Get Purchase Order List of Values

As an accounts payable user, you can use the Purchase Order List of Values resource to get details of all purchase orders.

Let's consider that Amy Marlin is assigned with an accounts payable role that has the PO_VIEW_PURCHASING_DOC_LOV_REST_SERVICE_PRIV privilege. Amy can use the Purchase Order List of Values resource and get purchase orders associated with bill-to business units. When Amy wants to search for purchase order list of values, she can search with or without using an intent. When Amy wants to use an intent to search for purchase order list of values, Amy can search only using the APUser intent.

Let's discuss these scenarios briefly:

  • Get purchase orders without using a finder
  • Get purchase orders using a finder

Get Purchase Orders Without Using a Finder

Amy can get all purchase orders associated with bill-to business units without using the findByIntent finder.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseOrdersLOV"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

	"OrderNumber": "1004595",
	"POHeaderId": 548246,
	"Supplier": "AP AUTO SUPPLIER2",
	"SupplierId": 300100071607488,
	"SupplierSite": "AP AUTO VC",
	"SupplierSiteId": 300100071607544,
	"BillToBU": "Vision Operations",
	"BillToBUId": 204,
	"Buyer": "Jones, Clare",
	"BuyerId": 100010026863783,
	"Currency": "Euro",
	"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
	"SoldToLegalEntity": "Vision Operations",
	"SoldToLegalEntityId": 204,
	"Description": null,
	"PaymentTerms": "Month Ahead1",
	"PaymentTermsId": 300100071641953,
	"Status": "Open",
	"StatusCode": "OPEN",
	"links": [
		"rel": "self",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseOrdersLOV/548246",
		"name": "purchaseOrdersLOV",
		"kind": "item"
		"rel": "canonical",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseOrdersLOV/548246",
		"name": "purchaseOrdersLOV",
		"kind": "item"

Get Purchase Orders Using a Finder

Amy can get all purchase orders associated with bill-to business units using the findByIntent finder using the APUser intent.

Example URL

Use this resource URL format.


curl -u username:password "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseOrdersLOV?finder=findByIntent;Intent=APUser"

Example Response

Here's an example of the response body in JSON format.

	"OrderNumber": "1004595",
	"POHeaderId": 548246,
	"Supplier": "AP AUTO SUPPLIER2",
	"SupplierId": 300100071607488,
	"SupplierSite": "AP AUTO VC",
	"SupplierSiteId": 300100071607544,
	"BillToBU": "Vision Operations",
	"BillToBUId": 204,
	"Buyer": "Jones, Clare",
	"BuyerId": 100010026863783,
	"Currency": "Euro",
	"CurrencyCode": "EUR",
	"SoldToLegalEntity": "Vision Operations",
	"SoldToLegalEntityId": 204,
	"Description": null,
	"PaymentTerms": "Month Ahead1",
	"PaymentTermsId": 300100071641953,
	"Status": "Open",
	"StatusCode": "OPEN",
	"links": [
		"rel": "self",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseOrdersLOV/548246",
		"name": "purchaseOrdersLOV",
		"kind": "item"
		"rel": "canonical",
		"href": "https://servername/fscmRestApi/resources/version/purchaseOrdersLOV/548246",
		"name": "purchaseOrdersLOV",
		"kind": "item"