How You Apply Ship-to Organization and Ship-to Location Specific Pricing When Available

You can use the Apply Ship-to Organization and Ship-to Location Specific Pricing When Available feature to configure pricing such that requisition and purchase order lines are always priced from ship-to organization or ship-to location specific price breaks whenever available.

When multiple applicable price breaks exist for a purchase, the following hierarchy is applied to select the price break from which the unit price will be taken:

  1. Price break with matching ship-to organization and ship-to location that results in the lowest unit price.
  2. Price break with matching ship-to organization and blank ship-to location that results in the lowest unit price.
  3. Price break with blank ship-to organization and blank ship-to location that results in the lowest unit price.

When you configure pricing such that requisition and purchase order lines are always priced from ship-to organization or ship-to location specific price breaks, it could result in selecting a higher price.

Let’s see how this works with an example.

Suppose this is the list of multiple price breaks defined for a blanket agreement line.

Price Break Ship-to Organization Ship-to Location Quantity Price
1 Blank Blank 100 $10
2 Blank Blank 200 $8
3 V1 Blank 200 $12
4 V1 Seattle 200 $14

Here’s the unit price that would be derived from these price breaks for different purchases based on the ordered quantity, ship-to organization, and ship-to location before and after using the feature.

Ship-to Organization Ship-to Location Ordered Quantity Unit Price without Using the Feature Unit Price with Using the Feature
V2 New York 150 $10 $10

(No impact because ship-to organization and ship-to location values are blank.)

V2 New York 250 $8 $8

(No impact because ship-to organization and ship-to location are blank.)

V1 New York 250 $8 $12

(Price Break 3 is selected because it’s specific for the V1 ship-to organization.)

V1 Seattle 250 $8 $14

(Price Break 4 is selected because it’s specific for the V1 ship-to organization and Seattle location.)

Note: When multiple price breaks apply to a purchase based on the ordered quantity, ship-to organization, ship-to location, the application will select the one resulting in the lowest price, even if another price break with the quantity closer to the ordered quantity exists.