How You Use Document Builder to Create Purchasing Documents

As a buyer, you can use the Document Builder on the Process Requisitions page to create procurement documents from requisition lines you have selected. To use the Document Builder, navigate to the Purchase Orders work area's Process Requisitions task.

How You Select a Document Type

When you add requisition lines to the Document Builder, the Add to Document Builder dialog box displays. In the document Type field, you can indicate the type of document that you're planning to build from the selected requisition lines.

  • Create a new purchase order.

  • Add to an existing purchase order that's still being authored or drafted.

  • If you have enabled the Add New Approved Requisitions to Existing Open Purchase Orders feature, you can add a requisition line that doesn't reference goods shipped to third parties or work orders to an existing open purchase order instead of creating a separate purchase order for the requisition.

    Note: To use the Add New Approved Requisitions to Existing Open Purchase Orders feature, you must enable the feature in the Offerings work area, in the Procurement Offering.
  • If your organization has implemented Oracle Sourcing, you can also initiate drafting a new negotiation document like an auction or request for quote.

If you select New Negotiation, you can then select additional negotiation attributes. If you're not familiar with these attributes, defaults are provided. For more information you can also refer to the related topics listed at the end of this topic.

How You Group Requisition Lines

On the Process Requisitions page, in the Document Builder pane, requisition lines appear as individual lines. Similar lines may be combined together into a single order line based on your setup. Click the Edit button to open the Edit Document Builder page. Use the page to see and adjust how multiple requisition lines should be combined on the resulting order. From the Actions menu in the Document Builder Lines section, you can select from three options to control requisition line grouping:

  • Group Lines Using System Defaults

    With this option, you rely on the application settings that determine whether each requisition line fulfilled in the document should have its own order line, or should be combined with other requisition lines.

  • Group Lines Manually

    With this option, you provide the order line number for each requisition line. You decide which requisition lines should be combined into a single order line and which requisition lines should have their own order line.

  • Do Not Group Lines

    Use this option to ensure that each requisition line has its own order line.

You can switch between these options to see how they affect your purchase order line numbers before selecting the final option. For example, you could start using the application defaults. Then you could switch to manually grouping to adjust a few of those defaults. To revert your changes, you could switch back to using the application defaults and the application recalculates the order line numbers.