How You Route Requisitions for Approval Based on Any Segment of the Charge Account

Route requisitions for approval based on any segment or combination of segments of the charge account. This extends the ability to drive requisitions approval routing based on segment labels.

For example, you can create a rule with this condition. Charge Account Matches (.*)-(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-(.*)-090

Where 090 is the value of the segment and (-) is the delimiter.

Note: When in case you’re using (.) (Dot) as delimiter, use \\ to escape it for java match. The (.) (Dot) is a special character in regular expression matching.

Then for the condition, use: Charge account matches (.*)\\.(.*)\\.09\\.(.*)\\.(.*)\\.(.*)\\.(.*)

The preceding condition will trigger when the 3rd segment is 09.

Other examples:

  • If the separator is (-) between two segment values

    To Include individual segment account value: Use charge account match operator (.*)-(.*)-1410-(.*)-(.*)

    To Exclude individual segment account value: use charge account match operator (.*)-(.*)-(?!1410).*-(.*)-(.*)

  • If the separator is (.) between two segment values

    To Include: use charge account match operator (.*)\\.(.*)\\.1410\\.(.*)\\.(.*)

    To Exclude: use charge account match operator (.*)\\.(.*)\\.(?!1410).*\\.(.*)\\.(.*)