Supplier Creation Process

After the registration request is approved and the registration approval notifications are sent, the application automatically creates the supplier in the Supplier Master.

This list describes the Supplier creation process:

  • The supplier number is assigned from the next sequential number, maintained in Supplier Numbering setup.

  • If the newly created supplier has a business relationship of spend authorized, a separate spend authorization approval request is started upon creation of the supplier. This additional approval review ensures the supplier record is ready for transaction processing.

  • A supplier site is created for each address in the procurement BU for which the registration request was created. The address name provided in the registration request is used as the site name. The site purposes are derived from the address purposes.

  • A site assignment is automatically created for every client BU having both requisitioning and payables invoicing business functions that are serviced by the procurement BU for which the registration request was created. Site assignments aren't created for sites with Site Purpose of Sourcing Only.

    If you don't want to have site assignments created automatically, you can deactivate this feature. In the Setup and Maintenance work area use the Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request task in the Suppliers functional area. In the Configure Supplier Registration and Profile Change Request page, deselect the Autocreate site assignments for spend authorized suppliers check box.

  • User accounts requested for any contacts entered on the registration are sent to Oracle Fusion Identity Management for processing. After a user account is provisioned, a notification is sent to the contact containing the login details for access to the Oracle Supplier Portal application.

If any validation errors are encountered preventing the supplier record from being created the error details can be accessed from the Manage Supplier Registration Requests page. If supplier creation fails then this process takes place:

  • Supplier Creation Status on the registration is marked as Error.

  • A notification is sent.

    • Supplier Administrators that have access to the procurement BU for which the registration was created receive notifications for prospective suppliers.

    • Supplier Managers that have access to the procurement BU for which the registration was created receive notifications for spend authorized suppliers.

  • Supplier Administrators or Supplier Managers can view and fix errors by navigating to the Edit Supplier Registration Request page accessed from the notification, or from the Manage Supplier Registration Requests page.

  • Once the errors are fixed, the supplier is created and the Supplier Creation Status is marked as Completed.

  • In some cases the user may not want to proceed with creating the supplier, for example if the error is for a duplicate supplier that already exists. The user then has the option to cancel the supplier creation by clicking on Cancel Supplier Creation on the Edit Supplier Registration Request page.