Import Regional Information

You can import region specific information for suppliers and supplier sites.

  1. To import supplier or supplier site regional information, in the GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY column provide the value for Regional Information lookup. In subsequent columns, for the GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 - 20, GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_DATE1-10, GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_TIMESTAMP1-10, and GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_NUMBER1-10, provide the values of attributes dependent on the regional information attribute.

    To successfully import the record, for lookup type attributes, you must provide the necessary codes and not the display values.

    If you're using the FBDI template to import suppliers and in the SupplierImport FBDI template, the null values you've provided for the GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY and GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1 columns aren't applied, but the values provided in the Financials offering are applied. To resolve, in the Financials offering, deselect the Enable Checkbox for the U.S Federal Financials opt in. For more information, see Enable U.S. Federal Financials.

  2. To get the necessary codes, in the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Descriptive Flexfields task and search for the flexfield code JE_POZ_SUPPLIERS. Select to edit the DFF entity to get all the relevant details.

    For the regional information lookup, access the page Manage Contexts from the edit descriptive flexfield page for the descriptive flexfield entity JE_POZ_SUPPLIERS. For the dependent attribute codes, access the context sensitive segment for the respective context and find the value set that's used. From the value set, you can get the codes for these attribute lookup values.

  3. Do the import.