Approved Supplier Lists

The Approved Supplier Lists view object stores the relationship between an item or commodity, a supplier, distributor, or manufacturer, ship-to organizations and approval or certification status, information for the supplier, item, or organization relationship defined in ASL supplier list, and the user-defined approval or certification statuses.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.PurchasingASLExtractPVO

Primary Keys : AslId, ClientBusinessUnitId, DownstreamFunctionId, UpstreamFunctionId, StatusId, ServiceProviderBusinessUnitId

Initial Extract Date : SupListCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : SupListLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AslId Value that uniquely identifies the approved supplier list. This is the primary key of the Approved Supplier List view object.
AslScope Scope to confirm if the ASL entry is used by a ship-to organization or by all ship-to organizations serviced by the procurement business unit.
AttrAslId Value that uniquely identifies the ASL attribute. This is the primary key of the ASL Attribute view object.
AttrCreatedBy User who created the ASL attribute.
AttrCreationDate Date when the ASL attribute was created.
AttrLastUpdateDate Date when the ASL attribute was last updated.
AttrLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the ASL attribute.
AttrUsingOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the Ship-to organization used.
CategoryId Value that uniquely identifies the category.
ClientBusinessUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the client business unit.
DisableFlag Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, then the ASL entry is disabled. If false, then the ASL entry isn't disabled. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
DownstreamFunctionId Value that uniquely identifies the downstream function.
FixedLotMultiple Minimum lot multiple that can be ordered on top of minimum-order quantity.
ItemId Value that uniquely identifies the item.
MinOrderQty Minimum quantity that needs to be ordered.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the business unit that manages and owns the ASL entry.
ServiceProviderBusinessUnitId Value that uniquely identifies the service provider business unit.
Status Approval status of the ASL entry, representing whether the supplier is certified to supply the item or group of items.
StatusId Value that uniquely identifies the approval status of the ASL entry.
SupListCreatedBy User who created the supplier list.
SupListCreationDate Date when the supplier list was created.
SupListLastUpdateDate Date when the supplier list was last updated.
SupListLastUpdatedBy User who last updated the supplier list.
SupListUsingOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the Ship-to organization using the supplier list.
UomCode Code that identifies the unit of measure.
UpstreamFunctionId Value that uniquely identifies the upstream function.
VendorId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier.
VendorSiteId Value that uniquely identifies the supplier site.