How You Create Response to a Large Negotiation

As a category manager, you can create response to large negotiation lines in Oracle Sourcing.

Invited suppliers will receive an invitation notification with the response lines spreadsheet (.CSV) and the negotiation details PDF as an attachment. Suppliers can directly use this response lines spreadsheet to prepare the response and import it.

Suppliers have the ability to search lines and edit their responses online. Suppliers can export a range of response lines by specifying From and To Line numbers. They can create their response in batches to efficiently manage high line volumes.

Events such as export response lines spreadsheet, import response lines spreadsheet, validate response, and submit response, trigger background processes. Suppliers can monitor them in the Monitor Processes page and they are notified once the job is completed.

You can also submit surrogate responses to the large negotiation on behalf of the suppliers.

Suppliers can revise an existing response or submit multiple responses (if allowed).