Prepare Purchasing Documents for Electronic Signatures

As a buyer, you can prepare and send purchase agreements, purchase orders and change orders to obtain electronic signature. You can also manage purchasing documents that are sent for electronic signature.

Key aspects of working with purchasing documents that require electronic signature are:

  • Prerequisite feature configuration and setup.

  • Preparing and sending a purchasing document for electronic signature.

  • Managing a purchasing document that's sent for electronic signature.

Before You Start

Before you can prepare a purchasing document for electronic signature, your organization must have completed the following prerequisite tasks:

  • Obtained a license from, registered with, and set up an administration account with DocuSign, the electronic signature service provider.

  • Enabled and configured the electronic signature feature in Oracle Applications Cloud, using the Setup and Maintenance work area.

  • Added you as a user to the DocuSign administration account.

Prepare Purchasing Document

You can prepare a purchasing document for electronic signature using the Purchase Agreements or Purchase Orders work areas.

  1. When you create the document, you can specify the document requires electronic signature. To do this, open the document. On the Edit Document page, select the Requires Signature check box on the Main tab, Terms subtab.

  2. When you're done creating the purchasing document, submit it for approval and acknowledgment.

  3. After approval and acknowledgment are complete, you can prepare the purchasing document for electronic signature. Open the purchasing document, and select the Prepare for Signature option from the Actions drop-down list. When signing documents using DocuSign OAuth 2.0 authentication, you're prompted to grant consent for the authentication application to prepare envelopes on your behalf. You must grant one-time consent. After granting consent, close the message and perform the Prepare for Signature action again.

The Prepare for Signature page includes the following:

  • The notification email.

  • The purchasing document PDF.

  • Any contract documents.

  • Any other attachments for the supplier.

You can use the Prepare for Signature page to perform actions such as:

  • Click the To button to review the email notification text.

  • Add signers as recipients to the notification email.

  • Enter a subject and message.

  • Assign a signature task to each recipient.

  • Add other documents as needed, so the signers can review all terms and conditions that are relevant to the purchasing document before they sign it.

    Note: The documents you can attach must be less than 25MB, and none of the documents should have more than 2000 pages. However, if the attachment size exceeds 25MB, you can either reduce the attachment size or continue with the envelope creation only with the purchasing document PDF and without the attachment.
  • Indicate whether to route the document for signature sequentially or concurrently.

When you're done preparing the purchasing document for signature, click the Send button to send the email notification to the signers.

Note: The Prepare for Signature page displays a DocuSign user interface within your application, integrating functionality from the electronic service provider's web site. For more information about using the page, refer to the DocuSign Support Center at

Manage Purchasing Document

In the Manage Agreements and Manage Orders tasks, you can search for purchasing documents requiring signature. Add the Requires Signature attribute as an advanced search field to find purchasing documents that are in process or electronically signed. You can also add the Requires Signature column to the search results.

After you send a document for signature, and the document is in Sent for Signature status, you can manage the signature process. With the purchasing document open, select the Manage Signature option from the Actions drop-down list. The Manage Signature page opens from the DocuSign web site. You can select the following options from the Other Actions drop-down list:

  • Correct: Use to enter missing or correct existing information. You can resend the document for signature.

  • Void: Use to make changes to the purchasing document after it's sent for signature. This withdraws the document from the electronic signature process.

  • View History: Use to view the signature history of the document.

    Note: If you are the owner or recipient of the envelope, you can view the signature history by accessing the Request Signature link from the document history page. Other users can view the signing history from the purchasing document PDF report if they have access to the purchasing document.

This table lists electronic signature processing statuses you can view throughout the life cycle of a purchasing document that requires signature. A description of each status is also provided.



Pending Signature Preparation

Applies to an approved document that requires signature and is pending signature preparation. Also applies to an approved document for which the signature packet has expired, or is manually voided.

Sent for Signature

Applies to a document which is prepared for and sent for signature.


Applies to a document if all the signers sign it.


Applies to a document if one of the signers declines to sign it.

The final electronically signed version of a purchasing document is stored in the application and is used for supplier communication.