How can I reassign a requisition?

From the Manage Requisitions page, you can reassign one or more requisitions to a new owner. Select the requisitions and then select Reassign from the Actions menu. In the Reassign Requisition dialog box, specify the new owner.

Select Send notification to this person to send a notification to the new owner about the reassignment.

The assignee becomes the Entered By person and can view and modify the requisitions as though they were the original preparer.

You can reassign requisitions in any status (Canceled, Incomplete, In process, Approved, Rejected, and Returned).

By default, you can reassign only requisitions that you created. If you have the permission to reassign requisitions created by others, you can reassign any requisition you're allowed access to on the Manage Requisitions page. Use the POR_VIEW_REQUISITION_ALL_PRIV and POR_REASSIGN_REQUISITION_PRIV privileges to view and reassign requisitions created by others.