Requisition Item Search Options

You can search for items to add to your requisition. Search options such as wildcards and logical expressions make it easy to find what you're looking for.

There are three different search capabilities:

  • Wildcards

  • AND Searches

  • Hyphens or Special Characters


You can use the wildcard characters % (Percent symbol) and the * (Asterisk symbol) in the middle of, or after, your search term. For example, the search term o% matches both Open Markets Inc. and Oracle, but the search term op% matches only Open Markets Inc., and not Oracle

AND Searches

When you enter multiple keywords in the Search field, they're combined with a logical AND for the search. For example, entering red pen returns items containing both the words red and pen.

Hyphens or Special Characters in Searches

You can include the following special characters while searching:

  • the - (Hyphen symbol)

  • the wildcard characters % (Percent symbol) and * (Asterisk symbol)

Keywords containing hyphens or underscores are treated as whole words. For example, you can search for post-it or AB_22ZL. A search on post or AB doesn't find post-it or AB_22ZL. To search using part of a word, use wildcard characters.

Special characters such as a slash (/) and ampersand (&) are ignored.

If you're searching in a catalog language that uses language-specific characters, search supports them.

Expand Search Options: Stemming, Fuzzy and Begins With

Click the expand search link to perform stemming, fuzzy, and begins with searches on any of the search terms. Stemming searches match words with their plural form and with their other tenses. Fuzzy searches match words with similar spelling and pronunciations. Begins with searches match words that begin with the word specified.

How You Use Filters to Refine Search Results

The Search Results page displays items matching your search criteria. Use the Filters panel to refine your search if there are too many results. Use the Show Filters and Hide Filters buttons to show or hide the Filters panel.

Filtering Search Results

Filters available to narrow the number of items displayed on the Search Results page include:

  • Categories - Shows only items from a particular category

  • Brand - Shows only items of a particular brand

  • Price - Shows only items in a particular price range

Specify a low and a high price to narrow your search results to show items in a particular price range. Use the sliders to set the high and low limits to a roughly specified range. Use the price fields to set the range precisely. The minimum and maximum values that you can set for the price range are taken from the set of items currently shown in the search results.