How Seller Negotiation Are Monitored

Various tasks are consolidated on the Monitor Seller Negotiation page. On the Monitor Seller Negotiation page, you can monitor the bidding trends in a seller negotiation in real time.

The page auto refreshes where you can also set the refresh interval and view the latest updates on bid ranking and pricing information for all bids. You can view all the active bids and if required, disqualify them. Graphical and tabular analytics are available to view the bidding activities and determine the actions required.

You can perform the same actions as those on the View Seller Negotiation page and navigate to the corresponding pages, change seller negotiation schedule. You can extend, close early, pause or resume, and cancel a seller negotiation.

From the active bids received so far, projected revenue is gathered based on the sum of the maximum revenue each line will get, with the condition that, that line's reserve price is already met or reserve price wasn't set. If a line's reserve price wasn't met, then it's excluded from the projected revenue's calculation. In the Lines tab, you can filter out lines that met the reserve price and the lines that didn't meet the reserve price. You can view bid history from this page by toggling views of the bidders table. Analytics are available to track important auction metrics such as projected revenue, bids by amount, and time.

You can quickly respond to discrepancies in the bidding process in real time and intervene when necessary and take appropriate action. Ability to take actions such as pause or extend provides full control over the auction and bidding activity. For example if you noticed any issue with the inventory items you were planning to sell, you can pause the auction and investigate that issue and resume the auction process once resolved and so on. You can also increase the competition by inviting more bidders at any time until the auction closes.

You can monitor the bids received by their bid amount in a bar graph, where only bids in active status are displayed. A scattered graph plots the bids in active and archived status received from multiple bidders for the seller negotiation. The bids pertaining to a single bidder, bidder site, and bidder contact combination are connected by a smoothed line.