How You Enhance Duplicate Supplier Check on Taxpayer ID

Quality supplier data is essential for smooth operations. If a duplicate supplier is created, it can cause transaction problems and may require manual intervention to resolve.

Prevention of duplicate suppliers is improved by checking the alphanumeric value of the taxpayer ID regardless of the format differences. This will prevent accidental or intentional attempts to add a duplicate supplier with the same taxpayer ID.

When a taxpayer ID is entered or modified, its alphanumeric value is used to validate against the alphanumeric values of all the saved taxpayer IDs. For example, if 123456789 is a saved taxpayer ID for a supplier, then these and similar values will be considered as duplicates:

123456789, 123-456-789, 12-3456-789, 12 3456 789, and so on.

The duplicate check is enhanced in all supplier-related flows from where the taxpayer ID value is captured, like supplier registration, create and edit supplier, import supplier, and supplier REST service.

An out-of-the-box business intelligence report, Suppliers with Duplicate Taxpayer ID is also provided to find duplicate suppliers based on the enhanced taxpayer ID validation criteria to help you take action.

Consider these when you check for suppliers with duplicate taxpayer IDs:

  • It's recommended to run the Suppliers with Duplicate Taxpayer ID Report to review suppliers with duplicate taxpayer ID and take appropriate action like correcting the taxpayer ID, inactivating duplicate suppliers, or merging duplicate suppliers to maintain a clean supplier master and ensure you're transacting with the right suppliers.
    • To access this report, navigate to BI Publisher > Catalog > Shared Folders > Procurement > Suppliers > Open, Suppliers with Duplicate Taxpayer ID.
    • If the feature Allow Taxpayer ID Sharing Across Suppliers is enabled, there may exist suppliers with the same taxpayer ID but within a parent-child relationship. These suppliers will also be listed in the report showing the parent-supplier relationship. Such suppliers are included for completeness but don't require any action if the relationship is still valid.
  • The duplicate taxpayer ID error message is enhanced to include the name of the supplier with same taxpayer ID. Use the supplier's name in this error message to search for the duplicate supplier in Manage Suppliers. The error message is enhanced to show the supplier name only for internal users and not for supplier-facing flows.