How You Capture Supplier Bank Accounts at Different Supplier Profile Levels

Consider the guidance in this section when you want to capture supplier bank accounts at different levels for suppliers.

For the invoices that are raised, suppliers’ bank accounts facilitate electronic payments from the buying organization to the suppliers. To ensure that the suppliers receive payments in the correct bank accounts and for better usability, segregation of bank accounts is available for suppliers at different profile levels, which are:

  • Profile
  • Addresses
  • Sites

Capture of supplier bank accounts at different supplier levels affects the defaulting of bank accounts on invoices. The defaulting mechanism first looks for a valid bank account that’s assigned to the site for which the invoice is created. Then, If no valid bank account is identified at the site level, a valid bank account that’s assigned at the address level is considered. The address looked for is the one to which the site belongs to. Again, if no valid bank account is identified at the address level, then the lookout is for a valid bank account at the supplier profile level. If no valid bank account is identified at any of these levels, then no bank account defaults on the invoice and you must select the right option.

All supplier levels are considered to pick the right bank account for defaulting, and not just a specific level. It’s important to capture bank account at a supplier level that best suits the supplier's information. To identify the supplier profile levels where the bank accounts must be captured, review these use cases:

  • For suppliers who transact in a single currency and always receive payments in one specific bank account, irrespective of the number of addresses they have, capture the bank account at the profile level.
  • For suppliers who transact in multiple currencies identified through different bank accounts, but have all the supplier addresses sharing the same bank accounts to receive payments from the buying organization, capture the bank accounts at the profile level instead of adding same bank accounts to all the supplier addresses.
  • For suppliers who have multiple addresses and each address independently transacts with the buying organization, that is, each address has unique bank accounts to receive the payments, capture the bank accounts at the address level.
  • For suppliers who have multiple addresses and some of them independently transact with the buying organization, that is, among the addresses, some addresses have unique bank accounts to receive the payments. (Also, the rest of the addresses share the same bank account to receive the payments from the buying organization.), then capture the bank accounts at address level for addresses that have unique bank accounts to receive payments and for other addresses sharing the same bank account, capture the bank account at the profile level.
  • For suppliers who have a very complex business structure, wherein for the same address, they provide different bank accounts to receive payments from different business units (identified through supplier sites) of the buying organization with which they transact, capture bank accounts at the site level.
  • For suppliers who have a site that has a unique bank account to receive the payments, capture bank account for the site only and for the sites that share the same bank account, capture the bank account at the address level or the profile level based on the preceding use cases.
  • For suppliers who share the same bank accounts for addresses or sites, but each treats different bank accounts as their primary, first create all bank accounts at the profile level, identify the bank account that’s primary to most of the supplier addresses or sites. Mark this bank account as primary at the profile level. Now, select and add the bank accounts that are primary for other addresses or sites at the address level or site level and make them primary at that level.
Note: It’s recommended that you capture bank accounts at the profile level first and then capture bank accounts at other levels only if there’s a business use case as explained earlier to do so.