About Header and Regime Level Tax Registration Numbers

Tax registration number for a supplier can be captured at header and regime levels. The header level tax registration number is used for checks to prevent creation of duplicate suppliers.

Therefore, in all the supplier flows where you provide the header level tax registration number, like supplier import, supplier registration and services, there is validation for duplicate tax registration number to ensure that bad data isn’t captured in the Suppliers work area.

The regime level tax registration number is used in those workflows where tax calculation is based upon the tax registration information captured at the regime level. To ensure proper tax calculation for the supplier, you must capture the regime level tax registration numbers. When creating the regime level tax registration number, you can define to allow duplicate by selecting the right values of Validation Type and Duplicate Validation Level.

Tax Registration Number Validation

You can validate the tax registration numbers as per the country’s format validation logic and define the validation type and level using the Manage Country Default Controls setup page. If a format validation is required, configure the validation level as an error for the specific validation type.

Another configuration option for the validation level is warning, which the supplier’s flows don’t support. Configuring validation level as warning for a country, results in an error when creating or updating a supplier with the same tax country and invalid tax registration number.

You can refer to this document for the details of the country specific format validation logic for tax registration number.

Overview of Tax Registration Number Validation Logic