Purchase Agreement Infolets

An infolet is a small interactive widget that gives you key information and shows you what's going on in the areas you work on. You might also find something that you need to follow up on.

The Purchase Agreements work area landing page highlights purchasing agreement transactions that require category manager's attention and infolets that include key alerts and important metrics.

Here's the list of infolets that are available on the Purchase Agreements work area to provide insight into purchase agreements:

  • Requiring Attention: Displays counts of agreements that might require a category manager's attention, such as agreements rejected or agreements with upload errors.

  • In Process: Displays the total number of agreements and change orders in process. It also displays counts by status.

  • Recent Activity: Provides visibility to recent actions taken on the category manager's agreements, such as acknowledgment and change orders.

  • Expiring: Displays counts of expiring agreements that are assigned to the category manager.

  • Incomplete: Displays counts of incomplete agreements and change orders that are assigned to the category manager.

  • Amount Consumed: Displays agreements by consumption rate, including agreements that are over consumed.

  • Consumption at Risk: Shows agreements that have consumption issues based on the predefined released amounts captured on the individual agreement.

  • No Activity: Displays the number of agreements that have had no activity in the past six months.

Note: Infolets in the Purchase Agreements Overview page only reports on transaction count where the transactions are assigned to the logged in user.