How You Award a Large Negotiation

As a Category Manager, you can award a large negotiation lifecycle in Oracle Sourcing.

After the negotiation is closed, you can optionally score the requirement responses and remove responses that don’t meet requirements from the shortlist status.

The entire negotiation can be awarded to a single response online after comparing the responses side-by-side. Overall response ranking or line level response ranking is available for analyzing the responses.

You can export the award lines spreadsheet for analyzing line-level responses offline and record the award decision in the spreadsheet. You can award the negotiation at the line level by importing the award lines spreadsheet. While awarding the negotiation by line, you can always export and import the award lines in multiple batches by line range.

Three new award header approval attributes are introduced, which can be used to create award approval rules specific to large negotiations – Large negotiation, Count of lines, and Lines pending award.

After the award is finalized you can complete the award and notify the award decision to the suppliers.

You can create purchasing documents for large negotiations in Oracle Purchasing using background processes. Also, you can export the finalized award decision in a spreadsheet and use it to create purchasing documents with the FBDI or REST web services available in Oracle Purchasing.