Draft Purchasing Document Header Details

The Draft Purchasing Document Header Details view object contains information about purchase order and purchase agreement headers.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.DraftPurchasingDocumentHeaderExtractPVO

Primary Keys : PoHeaderId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AcceptanceDueDate Date that the application requests the supplier to acknowledge the document.
AcceptanceRequiredFlag Indicates whether a supplier acknowledgment is required on the document and if required, what level it's required.
AcceptanceWithinDays Number of days the supplier can decide to accept or reject the document.
AgentId Value that uniquely identifies the buyer.
AgingOnsetPoint Value that identifies the mutually agreed event point at which consigned material begins to age. The possible values for aging onset point are None, Receipt, and Shipment.
AgingPeriodDays Value that identifies the maximum number of days the material may be on consignment.
AmountLimit Value that identifies the amount limit on an agreement beyond which releases can't be created against the agreement.
BillToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the bill-to location.
BillingCycleClosingDate Date when the current billing period for an agreement ends. This is applicable only for a BPA with consignment terms enabled.
BilltoBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that processes supplier invoices for the purchase order.
BlanketTotalAmount Value that identifies the amount agreed on an agreement line between the buying and selling organization.
BudgetControlEnabledFlag Value that identifies whether budgetary control is enabled on the purchase order or not.
BuyerManagedTransportFlag Value that identifies that the buying company is responsible for arranging the transportation, from picking up the requested goods to delivering to ship-to locations specified on the order.
CarrierId Value that uniquely identifies the company that transports the item.
CbcAccountingDate Value that identifies the accounting action date for dual budgetary control functionality.
ChangeAcceptedFlag Value that identifies whether the draft change has been accepted or not
ChangeRequestedBy User who requested change to the purchase document.
ChangeSummary Description of changes made. This information is entered by the buyer when submitting the document for approval and may be used in generating an amendment document.
Comments Text describing an order or an agreement.
ConfirmingOrderFlag Value that identifies whether the document is a confirmation of an order the supplier may already be aware of.
ConsumptionAdviceFrequency Value that identifies the default value of the frequency at which the consumption advice will be generated for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under this agreement. The possible values for consumption advice frequency are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
ConsumptionAdviceSummary Value that identifies the default value of the frequency at which the consumption advice will be generated for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under this agreement. The possible values for consumption advice frequency are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
ContermsArticlesUpdDate Date and time the contract clauses were last updated. Applicable to purchasing document of type Standard, Contract, Blanket.
ContermsDelivUpdDate Date and time the contract deliverables were last updated. Applicable to purchasing document of type Standard, Contract, Blanket.
ContermsExistFlag Value that identifies if the document has contract terms and conditions associated with it or not.
CpaReference Value that identifies the CPA reference to support the IP catalog upgrade for items that had a CPA reference prior to Release 12. This column is for information purpose.
CreatedBy User who created the purchasing document header details.
CreatedLanguage Value that identifies the language code in which the global blanket purchase agreement was created.
CreationDate Date and time when the purchasing document header details was created.
CurrencyCode Value that identifies the code that identifies the purchase order currency.
DefaultConsignmentLineFlag Value that identifies whether the lines added on this blanket agreement should be marked as consigned lines by default.
DefaultPoTradeOrgId Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing trade organization. The purchasing trade organization is the inventory organization reporting to the sold-to legal entity identified in a purchase order. This organization is used for cost accounting the transactions in the sold-to legal entity.
DefaultTaxationCountry Value that identifies the default country for taxation for tax calculation purposes.
DocumentCreationMethod Value that identifies the method in which the document got created such as Autocreate, and enter PO.
EmailAddress Value that identifies the email address specified on the document to which the document will be communicated after approval.
EnabledFlag Indicates whether the key flexfield enabled is enabled or not. Possible values are Y or N.
EncumbranceRequiredFlag Indicates whether the document is to be encumbered or not. Possible values are N or NULL.
EndDate Date after which the purchase agreement is no longer valid.
EntityChangeTypeCode Value that identifies if the row is new or changed.
ExternalChangeFlag Value that indicates if the change is external, supplier facing, or not
Fax Value that identifies the fax number specified on the document to which the document after approval will be communicated.
FirmDate Date from which the purchase order is firmed.
FirmStatusLookupCode Value that indicates whether you want to prevent this purchase order from being automatically rescheduled by your manufacturing application
FirstPtyRegId Value that identifies the first party tax registration ID for the transaction.
FobLookupCode Code that identifies the type of free-on-board terms for the document.
FreightTermsLookupCode Code that identifies the type of freight terms for the document
FromHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the document from which this document is copied.
FromTypeLookupCode Value that identifies the document type that the template is created for. Possible values are STANDARD, BLANKET, or CONTRACT.
FundsStatus Value that identifies whether funds have been reserved on the document or not.
GenerateOrdersAutomatic Value that indicates whether an order should be automatically created for a requisition line referencing the agreement or not.
GovernmentContext United States standard general ledger descriptive flexfield context column.
GroupRequisitionLines Value that indicates whether or not requisition lines referencing the same agreement line should be grouped when creating an order.
GroupRequisitions Value that indicates whether or not requisition lines of different requisitions referencing the same agreement line should be grouped when creating an order.
InterfaceSourceCode Value that identifies the source application from which the transaction was imported.
JobDefinitionName Value that identifies the name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JobDefinitionPackage Value that identifies the package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the purchasing document was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the row.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the row.
ManualBccdOverrideFlag Value that indicates if the billing cycle closing date has been edited manually.
MinReleaseAmount Value that identifies the minimum amount that can be released against an agreement.
ModeOfTransport Value that identifies the mode of transport that the shipper uses to transport the item such as land, sea, and air.
NoteToAuthorizer Text comments to the approver included as needed when submitting a document for approval.
NoteToReceiver Special text instructions to the receiver in the docking area to be reviewed while performing the receipt.
NoteToVendor Special text instructions to the supplier to be reviewed while completing your order.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the purchasing document has been updated.
OrchestrationOrderFlag Value that identifies whether the purchase order is an orchestrated purchase order. Valid values are Y or N. If Y, then the PO is an orchestrated order. If N, then the PO isn't an orchestrated order.
OverridingApproverId Value that uniquely identifies the user specified on the purchase order as the overriding approver for approval routing.
PayOnCode Code that identifies whether the purchase order will be paid upon receipt.
PayOnUseFlag Value that identifies whether to generate invoices automatically on behalf of the supplier when supplier owned material stocked in buying organization's premise is consumed by the buying organization.
PcardId Value that uniquely identifies the procurement card used for the order.
PendingSignatureFlag Value that indicates whether the purchasing document is pending signatures or not. Applicable to Purchasing document of type Standard, Contract, and Blanket.
PoHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that manages and owns the purchase order.
PriceUpdateTolerance Value that identifies the tolerance in percent above which if the price changes on an agreement line, the line should be highlighted to the user making the change.
ProgramAppName Value that identifies the application name of the concurrent program.
ProgramName Value that identifies the concurrent program. Concurrent programs are system batch jobs that retrieve and push data between Oracle applications and the database
Rate Value that identifies the conversion rate to use when converting the currency.
RateDate Date to use for the conversion rate when converting an amount into another currency. The conversion rate varies depending on date.
RateType Value that identifies the rate type that the application uses to determine the currency conversion rate for the purchase order.
ReferenceNum Number used for EDI transaction audit trail reference.
ReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the requisitioning business unit.
RequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
RetroPriceApplyUpdatesFlag Value that identifies whether or not price updates on the agreement should be propagated to orders referencing the agreement.
RetroPriceCommUpdatesFlag Value that identifies whether or not orders that were repriced because of a price change on the referenced agreement should be communicated to the supplier.
RetroPriceInitApprovalFlag Value that identifies whether or not the retroactive price update background process should be initiated upon agreement approval.
RetroPriceOpenOrderFlag Value that identifies whether or not the retroactive price update background process should only reprice open unfulfilled orders referencing the agreement.
Segment1 Segment of the key flexfield. It's a system-assigned number used to identify the document in forms and reports.
Segment2 Segment of the key flexfield. Key flexfields are used to store internally defined codes unique to a particular business, specifying part numbers, general ledger accounts, and other business entities.
Segment3 Segment of the key flexfield. Key flexfields are used to store internally defined codes unique to a particular business, specifying part numbers, general ledger accounts, and other business entities.
Segment4 Segment of the key flexfield. Key flexfields are used to store internally defined codes unique to a particular business, specifying part numbers, general ledger accounts, and other business entities.
Segment5 Segment of the key flexfield. Key flexfields are used to store internally defined codes unique to a particular business, specifying part numbers, general ledger accounts, and other business entities.
ServiceLevel Value that identifies the level that indicates the priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
ShipToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to location.
ShippingControl Value that identifies who's responsible for arranging transportation.
SignatureRequiredFlag Value that identifies if signatures are required on the purchasing document before it can be implemented. Possible values are Yes, No.
SoldtoLeId Value that uniquely identified the sold-to legal entity. It Indicates the party that's financially responsible for the purchases on a purchase order.
StartDate Date on which the agreement becomes effective.
StyleId Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing style of the document.
SubmitApprovalAutomatic Value that identifies whether the document can be automatically submitted for approval.
SubmitDate Date when the document was first submitted for approval.
SupplierNotifMethod Value that identifies how the document should be communicated to the supplier such as e-mail, fax.
TaxAttributeUpdateCode Code that keeps track of create or update actions on this entity.
TaxDocumentSubtype Value that identifies the country specific classification of the document used for tax calculation and reporting purposes.
TermsId Value that uniquely identifies the payment terms.
ThirdPtyRegId Value that identifies the third party tax registration ID for the transaction.
TypeLookupCode Value that identifies the document type associated with a change order template.
UseNeedByDate Value that identifies whether to use the date on requisition lines that the buying company requests the supplier to deliver the goods when trying to group requisitions while creating an order.
UseSalesOrderNumberFlag Value that identifies whether requisition lines should be grouped by sales order number to create distinct purchase order.
UseShipTo Value that identifies whether to enable grouping requisitions by the requisition line ship-to location when creating orders.
VendorContactId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier contact.
VendorId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
VendorOrderNum Number that indicates the supplier document number.
VendorSiteId Number that Indicates the supplier document number.
XmlFlag Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site.