URL, providing the following details in the request body:
    • Post with item number and UOM.
      "Item": "AS54888",
      "UOM": "Each"
    • Post with item ID and UOM code.
      "ItemId": 149,
      "UOMCode": "Ea"

    Price, item category, and description get defaulted on the requisition line from Product Information Management.

  4. Additionally:
    • You can provide a blanket purchase agreement reference or contract purchase agreement reference.
    • You can add descriptive flexfields to the requisition header, line, and distribution.


    You must provide a price and currency when you request the item in a UOM that is not same as the Primary UOM of the item or when the item doesn't have a list price in Product Information Management.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format:


cURL Command
curl -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/" -d 'request payload' 

Example Request

Here's an example of the request body in JSON format:
"RequisitioningBU": "Vision Operations",
"PreparerEmail": "",
"ExternallyManagedFlag": false,
"Description": "Requisition with Master Item",
      "LineTypeCode": "Goods",
      "Supplier": "CV_SuppA00",
      "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA00Site01",
      "RequestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-03",
      "DestinationType": "Expense",
      "RequesterEmail": "",
      "DestinationOrganizationCode": "V1",
      "DeliverToLocationCode": "V1- New York City",

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format:

    "RequisitionHeaderId": 300100546441808,
    "Requisition": "10505856",
    "RequisitioningBUId": 204,
    "RequisitioningBU": "Vision Operations",
    "PreparerId": 300100178696854,
    "Preparer": "SSPUSER05",
    "PreparerEmail": "",
    "Description": "Requisition with Master Item",
    "Justification": null,
    "DocumentStatus": "Incomplete",
    "DocumentStatusCode": "INCOMPLETE",
    "SubmissionDate": null,
    "ApprovedDate": null,
    "FunctionalCurrencyCode": null,
    "SoldToLegalEntityId": null,
    "SoldToLegalEntity": null,
    "FundsStatus": null,
    "FundsStatusCode": null,
    "InterfaceSourceCode": null,
    "InterfaceSourceLineId": null,
    "EmergencyPONumber": null,
    "ModifyingApproverId": null,
    "ModifyingApprover": null,
    "ModifyingApproverEmail": null,
    "OverridingApproverId": null,
    "OverridingApprover": null,
    "OverridingApproverEmail": null,
    "FundsOverrideApproverId": null,
    "FundsOverrideApprover": null,
    "FundsOverrideApproverEmail": null,
    "ApprovedById": null,
    "ApprovedByEmail": null,
    "BudgetaryControlEnabledFlag": null,
    "EmergencyRequisitionFlag": null,
    "ExternallyManagedFlag": false,
    "InternalTransferFlag": false,
    "FundsChkFailWarnFlag": false,
    "CreationDate": "2021-08-19T03:50:46+00:00",
    "LastUpdateDate": "2021-08-19T03:50:46.991+00:00",
    "CreatedBy": "John.Wick",
    "LastUpdatedBy": "John.Wick",
    "ActiveRequisitionFlag": false,
    "SourceApplicationCode": null,
    "RejectedById": null,
    "RejectedByDisplayName": null,
    "RejectedReason": null,
    "lines": [
            "RequisitionHeaderId": 300100546441808,
            "RequisitionLineId": 300100546441809,
            "LineNumber": 1,
            "SmartFormId": null,
            "SmartFormName": null,
            "LineTypeId": 1,
            "LineTypeCode": "Goods",
            "RequisitionLineSource": "REST_INTEGRATION",
            "CategoryId": 91,
            "CategoryName": "Finished Goods_91",
            "ItemDescription": "Standard Desktop",
            "ItemId": 149,
            "Item": "AS54888",
            "ItemRevision": null,
            "Quantity": 1,
            "SecondaryQuantity": null,
            "UnitPrice": 1107.86,
            "CurrencyCode": "USD",
            "Currency": "US Dollar",
            "UOMCode": "Ea",
            "UOM": "Each",
            "SecondaryUOMCode": null,
            "SecondaryUOM": null,
            "ConversionRateType": null,
            "ConversionRateDate": null,
            "ConversionRate": null,
            "Price": 1107.86,
            "LineStatus": "INCOMPLETE",
            "LineStatusDisplayValue": null,
            "Amount": null,
            "CurrencyAmount": null,
            "UrgentFlag": null,
            "NegotiatedByPreparerFlag": null,
            "NegotiationRequiredFlag": null,
            "SourceAgreementTypeCode": null,
            "SourceAgreementType": null,
            "SourceAgreementHeaderId": null,
            "SourceAgreement": null,
            "SourceAgreementLineId": null,
            "SourceAgreementLineNumber": null,
            "UNNumberId": null,
            "UNNumber": null,
            "HazardClassId": null,
            "HazardClass": null,
            "HazardClassCode": null,
            "UNSPSCCode": null,
            "ManufacturerName": null,
            "ManufacturerPartNumber": null,
            "BPAPriceUserOverrideFlag": null,
            "NewSupplierFlag": null,
            "SupplierId": 230,
            "Supplier": "CV_SuppA00",
            "SupplierSiteId": 5232,
            "SupplierSite": "CVSuppA00Site01",
            "SupplierContactId": null,
            "SupplierContact": null,
            "SupplierContactEmail": null,
            "SupplierContactPhone": null,
            "SupplierContactFax": null,
            "SuggestedSupplier": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierSite": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContact": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContactPhone": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContactFax": null,
            "SuggestedSupplierContactEmail": null,
            "SupplierItemNumber": null,
            "RequesterId": 300100178696854,
            "Requester": "SSPUSER05",
            "RequesterEmail": "",
            "SuggestedBuyerId": null,
            "SuggestedBuyer": null,
            "SuggestedBuyerEmail": null,
            "ModifiedByBuyerId": null,
            "ModifiedByBuyer": null,
            "AssignedBuyerId": null,
            "AssignedBuyer": null,
            "AssignedBuyerDisplayName": null,
            "AssignedBuyerEmail": null,
            "RequestedDeliveryDate": "2021-09-03",
            "DestinationTypeCode": "EXPENSE",
            "DestinationType": "Expense",
            "DestinationOrganizationId": 204,
            "DestinationOrganizationCode": "V1",
            "DestinationOrganization": "Vision Operations",
            "DestinationSubinventory": null,
            "OneTimeLocationFlag": false,
            "DeliverToLocationId": 204,
            "DeliverToLocationCode": "V1- New York City",
            "DeliverToAddress": "90 Fifth Avenue, New York,NY 10022-3422, New York, United States",
            "FormattedDeliverToAddress": "90 Fifth Avenue<BR>New York,NY 10022-3422<BR>New York<BR>United States",
            "NoteToBuyer": null,
            "NoteToReceiver": null,
            "NoteToSupplier": null,
            "POAutomationFailedReasonCode": null,
            "POAutomationFailedReason": null,
            "POHeaderId": null,
            "POLineId": null,
            "PurchaseOrder": null,
            "POBuyerId": null,
            "BuyerOnPurchaseOrder": null,
            "SupplierOnPurchaseOrder": null,
            "ProcurementBUId": null,
            "ProcurementBU": null,
            "SourceTypeCode": "EXTERNAL",
            "SourceType": null,
            "SourceOrganizationId": null,
            "SourceOrganization": null,
            "SourceSubinventory": null,
            "TransferOrderHeaderId": null,
            "TransferOrder": null,
            "TransferOrderLineId": null,
            "NegotiationHeaderId": null,
            "Negotiation": null,
            "NegotiationLineNumber": null,
            "ResponseNumber": null,
            "ResponseLineNumber": null,
            "OnNegotiationFlag": null,
            "WorkOrderId": null,
            "WorkOrder": null,
            "WorkOrderOperationId": null,
            "WorkOrderOperationSequence": null,
            "WorkOrderProduct": null,
            "WorkOrderSubType": null,
            "BackToBackFlag": null,
            "ConfiguredItemFlag": false,
            "DeliverToCustomerId": null,
            "DeliverToCustomer": null,
            "DeliverToCustomerLocationId": null,
            "RequestedShipDate": null,
            "SalesOrderLineNumber": null,
            "SalesOrder": null,
            "SalesOrderScheduleNumber": null,
            "ShipToCustomerId": null,
            "ShipToCustomer": null,
            "ServiceLevelCode": null,
            "ServiceLevel": null,
            "ModeOfTransportCode": null,
            "ModeOfTransport": null,
            "CarrierId": null,
            "Carrier": null,
            "CreatedBy": "John.Wick",
            "CreationDate": "2021-08-19T03:50:46.122+00:00",
            "LastUpdatedBy": "John.Wick",
            "LastUpdateDate": "2021-08-19T03:50:47.001+00:00",
            "LastSubmittedDate": null,
            "LastApprovalDate": null,
            "OriginalSubmittedDate": null,
            "OriginalApprovalDate": null,
            "CancelDate": null,
            "CancelReason": null,
            "RequisitionLineGroup": "LINES_REQUIRING_ATTENTION",
            "LineImageURL": null,
            "SupplierItemAuxiliaryId": null,
            "DisableAutosourceFlag": false,
            "DeliverToOneTimeAddress": null,
            "LineTypeOrderTypeLookupCode": "QUANTITY",
            "ReturnedByBuyerId": null,
            "ReturnedByBuyerDisplayName": null,
            "ReturnReason": null,
            "distributions": [
                    "RequisitionDistributionId": 300100546441810,
                    "RequisitionLineId": 300100546441809,
                    "Quantity": 1,
                    "DistributionNumber": 1,
                    "ChargeAccountId": null,
                    "ChargeAccount": null,
                    "CurrencyAmount": null,
                    "CurrencyNonrecoverableExclusiveTax": null,
                    "CurrencyRecoverableExclusiveTax": null,
                    "ChartOfAccountId": 101,
                    "UserAccountOverrideFlag": false,
                    "links": [
                        . . . 
            "links": [
                . . . 
    "links": [
        . . .