Purchasing System Parameters

The Purchasing System Parameters view object contains default, control, and option information you provide to personalize Oracle Purchasing to your company's needs.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.PrcExtractAM.PoBiccExtractAM.PurchasingSystemParameterExtractPVO

Primary Keys : PrcBuId

Initial Extract Date : CreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : LastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AgingOnsetPoint Value that identifies the mutually agreed event point at which consigned material begins to age. The possible values for aging onset point are None, Receipt and Shipment.
AgingPeriodDays Value that identifies the maximum number of days the material may be on consignment.
AllowItemDescUpdateFlag Value that identifies whether item descriptions can be updated on document lines.
AllowManulPriceUpdateOrder Value that identifies whether the price on fulfilled purchase orders can be manually updated.
AllowRetroPricing Value that identifies whether all orders or only open orders should be automatically updated with retroactive price changes entered on their corresponding blanket agreement.
AwardApprovalEnabledFlag Value that identifies whether to enable approval of award decision before it's completed.
BuyerManagedTransportFlag Value that identifies the buying company is responsible for arranging the transportation, from picking up the requested goods to delivering to ship-to locations specified on the order.
BypassApprovalFlag Value that identifies whether a purchase order, automatically created from a requisition which contains negotiated requisition lines, should bypass the approval process.
CarrierId Value that uniquely identifies the company that transports the item.
CatAdminAuthoringAcceptance Value that identifies whether the catalog administrator is allowed to modify the agreement.
CommunicateCoFlag Value that identifies the document version should be communicated to the supplier. Possible values are Y, N, and null. This attribute doesn't have a default value.
CommunicatePaFlag Communicate purchase agreements
ConsumptionAdviceFrequency Value that identifies the default value of the frequency at which the consumption advice will be generated for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under this agreement. The possible values for consumption advice frequency are Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
ConsumptionAdviceSummary Value that identifies the default value of the frequency at which the consumption advice will be generated for all consumption transactions for consigned inventory purchased under this agreement. The possible values for consumption advice frequency are Daily, Weekly and Monthly.
CreatedBy User who created the row.
CreationDate Date and time the row was created.
CurrencyCode Value that identifies the default currency for the procurement business unit.
DefaultBuyerId Value that uniquely identifies the default buyer.
DefaultPromiseDate Date that indicates the default promise date from need-by date.
DefaultRateType Value that identifies the default currency rate type for the purchasing documents.
DoctypeId Value that uniquely identifies the document type.
EmailAttachmentFilename Value that identifies the file name of the file type attachment to an emailed purchasing document.
EnforceMinBidPrice Value that identifies whether to enforce a supplier's previous round price as the start price. Used by Sourcing.
EnforceVendorHoldFlag Value that identifies whether to approve purchase orders or agreements created with suppliers that are on hold.
FobLookupCode Code that identifies the type of free-on-board terms for the document.
FreightTermsLookupCode Code that identifies the type of freight terms for the document.
GenOrderForNegReqsFlag Value that identifies whether negotiated requisition lines having valid supplier information should be automatically processed to purchase orders, even without any purchase agreement reference.
GenerateOrdersAutomatic Value that identifies whether an order should be automatically created for a requisition line referencing the agreement or not.
GroupRequisitionLines Value that identifies whether or not requisition lines referencing the same agreement line should be grouped when creating an order.
GroupRequisitions Value that identifies whether or not requisition lines of different requisitions referencing the same agreement line should be grouped when creating an order.
InventoryOrganizationId Value that uniquely identifies the default inventory organization for the procurement business unit.
InvoiceCloseTolerance Value that identifies the default invoice close tolerance percent for business unit.
LanguageCode Value that identifies the default user language for the procurement business unit.
LastUpdateDate Date and time the row was last updated.
LastUpdateLogin Session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
LastUpdatedBy User who last updated the row.
LineTypeId Value that uniquely identifies the line type you use on your documents.
ManualReceiptNumType Value that identifies the receipt number type for manual generation. Possible values are Alphanumeric or Numeric.
ManualReqNumType Value that identifies the requisition number type for manual generation. Possible values are Alphanumeric or Numeric.
MatchOption Value that identifies whether the invoice for the shipment should be matched to the purchase order or the receipt.
MaxAttachmentSize Value that identifies the maximum allowed size of ZIP attachment file for the purchasing documents.
MinReleaseAmount Value that identifies the minimum amount that can be released against an agreement.
ModeOfTransport Value that identifies the mode of transport that the shipper uses to transport the item such as land, sea, and air.
NegApprovalEnabledFlag Value that identifies whether to enable the approval of a negotiation before the purchasing document is published.
NextApproverLookupCode Code that identifies the type of next approver logic.
ObjectVersionNumber Number of times the purchasing document has been updated.
PrcBuId Value that uniquely identifies the procurement business unit.
PriceBreakLookupCode Code that identifies the default price break type for catalog quotations and blanket agreements.
PriceChangeAmount Value that identifies the price difference in amount that you allow between the requisition and purchase order price.
ReceiveCloseCode Value that identifies the receiving action based on which purchase order schedule should be closed if the receiving has happened within the receiving close tolerance. The valid values are Received, Accepted and Delivered.
ReceiveCloseTolerance Value that identifies the tolerance that allows a purchase order schedule to be automatically closed for receiving if it's within the tolerance at receiving.
ReceivingFlag Value that identifies whether you require receipt for items you order or not.
RfqOnlySiteFlag Value that identifies whether RFQ's can be created in purchasing for the site.
ServiceLevel Value that identifies the priority of transportation that affects how quickly goods are transported.
SourcingSuppEligibilityFlag Value that identifies whether to invite only sourcing eligible suppliers.
StyleId Value that uniquely identifies the purchasing style of the document.
SubmitApprovalAutomatic Value that identifies whether the document can be automatically submitted for approval.
SupplierAuthoringAcceptance Value that identifies the supplier acceptance level for agreement change.
TaxFromItemFlag Value that identifies the default tax code from the inventory item.
TaxFromShipToLocFlag Value that identifies the default tax code from ship-to location.
TaxFromSystemFlag Value that identifies the default tax code from financial options window.
TaxFromVendorFlag Value that identifies the default tax code from the supplier.
TaxFromVendorSiteFlag Value that identifies the default tax code from supplier site.
TaxHierItem Value that identifies the item position in the tax code defaulting hierarchy.
TaxHierShipToLoc Value that identifies the ship-to location position in tax code defaulting hierarchy.
TaxHierSystem Value that identifies the financial options in the tax code defaulting hierarchy.
TaxHierVendor Value that identifies the supplier position in the tax code defaulting hierarchy.
TaxHierVendorSite Value that identifies the supplier site position in the tax code defaulting hierarchy.
TermsId Value that uniquely identifies the payment terms.
UseNeedByDate Value that identifies whether to use the date on the requisition lines that the buying company requests the supplier to deliver the goods, when trying to group requisitions while creating an order.
UseSalesOrderNumberFlag Value that identifies whether requisition lines should be grouped by sales order number to create distinct purchase order.
UseShipTo Value that identifies whether to enable grouping requisitions by the requisition line ship-to location when creating orders.
UseShipToForGroupReqs Value that identifies whether to use ship-to organization and location when grouping requisitions.
UserDefinedReceiptNumCode Code that identifies the receipt numbering type.
UserDefinedReqNumCode Code that identifies the requisition numbering type.