Draft Purchasing Document Line Locations

The Draft Purchasing Document Line Locations view object contains information about purchase order shipment schedules and blanket agreement price breaks. It manages purchasing details such as ship-to location and delivery date.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.DraftPurchasingDocumentLineLocationExtractPVO

Primary Keys : LineLocationId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AccrueOnReceiptFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the purchase order schedule will be accrued on receipt. If N, then the purchase order schedule won't be accrued on receipt. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
AllowSubstituteReceiptsFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the purchase order schedule can receive substitute item in place of ordered item. If N, then the purchase order schedule can't receive substitute item in place of ordered item. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
Amount Value that identifies the amount agreed on an agreement line between the buying and selling organization.
AssessableValue Value that identifies the assessable value of the product for schedule.
BackToBackFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the material to be received is being specifically purchased to fulfill a sales order from a customer. If N, then the material to be received isn't being purchased to fulfill a sales order from a customer. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
BidPaymentId Value that identifies the bid pay item if it was negotiated in sourcing.
CalculateTaxFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the tax needs to be calculated. If N, then the tax should not be calculated. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CancelBackingReqFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the backing requisition will be canceled. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CancelBudgetDate Value that identifies the budget date on the shipment used for commitment control for cancel action.
CancelDate Date when the schedule was canceled.
CancelFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the purchase order is canceled. If N, then the purchase order isn't canceled. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CancelReason Value that identifies the shipment cancellation reason provided by an employee.
CancelledBy User who canceled the schedule
CarrierId Value that uniquely identifies the carrier on the schedule.
ChangeAcceptedFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then purchase order or change order is accepted by supplier. If false, then supplier response isn't required or pending for supplier acceptance. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
ChangePromisedDateReason Reason for changing the promised-by date on the schedule.
CoAmountCancelled Description of the amount canceled in change order.
CoQuantityCancelled Description of the quantity canceled in change order.
ConsignedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the shipment is consigned. If N, then the shipment isn't consigned. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CountryOfOriginCode Code that identifies the country from which shipment goods were exported.
CreatedBy User who created the schedule.
CreationDate Date and time when the schedule was created.
CustomerItem Identifier used by the customer for the product being procured that fulfills the customer's sales order in a drop ship arrangement.
CustomerItemDesc Description used by the customer for the product being procured that fulfills the customer's sales order in a drop ship arrangement.
CustomerPoLineNumber Purchase order line number that identifies the customer that originated the sales order which is being fulfilled by the material being procured in a drop ship arrangement.
CustomerPoNumber Purchase order number that identifies the customer that originated the sales order which is being fulfilled by the material being procured in a drop ship arrangement.
CustomerPoScheduleNumber Purchase order schedule number that identifies the customer that originated the sales order which is being fulfilled by the material being procured in a drop ship arrangement.
DaysEarlyReceiptAllowed Value that identifies the maximum acceptable number of days shipment items can be received early.
DaysLateReceiptAllowed Value that identifies the maximum acceptable number of days shipment items can be received late.
Description Description of the pay Item on the schedule.
DestinationTypeCode Code that identifies the final destination of the purchased shipment items.
DropShipFlag Value that identifies whether the shipment has a backing sales order line.
EncumberedDate Date when shipment was encumbered.
EncumberedFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the shipment is encumbered. If N, then the shipment isn't encumbered. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
EndDate Date when the price break expires on the schedule.
EnforceShipToLocationCode Code that identifies what action is taken when the receiving location differs from the ship-to location.
EntityChangeTypeCode Value that identifies if the row is new or changed.
ExternalChangeFlag Value that identifies if the change is external.
FinalDischargeLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the final discharge location on the schedule.
FirmDate Date when the shipment was firmed.
FirmStatusLookupCode Code that identifies whether you want to prevent this shipment from being automatically rescheduled by your manufacturing application.
FobLookupCode Code that identifies the type of free-on-board terms for the shipment.
FreightTermsLookupCode Code that identifies the type of freight terms for the RFQ or quotation shipment.
FromHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the agreement header. This is a foreign key of the purchasing document header view object.
FromLineId Value that uniquely identifies the agreement line. This is a foreign key of the purchasing document line view object.
FromLineLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the agreement schedule. This is a foreign key of the purchasing document schedule view object.
FundsStatus Value that identifies whether the schedule amount is reserved or not. Possible values are: FAILED, LIQUIDATED, PARTIALLY_LIQUIDATED, WARNING, PASSED, RESERVED, or NOT_APPLICABLE.
InputTaxClassificationCode Code that identifies the tax classification on the schedule.
InspectionRequiredFlag Code that identifies the tax classification on the schedule.
InvoiceCloseTolerance Percentage tolerance within which a shipment is automatically closed for invoicing when billed.
JobDefinitionName Name of the job that created or last updated the row.
JobDefinitionPackage Package name of the job that created or last updated the row.
LastAcceptDate Date when the ordered quantity or amount on the schedule can be last received.
LastUpdateDate Date and time when the schedule was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated to the user who last updated the schedule.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the schedule.
LeadTime Lead time for the price break and applies to RFQs and quotations only.
LeadTimeUnit Unit of measure for the lead time.
LineIntendedUse Value that identifies the purpose for which a product is likely to be used in the business by the purchaser.
LineIntendedUseId Value that uniquely identifies the product that's likely to be used in the business by the purchaser.
LineLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the document shipment schedule.
ManualPriceChangeFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the user has manually entered a price overriding the blanket agreement price. If N, then the user hasn't manually entered a price overriding the Blanket Agreement price. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
MatchOption Value that identifies whether the invoice for the shipment should be matched to the purchase order or the receipt.
MatchingBasis Value that identifies the matching basis of the schedule.
ModeOfTransport Value that identifies the type of transportation used to ship the product such as truck, air, or boat.
NeedByDate Date when the buying company requests the supplier to deliver the item.
NoteToReceiver Value that identifies the shipment-level note to receiver, which would hold the note to receiver info coming from requisition lines.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the line location row has been updated.
OriginalShipmentId Value that identifies the shipment ID from which this shipment was copied or split over.
OutsourcedAssembly Value that identifies whether the line is Outsourced Assembly or not.
PaymentType Value that identifies the type of payment such as manual, quick, refund, and payment process request.
PjcContextCategory Segment used to identify the descriptive flexfield application context for project-related standardized cost collection.
PoHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the document header. This is a foreign key of the document header view object.
PoLineId Value that uniquely identifies the document line. This is a foreign key of the document line view object.
PoTradingOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing trading organization.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that manages and owns the purchasing document.
PreferredGrade Value that identifies the preferred quality grade for the ordered item.
PriceDiscount Value that identifies the discount percentage for price break, applies to RFQs and quotations only.
PriceOverride Value that identifies the order shipment price or break price for blanket purchase orders, RFQs, and quotations.
ProductCategory Value that identifies the product category that's used to classify products for tax purposes.
ProductFiscClassId Value that uniquely identifies the product fiscal classification on the schedule.
ProductFiscClassification Value that identifies the product fiscal classification of the products by tax authority for tax purposes. It's based on the inventory item category.
ProductType Value that identifies the product type that specifies whether the transaction line is for a good, or a service, or it's a memo line.
ProgramAppName Value that identifies the application name of the concurrent program.
ProgramName Value that identifies the concurrent program.Concurrent programs are system batch jobs that retrieve and push data between Oracle applications and the database.
PromisedDate Date when the supplier has promised to deliver the ordered item or service.
PromisedShipDate Date when the supplier has promised to ship the item ordered by the buying company.
QtyRcvExceptionCode Code that identifies what action is taken when the quantity received tolerance is exceeded.
QtyRcvTolerance Value that identifies the maximum overreceipt tolerance percentage on the schedule.
Quantity Value that identifies the total quantity ordered for this purchase order schedule.
ReasonForChange Value that identifies the reason for changing the line.
ReceiptDaysExceptionCode Code that identifies what action is taken when items are received earlier or later than the allowed number of days specified.
ReceiptRequiredFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the shipment must be received before the invoice is paid. If N, then the shipment must not be received before the invoice is paid. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
ReceiveCloseTolerance Value that identifies the percentage tolerance within which a shipment is automatically closed for receiving.
ReceivingRoutingId Value that uniquely identifies the receipt routing on the schedule.
RejectedBy User who rejected the purchase order line.
RejectedByRole Role of the user rejecting the entity record.
RejectedReason Value that identifies the purchase order schedule rejected reason.
ReqBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that requested the goods or services being purchased.
RequestId Value that uniquely identifies the request ID of the job that created or last updated the schedule.
RequestedShipDate Date when the buyer requested that the supplier ship the shipment item.
RetainageRate Value that identifies the maximum percentage that can be withheld from an invoice as retainage.
RetroactiveDate Date of a retroactive price change on the schedule.
SalesOrderLineNumber Value that identifies the sales order line number on the schedule that has to be fulfilled by the material being procured.
SalesOrderNumber Value that identifies the sales order number on the schedule that has to be fulfilled by the material being procured.
SalesOrderScheduleNumber Value that identifies the sales order schedule number on the schedule that has to be fulfilled by the material being procured.
SalesOrderUpdateDate Date and time when any of the referenced data elements on the backing sales order line were updated.
SecondaryQuantity Value that identifies the secondary quantity ordered on the schedule.
SecondaryUomCode Code that identifies the secondary unit of measure for the quantity ordered.
ServiceLevel Value that identifies the priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
SfoAgreementLineNumber Value that identifies the orchestration agreement line number on the schedule.
SfoAgreementNumber Value that identifies the orchestration agreement entered into between the legal entities, business units, and trade organizations establishing a trade relationship.
SfoPtrId Value that uniquely identifies the primary trade relationship in an orchestration agreement.
ShipToCustContactId Value that uniquely identifies the contact from the company where the good are shipped.
ShipToCustId Value that uniquely identifies the customer to whom merchandise is being sent.
ShipToCustLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the location where the supplier should ship the goods.
ShipToLocationId Value that uniquely identifies the location where the supplier ships the shipment item.
ShipToOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the ship-to organization.
ShipmentNum Value that identifies the line number of the shipment.
ShipmentType Value that identifies whether the purchase order shipment record is a schedule or a price break.
ShippingUomCode Code that identifies the supplier-requested shipment unit of measure.
ShippingUomQuantity Value that identifies the quantity in the shipping unit of measure.
SourceShipmentId Value that uniquely identifies the planned purchase order shipment you chose to release from.
StartDate Date when the shipment price break is effective.
SupplierOrderLineNumber Number that indicates the supplier change request on the schedule.
TaxAttributeUpdateCode Code that identifies the create or update action on the schedule.
TaxCodeId Value that uniquely identifies the tax code on the schedule.
TaxName Name of the tax code that applies to the line.
TaxUserOverrideFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the default tax has been overridden. If N, then the default tax hasn't been overridden. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
TaxableFlag Contains one of the following values: Y or N. If Y, then the shipment is taxable. If N, then the shipment isn't taxable. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
TermsId Value that uniquely identifies the payment terms on the schedule.
TransactionFlowHeaderId Value that uniquely identifies the schedule transaction flow header.
TrxBusinessCategory Value that identifies the transaction business category for tax purposes as required by a tax authority.
UnencumberedQuantity Value that identifies the quantity on the schedule encumbered to date.
UnitOfMeasureClass Value that identifies the unit of measure class of the schedule.
UomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure for the quantity ordered on the schedule.
UserDefinedFiscClass Additional classification of the schedule transaction for tax purposes.
ValueBasis Value that identifies the value basis of the line location.
VmiFlag Value that identifies the VMI shipment line with value Y
WorkOrderId Value that uniquely identifies the contract manufacturing work order.
WorkOrderNumber Number that indicates the contract manufacturing work order number.
WorkOrderOperationSeq Value that identifies the execution sequence of the work order operation.