Draft Purchase Document Line Details

The Draft Purchasing Document Line Details view object contains information about purchase order and blanket agreement lines. It manages purchasing details such as the item to purchase, unit of measure, and price.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.DraftPurchasingDocumentLineExtractPVO

Primary Keys : PoLineId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AgingPeriodDays Value that identifies the maximum number of days the material may be on consignment.
AllowDescriptionUpdateFlag Value that identifies if you can change the description on release shipments. Possible values are Y and N. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
AllowPriceOverrideFlag Value that identifies if you can change the price on release shipments. Possible values are Y and N. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
Amount Value that identifies the amount of the service on the purchase order line.
AuctionDisplayNumber Value that identifies the negotiation number.
AuctionHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the negotiation.
AuctionLineNumber Value that identifies the negotiation line number.
BaseModelId Value that uniquely identifies the buying organization for the model item from which an assemble-to-order configuration was created.
BaseModelPrice Value that identifies the unit price of the base model from which the configuration was built.
BaseQty Value that identifies the base quantity of the unit for the item ordered.
BaseUnitPrice Value that identifies the base price of the unit for the item ordered.
BaseUom Value that identifies the base unit of measure for the item ordered.
BidLineNumber Value that identifies the bid line.
BidNumber Value that identifies the bid number.
CancelDate Date when the purchase order line was canceled.
CancelFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the purchase order line is canceled. If false, then the purchase order line isn't canceled. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CancelReason Description of the reason for cancellation.
CancelledBy User who canceled the purchase order line.
CapitalExpenseFlag Indicates if the line is for a capital expense. Possible values are Y and N. This attribute doesn't have a default value
CategoryId Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing category.
ChangeAcceptedFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then purchase order or change order is accepted by supplier. If false, then supplier response isn't required or pending for supplier acceptance. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CoAmountCancelled Description of the amount canceled in change order.
CoQuantityCancelled Description of the quantity canceled in change order.
CommittedAmount Value that identifies the amount agreed for an agreement line.
ConfiguredItemFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the purchased item is a configuration, which is a single shippable unit made of a base model and optional additions. If false, then the purchased item is a standard item. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
ConsignmentLineFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the item on the purchase order is under consignment. If false, then the item isn't under consignment. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
ContractId Value that uniquely identifies the agreement reference of a line.
ContractorFirstName First name of the contingent worker.
ContractorLastName Last name of the contingent worker.
CreatedBy User who created the purchase order line.
CreationDate Date and time when the buyer or application created the purchase order line.
EntityChangeTypeCode Value that identifies if the row is new or changed.
ExpirationDate Date after which the item on this line can no longer be ordered.
ExternalChangeFlag Value that identifies if the change is external.
FromHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the quotation or global agreement referenced by this line.
FromLineId Value that uniquely identifies the quotation line or global agreement line referenced by this line.
FromLineLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the price break referenced by this line.
FundsStatus Status of the funds check or funds reservation validation result for the line.
HazardClassId Value that uniquely identifies the hazard class.
ItemDescription Description for the line item.
ItemId Value that uniquely identifies the item on the purchase order.
ItemRevision Value that identifies the revision number of the item.
JobDefinitionName Name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JobDefinitionPackage Package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JobId Value that uniquely identifies the job that created or last updated the row.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the buyer or application last updated the purchase order line.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated with the user who last updated the row.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the purchase order line.
LineNum Number that uniquely identifies the purchase order line.
LineReferenceNum Number used for EDI transaction audit trail reference.
LineTypeId Value that uniquely identifies whether the purchase order line references an item or a service.
ListPricePerUnit Price per unit of the item or service offered.
ManualPriceChangeFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the price was manually changed by the user. If false, then the default price was applied by the application. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
Manufacturer Value that identifies a person or company that makes goods.
ManufacturerPartNum Contains a unique number that's issued by manufacturers to identify individual products. Normally, the MPN of a product is a series of numbers and letters.
MarketPrice Market price for the item on the line. This price defaults from EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B.market_price.
MatchingBasis Value that identifies the matching basis of the line type.
MaxRetainageAmount Value that identifies the maximum amount that can be withheld as retainage against a contract line.
MinReleaseAmount Value that identifies the minimum amount that can be released against a planned or blanket agreement line.
NegotiatedByPreparerFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the buyer and the supplier negotiated and agreed on the price before the purchase. If false, then the buyer and the supplier didn't negotiate the price before the purchase. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
NotToExceedPrice Value that identifies the price limit that you can't exceed on a release shipment.
NoteToVendor Note that the supplier can read to get details about how to process the order line on the purchase order.
ObjectVersionNumber Number that indicates the version of the row.
OkeContractHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the associated contract.
OkeContractVersionId Value that uniquely identifies the version of the associated contract.
OptionsPrice Value that identifies the sum of the extended price of all options chosen for each unit of the purchased configuration.
OrderTypeLookupCode Value basis of the line.
OriginalInterfaceLineId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order or agreement interface line.
OverToleranceErrorFlag Value that identifies whether receipts exceeding the tolerance are rejected. Possible values are Y and N. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
ParentItemId Value that uniquely identifies the parent option class or model for the item.
PjcContextCategory Value that uniquely identifies the project business unit.
PoHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order or agreement.
PoLineId Value that uniquely identifies the purchase order or agreement line.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the procurement business unit.
PreferredGrade Value that identifies the quality grade preferred for the item ordered.
PriceBreakLookupCode Value that identifies the pricing scheme for the price breaks of this line.
PriceTypeLookupCode Value that identifies the price type of the line.
ProgramAppName Value that identifies the percentage applied to completed work to determine the amount eligible for payment.
ProgramName Value that identifies the concurrent program. Concurrent programs are system batch jobs that retrieve and push data between Oracle applications and the database.
ProgressPaymentRate Value that identifies the percentage applied to the completed work on a financing pay Item to determine the amount eligible for payment.
PurchaseBasis Value that identifies the purchase basis of the line type.
QcGrade Value that identifies the quality control grade wanted for the purchase order line.
QtyRcvTolerance Value that identifies the quantity received tolerance percentage.
Quantity Quantity of the item on the order line.
QuantityCommitted Quantity agreed for an agreement line.
ReasonForChange Value that identifies the reason for changing the line.
RecoupmentRate Value that identifies the maximum percentage of the invoice amount against which previous prepayments can be applied.
RejectedBy User who rejected the purchase order line.
RejectedByRole Role of the user rejecting the entity record.
RejectedReason Value that identifies the purchase order line rejected reason.
ReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the requisitioning business unit for the line.
RequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
RetainageRate Value that identifies the maximum percentage that can be withheld from an invoice as retainage.
RetroactiveDate Value that identifies the time of a retroactive price change.
SecondaryQuantity Value that identifies the line quantity in the secondary unit of measure. This attribute is applicable when more than one unit of measure controls the item.
SecondaryUomCode Value that identifies the secondary unit of measure to use for the quantity when more than one unit of measure controls the item.
ShippingUomCode Code that identifies the supplier-requested shipment unit of measure.
ShippingUomQuantity Quantity in the shipping unit of measure.
SourceDocRevNum Value that identifies the revision number of the source document for the line.
StartDate Assignment start date for the contingent worker.
SupplierParentItem Value that identifies the supplier's identification number for the option class or model associated with item.
SupplierPartAuxid Value that uniquely identifies the item.
SupplierRefNumber Value that identifies a specific configuration of an item.
SupplierTopModel Value that identifies the top model associated with the option or option class, or submodel.
TaxAttributeUpdateCode Code that indicates the create or update actions on this line.
TaxCodeId Value that uniquely identifies the tax code.
TaxExclusivePrice Value that identifies the purchase order line price that's exclusive of all taxes.
TaxName Name of the tax code that applies to the line.
TaxableFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the document line is taxable. If false, then the document line isn't taxable. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
TopModelId Value that uniquely identifies the top model associated with the option, option class, or submodel.
Type1099 Value that identifies the 1099 type for the purchase order line.
UnNumberId Value that uniquely identifies the number that the United Nations uses to identify hazardous material.
UnitPrice Value that identifies the unit price for the line.
UnorderedFlag Value that identifies whether the line was created from unordered receipts. Possible values are Y and N. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
UomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure.
VendorProductNum Value that identifies the supplier item number.
WorkOrderProduct Name of the finished item that the work order in contract manufacturing creates.