Active Negotiations Monitoring

The Live Monitor feature enables you to graphically view and compare responses to a negotiation in real time. It gives you a single location from which you can generate many detailed graphic and text displays.

You can use these graphs to assist in analyzing your negotiation responses both while a negotiation is active and after it closes

Live Monitor displays summary information for the negotiation. This includes information about participation levels, potential savings, and participating suppliers. Additionally Live Monitor can generate the several displays at the negotiation and line levels. These displays are updated in real time to provide the most current displays. Based on the real-time information displayed on the monitor page, user can take suitable action on the negotiation directly from the Live Monitor.

Overview and lines level information is displayed in different tabs. Users gets all the information to monitor the negotiation effectively without leaving the page. Highly advanced graph components support zooming and scrolling. User can drill down to a response from the graph. Alerts are visible directly on the elements.

The Live Monitor page automatically refreshes. You have the choice between manually refreshing the page or using the automatic refresh option. Change indicator icons highlight the changes between consecutive page refreshes.

Bars representing a response are labeled either by the response number or the supplier name. If there are ties among responses, they're distinguished by time submitted. Suppliers are identified on XY charts by shaped icon. Moving your mouse over a graph point or a chart bad displays the time, amount, supplier and supplier site for that response.

If a negotiation is amended or taken to a new round of responding, response information from the previous version is discarded. Pausing a negotiation doesn't affect Live Monitor information. For charts that track responses over time, the time the first response is received becomes the entry in the graph. The graph contains the close date. The time indicators are adjusted and displayed accordingly.

Live Monitor displays aren't available for:

  • RFIs

  • Contract purchase agreements which have no lines

  • Sealed negotiations. The responses must first be unlocked to be visible in Live Monitor.

  • Additionally, to generate savings displays, a Current Price value must be provided in the negotiation document.

Responses by Supplier (Negotiation Level)

The graph shows all responses to the negotiation sorted by response amount (the lowest response value appears first). If the supplier has multiple responses, all responses for that supplier are shown.

Savings by Supplier (Negotiation Level)

The graph displays the cumulative savings available from each supplier participating.

Savings by Time (Negotiation Level)

The chart shows savings from each response plotted against time of response submission. No chart is displayed if current prices weren't specified for the negotiation lines.

Unit Prices by Time (Line Level)

This graph shows all the responses to the negotiation. If the supplier has multiple responses, all responses for that supplier are shown, both active and archived. The chart shows the responses for the line, lot, or group line. This is a scatter graph which plots the responses from multiple suppliers in both active and archived status for the selected negotiation line. The data points (responses) pertaining to a single supplier or supplier site combination are connected by line. The Y axis shows the response price offered for that line unit. The X axis shows the time range over which the responses have been submitted. Vertical lines indicate the close date, the current price (if a current price was defined when the negotiation was created), and the target price (if a target price was defined when the negotiation was created).

Responses by Time (Line Level)

This chart shows all responses for the line, lot, or group line. The Y axis shows the response line amount offered for the line. This is calculated as price * quantity. The X axis shows the time range over which the responses have been submitted. Vertical lines indicate the close date, the current price (if a current price was defined when the negotiation was created), and the target price (if a target price was defined when the negotiation was created).

Savings by Supplier (Line Level)

The chart shows all responses to the negotiation. If the supplier has multiple responses, all responses for that supplier are shown. The Y axis shows the savings percentage offered for the line. The X axis shows the time range over which the responses have been submitted. Values can be positive or negative. If no current price was entered when the buyer created the negotiation, an empty graph is displayed with a message that savings couldn't be calculated.

Unit Price Savings by Supplier (Line Level)

The chart shows the savings for the line, lot, or group line. If the supplier has multiple responses, all responses for that supplier are shown. The Y axis shows the savings percentage offered for the line. The X axis shows the time range over which the bids have been submitted. Values can be positive or negative. If no current price was entered when the buyer created the negotiation, an empty graph is displayed with a message that savings couldn't be calculated.