Purchase Order Lines

Use the Lines region to enter the details of the goods or services being ordered on a purchase order. Key attributes to consider here are:

  • Line type

  • Item

  • Revision

  • Category

  • Shipping and Delivery

  • Source Document

Line Type

Line types differentiate purchases for various commodities such as goods and services. Goods are ordered by quantity and price, whereas services are ordered by price.

Implications of your selection of line type:

  • The style of the document you're creating can limit the line types that you can choose from. For example, if the style only allows for purchases of fixed price services then only fixed price services line types are available to choose from.

  • The line type isn't editable once the line is saved. If you need to change your line type after saving it, you must delete the line and add another.

  • When you enter a line type, the application automatically defaults attributes for the line being created.


Enter the Item you want to purchase. Typically the item is an identifier of goods already defined in your procurement catalog. If you enter a defined item, the application displays the purchasing category, item description, unit of measure, and unit price associated with the item. To create a purchase order line for a one-time item, simply skip the item number field and enter a purchasing category and an item description.


When entering a line, if you select an item revision, you must choose the current version. Your purchase order submission will fail if any of the lines references an item revision that isn't currently effective.

To buy items without any revision restrictions, you must use the Purchase Past and Future Revisions of Items Feature. Using the feature, you can purchase items without any item revision restrictions, including revisions that are already expired or will be effective in the future.

Using the Order the Current Item Revision for Revision-Controlled Items feature, any time you order a revision-controlled item, the application automatically selects the current revision of the item. You can update the revision if necessary.


When entering a line, enter or select the purchasing category of the item you want to purchase. If you choose an item, the application displays the purchasing category for the item. You can't change the purchasing category if you choose an item.

Shipping and Delivery

The shipping and delivery location, as well as organization should default from the purchase order header information you provided. Enter or select the requested delivery date when the requester needs the item. If the supplier provided a promised delivery date of the items, enter that.

Source Document

When you're creating an order for a predefined item, the application automatically tries to detect an available source agreement that can be leveraged for this purchase.

Based on several transaction attributes like the supplier, supplier site, item, ship-to organization and location, the application looks for the appropriate approved supplier list entry. From the approved supplier list entry it deduces the source blanket or contract agreement. If there is no approved supplier list entry, then it tries to directly look for the appropriate blanket agreement based on the transaction attributes. If there is no blanket, then it tries to find a contract agreement.