Requisition Saved Searches Options

Some of the most common searches are predefined for you to use. You can modify saved searches to meet your needs, or create your own.

Requisition Line Searches

Although the Procurement BU that you specify narrows down the available requisition lines you can process, search is your primary tool to consolidate random requisition lines into a collection of just those you're interested in.

Basic search is accomplished by simply filling in a few of the provided fields. With advanced search, you can perform queries that require entries to find matches using a relationship other than just an equal to match as is done in a basic search. Optionally you can choose from the Saved Searches list that lets you save and reuse any frequently used set of search criteria.

On the Process Requisitions page, these saved searches appear as options in the Saved Search field.

Predefined Saved Searches

This type of saved search has already been created for you.

Some examples are:

  • My requisition lines that failed automation

    Requisition lines assigned to you that require some analysis to determine further action after failing automatic document creation. For example, a requisition line that is still in the requisition pool despite having one of the following:

    • The line references a procurement card.

    • The line references an emergency purchase order number.

    • The line references a source agreement that's configured for automatic ordering.

  • My requisition lines requiring negotiation

    Requisition lines assigned to you for which you need to create a negotiation.

  • All my requisition lines requiring action

    This saved search shows all requisition lines in your processing queue.

Personalized Saved Searches

You can change some attributes of a predefined saved search by selecting Personalize. For example, you could set the "My requisition lines that failed automation" search to be the default search when you open the page.

How You Create Saved Searches

If you often have the need to look up the same combination of requisition lines, you can save your basic or advanced search as a saved search. Simply enter your criteria in either basic or advanced search and click Save.