Options to Merge Supplier Sites

The Supplier Merge Process is a utility used to maintain supplier records. A supplier record is not explicitly merged by the user. It is merged only as a result of all its sites being successfully merged.

Supplier sites can be merged within the same supplier or between two suppliers. Additionally, the supplier merge process results in updates to transactions when the site referenced on an order, for example, is merged to another site.

Once a merge is completed, it cannot be undone. The supplier is made inactive (in case of supplier merge) and supplier site is made inactive (in case of supplier site merge).

Reasons for Merging a Supplier or Supplier Site

You may want to merge Suppliers because:

  • A duplicate supplier was created.

  • The supplier was acquired by another company.

You may want to merge Supplier Sites because:

  • A duplicate supplier site was inadvertently created.

  • The supplier moved to a new location.

  • A division of a supplier was sold and the appropriate site must be associated to the new supplier that acquired it.

Impacts of Supplier or Supplier Site Merge

The following are impacts of supplier merge:

  • All contacts of the supplier are merged.

  • All products and services categories are merged.

  • All sites are merged (this is a prerequisite for supplier merge).

The following are impacts of supplier site merge:

  • All contacts associated with the site are merged.

If the contact has a user account for the Merged-from supplier, the contact will not be able to see any information in Oracle Supplier Portal about the Merged-to supplier initially. If the contact requires access to the Merged-to supplier, then the user account for the Merged-from supplier contact must be inactivated first before activating the account for the contact in the Merged-to supplier.

When a supplier site is merged, the site information on certain supplier qualification transactions tied to that site is not updated. Instead, the following changes are made to these transactions:

  • Qualifications and assessments in Draft, Ready for Evaluation, and Future Dated status are canceled.

  • Qualifications and assessments in Active status are expired with the end date as the date and time when the merge process takes place.

  • Question responses available in the response repository are copied over to the Merge-To supplier site if active responses do not exist for the same questions.

If a supplier is merged as a result of the supplier site merge, the same changes are made to supplier qualification transactions that are tied to a supplier with no site. Details of these changes are documented in the supplier merge report.