Supplier Profile Change Request Approval

Use the Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals task to configure approval routing for supplier-initiated supplier contact change requests.

Submitted supplier profile change requests include only the profile information that is to be changed. As an approver reviewing the profile change request, you can edit the information included in the request, with the exception of bank account information.

Click Edit Change Request in the Related Links section of the Supplier Profile Change Request page to make changes on the Edit Supplier Profile Change Request page. You can't make edits to Bank Accounts, nor can you edit profile, address or contact level descriptive flexfield changes. You can add comments or attachments for other approvers to use in evaluating the request.

From the Edit Supplier Profile Change Request page, you can update the requested changes, and Approve or Reject the request. Changes can be saved for later review without canceling the request.

When all approvals are complete for the profile change request, notification of the outcome is sent to the submitter.

Supplier Profile Change Request Approval Routing Configuration

Use the Manage Supplier Profile Change Approvals setup task to configure supplier-initiated Supplier Profile Change Request approval rules. Find the task in Setup and Maintenance in the Procurement offering, under the Approval Management functional area.

The Supplier Profile Change Request setup task approval configuration includes two seeded stages that are executed serially:

  • Supplier Profile Change Request First Stage Approvals

  • Supplier Profile Change Request Second Stage Approvals

All first stage approvals must be completed before the routing rules of the Second Stage are executed.

Post-Approval Supplier Profile Update

If any validation errors are encountered that prevent update of the supplier profile, the following process takes place:

  • The profile change request is marked as erroneous.

  • A notification containing a link to the change request is sent to the Supplier Administrator.

  • Supplier Administrators view and fix errors by navigating to the Edit Supplier Profile Change Request page accessed from the notification.

  • After the errors are fixed, the Supplier Administrator submits the change request for reprocessing. There is no approval process involved in reprocessing changes to the request.