Category Manager (Job Role)

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Role Hierarchy

The Category Manager job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Category Manager
    • Agreement Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

      • Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

    • Buyer
      • Agreement Transaction Analysis
        • Business Intelligence Authoring

        • Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

      • Compliance Checklist Authoring

      • Compliance Checklist Control

      • Compliance Checklist Inquiry

      • Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
        • Business Intelligence Authoring

      • Item Inquiry

      • Payables Invoice Inquiry

      • Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
        • Business Intelligence Authoring

      • Procurement Folder Reporting

      • Purchase Agreement Administration
        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Purchase Agreement Authoring

      • Purchase Agreement Control

      • Purchase Agreement Inquiry

      • Purchase Order Administration
        • FSCM Load Interface Administration

      • Purchase Order Authoring
        • Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control
          • Business Intelligence Consumer

      • Purchase Order Control

      • Purchase Order Inquiry

      • Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
        • Business Intelligence Authoring

        • Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

      • Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis
        • Business Intelligence Authoring

        • Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

      • Requisition Line Processing

      • Spend Transaction Analysis

      • Supplier Profile Inquiry
        • Supplier Qualification Viewing

      • Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import

      • Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import

      • Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import

      • Upload data for Requisition Import

    • Download data for Supplier Negotiation Export

    • Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Negotiation Award

    • Negotiation Contract Management

    • Negotiation Management

    • Negotiation Response Evaluation

    • Negotiation Update

    • Negotiation Viewing

    • Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

    • Purchase Order Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

      • Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

    • Seller Negotiation Award

    • Seller Negotiation Creation

    • Seller Negotiation Management

    • Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation

    • Seller Negotiation Viewing

    • Sourcing Administration

    • Sourcing Program Management

    • Sourcing Transaction Analysis
      • Business Intelligence Authoring

      • Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

    • Upload data for Supplier Negotiation Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Category Manager job role.

Duty Role Description

Agreement Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Agreement transactional information

Business Intelligence Authoring

An author of Business Intelligence reports as presented in the web catalog. The role allows authoring within Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office.

Business Intelligence Consumer

A role required to allow reporting from Business Intelligence Applications, Business Intelligence Publisher, Real Time Decisions, Enterprise Performance Management and Business Intelligence Office. This role allow you to run reports from the web catalog but it will not allow a report to be authored from a subject area.

Compliance Checklist Authoring

Create and update compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including complete, reopen, and cancel.

Compliance Checklist Inquiry

Search for and review compliance checklists as a procurement agent.

Download data for Supplier Negotiation Export

Allows an enterprise user to export supplier negotiations.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Implemented Change Order Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Implemented Change Order information

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Pending Change Order Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Pending Change Order information

Procurement Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Procurement web catalog folder.

Procurement Transactional Analysis Currency Preference

This role is used to get the supported currencies in Procurement and Spend Transactional Analysis module.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Purchase Order Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Purchase Order transactional information

Purchase Requisitions Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Purchase Requisitions transactional information

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Seller Negotiation Award

Make award decisions, share award decision with bidders, and export award decisions.

Seller Negotiation Creation

Create seller negotiations.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

Seller Negotiation Viewing

Search and view seller negotiation details.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

Sourcing Transaction Analysis

Analyzes Sourcing transactional information

Spend Transaction Analysis

Provides real time information related to approved invoice headers, line and distributions in the Spend subject area. It also provides real time spend information across Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Invoices and Receipts in the Procure to Pay subject area.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Transactional Analysis

This duty is used for various generic OTBI security and filtering purposes and is therefore required for all OTBI users.

Upload data for Blanket Purchase Agreement Import

Allows to upload data file to import blanket agreements.

Upload data for Contract Purchase Agreement Import

Allows to upload data file to import contract agreements.

Upload data for Purchase Orders for Import

Allows to upload data file to import purchase orders.

Upload data for Requisition Import

Allows to upload data file to import requisitions.

Upload data for Supplier Negotiation Import

Allows an enterprise user to import supplier negotiations.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Category Manager job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege Privilege Description


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Generate Approved Supplier List Entry

Allows a procurement agent to run the Generate Approved Supplier List concurrent program.


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Manage Contract Deliverable

Allows the management of contract terms deliverables after contract approval. This includes setting the status, adding comments, and uploading attachments for contractual deliverables such as proof of insurance and inspections.


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Research Suppliers

Allows users to research suppliers.


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Run Purchasing Document Background Scheduler

Allows buyers to automatically kickoff scheduled ESS jobs like refresh signature status, purge recent activity job, sync keyword search and update keyword search based on the frequency setting when accessing Purchasing work areas


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

Search Approved Supplier List Entry

Allows a procurement agent to search for approved supplier list entries.


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

View Purchase Agreement Work Area

Allows a procurement agent to access the purchase agreement work area.


Procurement professional responsible for transactional aspects of the procurement processes.

View Purchase Order Work Area

Allows a procurement agent to access the purchase order work area.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Change Approved Supplier List Entry

Allows a procurement agent to search, view, create, and change approved supplier list entries.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Create Approved Supplier List Entry

Allows a procurement agent to create approved supplier list entries.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Create Supplier Negotiation

Allows procurement agents to initiate the creation of a negotiation.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Delete Supplier Negotiation Owner Manager

Allows users to delete the negotiation owner's manager from the collaboration team.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Determine Sourcing Requirement

Allows procurement agents to define sourcing requirements.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Edit Seller Negotiation

Allows users to edit seller negotiations.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Manage Contract Deliverable

Allows the management of contract terms deliverables after contract approval. This includes setting the status, adding comments, and uploading attachments for contractual deliverables such as proof of insurance and inspections.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Watchlist by Web Service

Allows management of supplier negotiation watch lists using a web service.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Publish Supplier Negotiation Response Tabulation

Allows users to publish the response tabulation on an external website.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Purge Negotiation Interface Records

Allows purge of records from negotiation interface tables.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Submit Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to publish supplier negotiations.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

Submit Supplier Registration

Allows creation and submission of an internal supplier registration request which is created on behalf of a supplier.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

View Procurement Dashboard

Allows a procurement agent to access the procurement dashboard.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

View Source to Settle Infolet Page

Allows users to view the infolet page for the source to settle process area in the home experience.

Category Manager

Procurement professional responsible for identifying savings opportunities, determining negotiation strategies, creating request for quote, request for information, request for proposal, or auction events on behalf of their organization and awarding future business typically in the form of contracts or purchase orders to suppliers.

View Supplier Negotiation Work Area

Allows users to view the negotiations work area.

Compliance Checklist Authoring

Create and update compliance checklists.

Cancel Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to cancel compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Authoring

Create and update compliance checklists.

Complete Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to complete compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Authoring

Create and update compliance checklists.

Create Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to create compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Authoring

Create and update compliance checklists.

Search Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to search for compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Authoring

Create and update compliance checklists.

View Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to view compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including complete, reopen, and cancel.

Cancel Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to cancel compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including complete, reopen, and cancel.

Complete Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to complete compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including complete, reopen, and cancel.

Reopen Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to reopen compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including complete, reopen, and cancel.

Search Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to search for compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including complete, reopen, and cancel.

View Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to view compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Inquiry

Search for and review compliance checklists as a procurement agent.

Search Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to search for compliance checklists.

Compliance Checklist Inquiry

Search for and review compliance checklists as a procurement agent.

View Compliance Checklist

Allows a buyer to view compliance checklists.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

Allow financials and supply chain users to access the methods associated with the Integration Rest Service.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

Allows file data load to interface tables

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

Allows a user to load interface file for import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

Privilege to manage import and export of files.

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Allows management of file transfer from server

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

GET Product Management Index REST

Allows access to view indexed attributes.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Get Search View REST

Allows query of search views.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Attachment

Allows access to view and manage item attachments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Catalog

Allows access to view and manage item catalogs including categories and category hierarchies.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Item Global Search

Allows access to search for items using secure enterprise search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Product Management Search

Allows access to view and edit Product Management Search.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Trading Partner Item Reference

Allows access to manage trading partner item references for items.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

Manage Unit of Measure

Allows configuration of UOMs, UOM classes, and definition of standard, interclass, and intraclass UOM conversions.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item

Allows access to product dashboard.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Organization Association

Allows access to view item organization assignments.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Item Relationship

Allows access to view item relationships.

Item Inquiry

Queries and views items in the enterprise.

View Product Management Search

Allows access to view Product Management Search.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Allocate Supplier Negotiation Award to Requisition

Allows users to allocate award quantities to requisition demand.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Analyze Negotiation Response

Allows users to analyze supplier responses available in a negotiation.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Award Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to award business to suppliers.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Award Supplier Negotiation as Owner

Allows a negotiation creator to award his negotiation to suppliers.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Complete Supplier Negotiation Award

Allows users to finalize the negotiation award process.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Reopen Completed Award

Allow users to reopen completed award or completed negotiation.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Research Suppliers

Allows users to research suppliers.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Search Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to search supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Submit Supplier Negotiation Award

Allows users to submit negotiation award recommendations.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

Update Supplier Qualification Question Response

Allows users to update supplier repository from responses to negotiation requirements.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

View Question Response History

Allows users to view a supplier response history for a question.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

View Supplier Business Classification

Allows access to supplier business classifications.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

View Supplier Eligibility

Allows users to view a supplier eligibility.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

View Supplier Negotiation Award Recommendation

Allows a user to review a negotiation's award recommendation.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

View Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to review negotiation responses submitted by suppliers.

Negotiation Award

Make award decisions and create the purchasing documents resulting from those award decisions.

View Supplier Negotiation Response History

Allows suppliers to review the negotiation response history.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Allows authoring of contract terms and conditions using contract terms templates defined in the Contract Terms Library. Also includes using the Contract Expert and validating the contract terms.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Create Contract

Provides ability to initiate contract creation.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Edit Contract

Allows the editing of contracts, as well as other contract management tasks.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Enable Buy Intent

Allows all actions permitted by other privileges for contracts with a buy intent. For example, granting this privilege to an individual with a view privilege permits the viewing of supplier contracts. Granting this privilege to an individual with the delete contracts privilege permits the deletion of supplier contracts.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

Manage Contract Work Area

Allows the navigation to the contracts work area. This work area provides quick access to relevant tasks and contracts.

Negotiation Contract Management

Create and manage procurement contracts for awarded suppliers in a negotiation.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Cancel Scheduled Process

Allows users to cancel a running scheduled process.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Cancel Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to cancel a negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Close Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to manually close a negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Complete Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two Stage Negotiation

Allows users to complete and reopen first stage of a two stage negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Create Supplier Negotiation Response as Surrogate

Allows users to create surrogate supplier negotiation responses on behalf of suppliers.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Disqualify Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to disqualify supplier responses.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Extend Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to extend the close date of a negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Lock Negotiation Supplier Out

Allows users to prevent a supplier from accessing a negotiation to which the supplier was previously invited.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Manage Negotiation Supplier Invitation

Allows users to manage negotiation invitation lists while the negotiation is in progress.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Manage Project Task Progress

Allows users to manage project task progress.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Collaboration Team

Allows users to manage the collaboration team of a negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Requirements

Allows users to manage negotiation requirements while the negotiation is in progress.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Response as Surrogate

Allows users to manage surrogate responses.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Scoring

Allows users to manage supplier negotiation scoring.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Monitor Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to monitor negotiations.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Pause Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to pause negotiations.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Research Suppliers

Allows users to research suppliers.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Search Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to search supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unlock Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to unlock sealed negotiations.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unlock Supplier Negotiation Response Draft as Surrogate

Allows users to unlock a draft surrogate response created by another user.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two Stage Negotiation

Allows users to unlock first stage of a two stage negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unlock Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two Stage Negotiation

Allows users to unlock second stage of a two stage negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unseal Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to unseal sealed negotiations.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage One For Two Stage Negotiation

Allows users to unseal first stage of a two stage negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Unseal Supplier Negotiation Stage Two For Two Stage Negotiation

Allows users to unseal second stage of a two stage negotiation.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

Update Supplier Qualification Question Response

Allows users to update supplier repository from responses to negotiation requirements.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

View Negotiation Lifecycle Activities

Allows users to view negotiation lifecycle activity for audit tracking.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

View Supplier Business Classification

Allows access to supplier business classifications.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

View Supplier Eligibility

Allows users to view a supplier eligibility.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

View Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to review negotiation responses submitted by suppliers.

Negotiation Management

Manage the negotiation open and close dates, add suppliers to the invitation list, update the collaboration team, and other such operations.

View Supplier Negotiation Response History

Allows suppliers to review the negotiation response history.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Analyze Negotiation Response

Allows users to analyze supplier responses available in a negotiation.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Apply Internal Cost Factors

Allows users to add internal cost factors to a supplier negotiation and update their values.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Change Supplier Negotiation Response Shortlist Status

Allows users to change a supplier response shortlist status.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Close Supplier Negotiation Scoring

Allows users to close scoring for a negotiation.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Override Supplier Negotiation Response Score

Allows users to override score of a supplier response.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Research Suppliers

Allows users to research suppliers.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Score Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to score supplier responses.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Search Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to search supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

Update Response Scores for Another Member

Allows users to update scores of supplier negotiation responses on behalf of other scoring team members.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

View Question Response History

Allows users to view a supplier response history for a question.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

View Supplier Business Classification

Allows access to supplier business classifications.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

View Supplier Eligibility

Allows users to view a supplier eligibility.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

View Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to review negotiation responses submitted by suppliers.

Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, score, and shortlist negotiation responses.

View Supplier Negotiation Response History

Allows suppliers to review the negotiation response history.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Allows authoring of contract terms and conditions using contract terms templates defined in the Contract Terms Library. Also includes using the Contract Expert and validating the contract terms.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Edit Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to edit supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Manage Negotiation Line Default

Allows user to set and apply line defaults to negotiation lines.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Draft

Allows users to manage draft supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Research Suppliers

Allows users to research suppliers.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Search Supplier Qualification Area

Allows users to search for a supplier qualification area.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Search Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to search for a supplier qualification question.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

Unlock Supplier Negotiation Draft Owned by Others

Allows users to unlock a draft negotiation owned by another worker.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

View Supplier Eligibility

Allows users to view a supplier eligibility.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

View Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to review a supplier negotiation.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

View Supplier Qualification Area

Allows users to view a supplier qualification area.

Negotiation Update

Update draft supplier negotiations.

View Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to view a supplier qualification question.

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Create Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Allows users to create an online message.

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Reply Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Allows users to reply to an online message received.

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

Search Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to search supplier negotiations.

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

View Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to review a supplier negotiation.

Negotiation Viewing

View the negotiation summary and details pages.

View Supplier Negotiation Online Message

Allows users to view and print online messages.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

Manage Payables Invoices

Allows searching and viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables documents.

Payables Invoice Inquiry

Views Oracle Fusion Payables invoices.

View Payables Invoice

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables invoices without performing a search.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to communicate purchasing documents to suppliers.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Generate Approved Supplier List Entry

Allows a procurement agent to run the Generate Approved Supplier List concurrent program.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Import Blanket Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to run the Import Blanket Agreement concurrent program.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Import Contract Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to run the Import Contract Agreement concurrent program.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface

Allows a procurement agent to run the program to purge the processed data from the purchasing open interfaces.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Reassign Purchasing Document

Allows a procurement agent to run the Reassign Purchasing Documents concurrent program.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status

Allows a procurement agent to refresh status of signatures on purchasing documents.

Purchase Agreement Administration

Perform purchase agreement administration tasks including importing agreements from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, reassigning agreements from one agent to another.

Retroactively Price Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to run the Retroactively Price Purchase Order concurrent program.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Allows authoring of contract terms and conditions using contract terms templates defined in the Contract Terms Library. Also includes using the Contract Expert and validating the contract terms.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Cancel Purchase Agreement

Allows cancellation of purchase agreements including blankets and contracts and allows cancellation of blanket agreement lines.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Change Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to initiate changes to an approved purchase agreement including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Change Supplier Site

Allows a procurement agent to change the supplier site on approved purchase documents.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to communicate purchasing documents to suppliers.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line

Allows a procurement agent to add new lines to a blanket purchase agreement.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Create Blanket Purchase Agreement Line from Catalog

Allows a procurement agent to add new lines to a blanket purchase agreement by browsing or searching the shopping catalog.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Create Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to create purchase agreements including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Download Contract for External Parties

Allows external parties such as suppliers to download the contract terms and conditions in the RTF file format.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Enable Purchase Agreement Catalog Authoring

Allows a procurement agent to delegate catalog authoring tasks to a supplier or a catalog administrator.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Manage Purchasing Document Signatures

Allows a procurement agent to manage signatures on purchasing documents.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to search for purchase agreements including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to Catalog Administrator

Allows a procurement agent to delegate catalog authoring to a catalog administrator.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

Transfer Blanket Purchase Agreement to Supplier

Allows a procurement agent to delegate catalog authoring to a supplier.

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Purchase Agreement Authoring

Create purchase agreements including blanket and contract agreements.

View Purchase Agreement

Allows a user to review a blanket or contract purchase agreement.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Acknowledge Purchase Agreement

Allows acknowledgment of purchase agreements including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Cancel Purchase Agreement

Allows cancellation of purchase agreements including blankets and contracts and allows cancellation of blanket agreement lines.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Finally Close Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to finally close purchase agreements including individual blanket agreement lines.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Freeze Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to freeze purchase agreements including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Hold Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to place a purchase agreement on hold including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Search Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to search for purchase agreements including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Control

Perform purchase agreement control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

View Purchase Agreement

Allows a user to review a blanket or contract purchase agreement.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Download Contract for External Parties

Allows external parties such as suppliers to download the contract terms and conditions in the RTF file format.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to search for purchase agreements including blankets and contracts.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

Search Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to search supplier negotiations.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

View Purchase Agreement

Allows a user to review a blanket or contract purchase agreement.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

View Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to review a supplier negotiation.

Purchase Agreement Inquiry

Search for and review purchase agreements.

View Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to review negotiation responses submitted by suppliers.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to communicate purchasing documents to suppliers.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Generate Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to run the generate purchase order concurrent program.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Import Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to run the Import Purchase Order concurrent program.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Purge Purchasing Document Open Interface

Allows a procurement agent to run the program to purge the processed data from the purchasing open interfaces.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Reassign Purchasing Document

Allows a procurement agent to run the Reassign Purchasing Documents concurrent program.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Refresh Purchasing Document Signature Status

Allows a procurement agent to refresh status of signatures on purchasing documents.

Purchase Order Administration

Perform purchase order administration tasks including importing purchase orders from external applications, applying retroactive price changes, and communicating purchase orders.

Retroactively Price Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to run the Retroactively Price Purchase Order concurrent program.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Author Standard Contract Terms and Conditions

Allows authoring of contract terms and conditions using contract terms templates defined in the Contract Terms Library. Also includes using the Contract Expert and validating the contract terms.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Cancel Purchase Order

Allows cancellation of purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Change Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to initiate changes to an approved purchase order.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Change Purchase Order Line Negotiated Indicator

Allows a procurement agent to indicate that the purchase order line is negotiated.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Change Supplier Site

Allows a procurement agent to change the supplier site on approved purchase documents.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Communicate Purchase Order and Purchase Agreement

Allows a procurement agent to communicate purchasing documents to suppliers.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Create Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to create purchase orders without backing requisition lines and update purchase orders with or without backing requisition lines.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Create Purchase Order Line from Catalog

Allows a procurement agent to add new lines to a purchase order by browsing or searching the shopping catalog.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Create Purchase Order from Requisitions

Allows a procurement agent to add a requisition line to a purchase order or update a purchase order line with a backing requisition line. The purchase order could be in an open or draft status.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Distribute Award Project Costs and Quantities

Allows user to initiate the award distribution process that will match the costs and quantities provided to available award funding patterns to distribute.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Download Contract for External Parties

Allows external parties such as suppliers to download the contract terms and conditions in the RTF file format.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Import Approved Requisition

Allows users to create approved requisitions through the requisition import program.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Import Requisition

Allows users to import requisitions through batch program.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Manage Purchasing Document Signatures

Allows a procurement agent to manage signatures on purchasing documents.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Request Budgetary Control Override

Request an authorized person to override budgetary control violations to allow a transaction to proceed

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

Search Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to search for purchase orders.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

View Purchase Order

Allows a user to review a purchase order.

Purchase Order Authoring

Create and update purchase orders without backing requisition lines.

View Supplier List of Values Using REST Service

Allows access to REST services list of values for suppliers that will be consumed cross pillars.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Acknowledge Purchase Order

Allows acknowledgment of purchase orders.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Cancel Purchase Order

Allows cancellation of purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Close Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to close purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Finally Close Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to finally close purchase orders including individual lines and schedules.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Freeze Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to freeze purchase orders.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Hold Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to place a purchase order on hold.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

Search Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to search for purchase orders.

Purchase Order Control

Perform purchase order control tasks including close, finally close, freeze, and hold.

View Purchase Order

Allows a user to review a purchase order.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Download Contract for External Parties

Allows external parties such as suppliers to download the contract terms and conditions in the RTF file format.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Review Inbound Shipment Details

Allows viewing of inbound shipment details.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Review Receiving Receipt Summary

Allows review of receipt summary information.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Review Receiving Transaction History

Allows viewing of the receiving transaction history for a receipt.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Search Purchase Order

Allows a procurement agent to search for purchase orders.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Search Requisition Line as Buyer

Allows users to search requisition lines as buyers.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

Search Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to search supplier negotiations.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Contract Terms

Not Available

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Payables Invoice

Allows viewing of Oracle Fusion Payables invoices without performing a search.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Purchase Order

Allows a user to review a purchase order.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Receiving Notification as Buyer

Allows viewing of receiving notification details by a buyer.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Requisition Details as Buyer

Allows users to view requisition details as buyers.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement Agent

Allows users to view requisition lifecycle as procurement agents.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to review a supplier negotiation.

Purchase Order Inquiry

Search for and review purchase orders as a procurement agent.

View Supplier Negotiation Response

Allows users to review negotiation responses submitted by suppliers.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Change Requisition Line Grouping

Allows users to change requisition line grouping.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Increase Requisition Line Quantity or Amount as Buyer

Allows users to increase requisition line quantity or amount as buyers.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Process Requisition Line

Allows users to process requisition demand.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Reassign Requisition Line

Allows users to reassign requisition lines to another buyer.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Replace Requisition Line from Catalog

Allows users to replace a requisition line item with a line item from the catalog.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Return Requisition Line

Allows users to return requisition lines to the requester.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Search Requisition Line as Buyer

Allows users to search requisition lines as buyers.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

Split Requisition Line

Allows users to split requisition lines.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

View Requisition Details as Buyer

Allows users to view requisition details as buyers.

Requisition Line Processing

Processes requisition demand including creating purchasing documents.

View Requisition Lifecycle as Procurement Agent

Allows users to view requisition lifecycle as procurement agents.

Seller Negotiation Award

Make award decisions, share award decision with bidders, and export award decisions.

Award Seller Negotiation

Allows users to award seller negotiations to bidders .

Seller Negotiation Award

Make award decisions, share award decision with bidders, and export award decisions.

Complete Seller Negotiation Award

Allows users to finalize and export the seller negotiation award.

Seller Negotiation Creation

Create seller negotiations.

Create Seller Negotiation

Allows users to initiate the creation of a seller negotiation.

Seller Negotiation Creation

Create seller negotiations.

Submit Seller Negotiation

Allows users to publish seller negotiations.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Cancel Seller Negotiation

Allows users to cancel a seller negotiation.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Close Seller Negotiation

Allows users to manually close early or extend the close date of a seller negotiation.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Delete Draft Seller Negotiation

Allows users to delete draft seller negotiations.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Manage Seller Negotiation Bidder Invitation

Allows users to manage seller negotiation invitation list while the seller negotiation is in progress.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Monitor Seller Negotiation

Allows users to monitor seller negotiations.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Pause Seller Negotiation

Allows users to pause or resume seller negotiations.

Seller Negotiation Management

Manage the seller negotiation open and close dates, add bidders to the invitation list, and other such operations.

Unlock Seller Negotiation Draft Owned by Others

Allows users to unlock a draft seller negotiation owned by another worker.

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

Analyze Seller Negotiation Response

Allows users to analyze seller negotiation responses and shortlist them for award.

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

Disqualify Seller Negotiation Response

Allows users to disqualify seller negotiation responses.

Seller Negotiation Response Evaluation

Analyze, and shortlist seller negotiation responses.

View Seller Negotiation Response

Allows users to review seller negotiation responses submitted by bidders.

Seller Negotiation Viewing

Search and view seller negotiation details.

Search Seller Negotiation

Allows users to search seller negotiations.

Seller Negotiation Viewing

Search and view seller negotiation details.

View Seller Negotiation

Allows users to review a seller negotiation.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Create Supplier Negotiation Template

Allows procurement agents to create a negotiation template.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Delete Seller Negotiation

Allows users to delete seller negotiations.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Delete Supplier Negotiation

Allows users to delete submitted negotiations.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Edit Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to create and edit a supplier qualification question.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Attribute List

Allows users to manage negotiation line attributes lists.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor

Allows users to manage negotiation line cost factors.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Cost Factor List

Allows users to manage negotiation line cost factor lists.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Notifications

Allows users to manage supplier negotiation notifications.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Style

Allows users to manage supplier negotiation styles.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Manage Supplier Negotiation Template

Allows users to manage negotiation templates.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

Search Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to search for a supplier qualification question.

Sourcing Administration

Set up negotiation templates, negotiation styles, attribute lists, cost factor lists, and other administrative operations.

View Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to view a supplier qualification question.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

Complete Sourcing Program

Allows users to complete a sourcing program.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

Delete Sourcing Program Owner Manager

Allows users to delete the program owner's manager from the program team.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

Edit Sourcing Program

Allows users to edit a sourcing program.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

Manage Sourcing Program

Allows users to manage sourcing programs.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

Monitor Sourcing Program

Allows users to monitor a sourcing program.

Sourcing Program Management

Manage all aspects of sourcing programs including creating, updating, monitoring, and completing the program.

View Sourcing Program

Allows users to view a sourcing program.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage External Payee Payment Details

Allows management of external payee payment details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage Payment Instrument Assignment

Allows creation of payment instrument assignment

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Manage Third Party Bank Account

Allows update of external bank accounts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Run Supplier Background Scheduler

Allows internal users to automatically start scheduled ESS jobs, such as calculating supply base data, sync keyword search and update keyword search based on the frequency setting.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

Search Supplier

Allows searching of suppliers.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Location of Final Discharge

Allows view of location of final discharge.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Party Fiscal Classification

Allows viewing of tax classifications used by a tax authority to categorize a party and is applicable in the tax determination process.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier

Allows access to the supplier profile.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Address

Allows access to supplier addresses.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Attachment

Allows access to supplier attachments.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Business Classification

Allows access to supplier business classifications.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact

Allows access to supplier contacts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact Change Request

Allows access to supplier contact change request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Contact User Account

Allows access to the user account for supplier contacts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Income Tax

Allows access to supplier income tax reporting information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Payment

Allows access to supplier site payment terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Products and Services Categories

Allows access to supplier products and services categories.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Profile Change Request

Allows access to supplier profile change request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Registration Bank Account

Allows access to bank account information on supplier registration requests.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Registration Request

Allows access to supplier registration request details.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site

Allows access to supplier sites information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Assignment

Allows access to supplier site assignment information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Invoicing Information

Allows access to supplier site invoicing terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Purchasing Information

Allows access to supplier site purchasing terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Site Receiving Information

Allows access to supplier site receiving terms and controls.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Supplier Transaction Tax

Allows access to supplier transaction tax information.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third Party Bank Account

Allows viewing of external bank accounts.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third-Party Site Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third-party site's transaction tax activities.

Supplier Profile Inquiry

View supplier profile information.

View Third-Party Tax Profile

Allows viewing of tax profiles that contain tax information that relate to a third party's transaction tax activities.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Search Supplier Assessment

Allows users to search for a supplier assessment.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

Search Supplier Qualification

Allows users to search for a supplier qualification.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Assessment

Allows users to view a supplier assessment.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification

Allows users to view a supplier qualification.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification Initiative

Allows users to view a supplier qualification initiative.

Supplier Qualification Viewing

An enterprise user can search and view supplier qualifications.

View Supplier Qualification Question

Allows users to view a supplier qualification question.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Check Funds

Check whether sufficient funds are available for a transactions

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Reserve Funds

Check whether sufficient funds are available for a transactions, and if so, reserve the funds

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Review Budget Impact

Review the budgetary control results of a transaction and its budget impact

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Review Budget Period Statuses

Allows inquiry on the budget period status.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Review Budgetary Control Balances

Review budget consumption balances

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Review Budgetary Control Transactions

Review budget consumption balances by transaction

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

Transfer Budget Balances to Budget Cubes Continuously

Allows the submission of a process to continuously transfer budget balances to the budgetary control balances reporting multidimensional database.

Transaction Entry with Budgetary Control

Manages the budgetary control tasks by job roles who perform transactions that are subject to budgetary control, such as accounts payable manager.

View Funds Available Balances

Allows access to view the budgetary control validation results.

Data Security Policies

This table lists data security policies and their enforcement across analytics application for the Category Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can delete application attachment for the negotiation award categories including sourcing negotiation award and miscellaneous

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can delete application attachment for the negotiation categories including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can delete application attachment for the negotiation response categories from supplier, from supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can delete application attachment for the purchase document categories including from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can delete application attachment for the seller negotiation categories including internal to sourcing and to bidder

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can delete application attachment for the seller negotiation category including seller negotiation award

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Delete Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can modify application attachment for the negotiation award categories including sourcing negotiation award and miscellaneous

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can modify application attachment for the negotiation categories including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can modify application attachment for the negotiation response categories from supplier, from supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can modify application attachment for the seller negotiation categories including internal to sourcing and to bidder

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can modify application attachment for the seller negotiation category including seller negotiation award

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment access the contracts application attachments for the purchase document categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the negotiation award categories including sourcing negotiation award and miscellaneous

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the negotiation categories including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the negotiation response categories from supplier, from supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the purchase document categories including document, from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier qualification categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier qualification categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier qualification question category including to supplier

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, from internal responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can read application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, from internal responder, miscellaneous, to buyer, to supplier

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can update application attachment for the purchase document categories including from supplier, miscellaneous, to supplier, to buyer, to receiver, to approver, to payables, and internal to purchasing

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Update Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the negotiation award categories including sourcing negotiation award and miscellaneous

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the negotiation categories including internal to sourcing, miscellaneous, to approver, to buyer, to payables, to receiver, and to supplier

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the negotiation response categories from supplier, from supplier: technical, from supplier: commercial

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the seller negotiation bid category including from bidder

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the seller negotiation categories including internal to sourcing and to bidder

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the seller negotiation category including seller negotiation award

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the supplier assessment categories including internal to supplier qualification, miscellaneous

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the supplier qualification question categories including miscellaneous and to supplier

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment

Application Attachment

A Category Manager can view application attachment for the supplier qualification response categories including from supplier, miscellaneous, to buyer, and to supplier

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Read Application Attachment

Resource: Application Attachment


A Category Manager can manage contract for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Manage Contract (Data)

Resource: Contract

Contract Expert Rule

A Category Manager can view contract terms library for all the business units

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Contract Expert Rule

Contract Library Clause

A Category Manager can view contract terms library for all business units

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Contract Library Clause

Contract Library Clause Folder

A Category Manager can view contract terms library for all the business units

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Contract Terms Library (Data)

Resource: Contract Library Clause Folder

Person Email

A Category Manager can report person email for all workers in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Report Person Email (Data)

Resource: Person Email

Public Person

A Category Manager can choose public person for all workers in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Choose Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Category Manager can report public person for all workers in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Category Manager can report public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Public Person

A Category Manager can view public person for persons and assignments in their person and assignment security profile

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: Report Public Person (Data)

Resource: Public Person

Purchasing Document Header

A Category Manager can view purchasing document header for themselves in the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Purchasing Document Header (Data)

Resource: Purchasing Document Header

Receiving Receipt Transaction

A Category Manager can view purchasing document receiving transaction for the purchase orders for which they are authorized

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Purchasing Document Receiving Transaction (Data)

Resource: Receiving Receipt Transaction


A Category Manager can view requisition analysis for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)

Resource: Requisition


A Category Manager can view requisition analysis for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Requisition Line Processing

Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)

Resource: Requisition

Requisition Line

A Category Manager can view requisition analysis for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)

Resource: Requisition Line

Requisition Line

A Category Manager can view requisition analysis for themselves for the business units for which they are authorized

Role: Requisition Line Processing

Privilege: View Requisition Analysis (Data)

Resource: Requisition Line

Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template

A Category Manager can view sourcing negotiation document and template for the agents and business units for which they are authorized

Role: Category Manager

Privilege: View Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template Analysis (Data)

Resource: Sourcing Negotiation Document and Template

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Org Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Party

A Category Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Category Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Party

A Category Manager can view trading community organization for all organizations in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Organization (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Party

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Organization Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community contact for all trading community persons in the enterprise except contacts created by partners.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community contact for all trading community persons in the enterprise except contacts created by partners.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Contact (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Payables Invoice Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all people in the enterprise other than sales accounts and sales prospects.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Party

A Category Manager can view trading community person for all resources in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Party

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Address Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Email Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

A Category Manager can manage trading community legal contact preference for all trading community contact preferences not of type legal.

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Trading Community Legal Contact Preference (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone Contact Preference

Trading Community Relationship

A Category Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Category Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship

Trading Community Relationship

A Category Manager can view trading community relationship for all trading community relationships in the enterprise except partner contact relationships, or relationships created by partners

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Relationship (Data)

Resource: Trading Community Relationship


This table lists data security policies for privacy for the Category Manager job role.

Business Object Policy Description Policy Store Implementation

Party Tax Profile

A Category Manager can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile

Party Tax Profile

A Category Manager can manage party tax profile for any party tax profile defined in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Party Tax Profile (Data)

Resource: Party Tax Profile


A Category Manager can maintain supplier corporate identifiers for all suppliers for nonindividual types in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Maintain Supplier Corporate Identifiers (Data)

Resource: Supplier

Tax Registration

A Category Manager can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Tax Registration

A Category Manager can manage tax registration for any tax registration defined in the enterprise

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: Manage Tax Registration (Data)

Resource: Tax Registration

Taxable Transaction

A Category Manager can manage taxable transaction for any taxable transaction existing in the enterprise

Role: Buyer

Privilege: Manage Taxable Transaction (Data)

Resource: Taxable Transaction

Trading Community Person Phone

A Category Manager can view trading community person mobile phone number for all trading community person mobile phone numbers

Role: Buyer

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone

Trading Community Person Phone

A Category Manager can view trading community person mobile phone number for all trading community person mobile phone numbers

Role: Supplier Profile Inquiry

Privilege: View Trading Community Person Mobile Phone Number

Resource: Trading Community Person Phone