How You Configure Purchasing Document Reports

You can copy and configure new versions of the delivered purchasing document report templates. Use the report creation capabilities of Oracle Analytics Publisher, and Oracle Analytics Publisher Desktop.

Aspects of copying and configuring delivered purchasing document report templates that are explained in this topic include:

  • Report templates.

  • How You obtain Procurement data source.
  • Data models.

  • General steps to copy and configure a report.

Report Templates

Two predefined purchasing document report templates are delivered: Purchase Order PDF Report and Purchase Agreement PDF Report.

The reports have two main elements:

  • Procurement data source.

  • Report layout template.

Obtain the delivered report templates in Oracle Analytics Publisher, using the following path: Catalog/Shared Folders/Procurement.

You can configure new versions of the delivered reports by adding fields to the report layout, to include reporting attributes not shown in the delivered versions, such as:

  • Attributes from the delivered data model.

  • Additional attributes from tables not available in the delivered data model.

How You Obtain Procurement Data Source

You can obtain the procurement data source (represented as an XML file) directly from Oracle Analytics Publisher.

There are two ways to extract the data source from Oracle Analytics Publisher:

  • You can find the data models in the this path: Catalog > Shared Folders > Procurement > Purchasing > Data Models. There's a data model for purchase orders and a separate one for purchase agreements. You can export the data source from these data models by navigating to Edit > Data. Specify values for the parameters and then select View to see the XML. Use the Export button to save the XML.
  • Alternatively, you can extract the data source from the provided reports. First, you must enable XML as an output parameter for the layout:
    1. Navigate to Catalog > Shared Folders > Procurement > Purchasing, create a custom copy of the report you want to work with and then click Edit from the custom version you just created (placed in the Custom > Procurement > Purchasing folder by default).
    2. Select View a list.
    3. In the Output Formats dropdown, select Data (XML).
    4. Open the report using either the Report Viewer (View Report button) or navigate to Open > Shared Folders > Custom > Procurement > Purchasing.
      Note: To enable the View Report button, you must set the properties of the report to Run Report Online.
    5. Enter values for the parameters. When the results are displayed, navigate to Actions > Export > Data. You will be prompted to save the data source as an XML file.

Whether you use option 1 or option 2 to obtain the data source, you must provide values for these parameters to generate the corresponding XML file for purchase orders:

  • Sold-to LE
  • Document Number
  • Change Order Number
  • Is Document in Draft Status? (Y/N)

To extract sample data from the purchase agreement data model, you must provide values for these parameters:

  • Procurement BU
  • Document Number
  • Change Order Number
  • Is Document in Draft Status? (Y/N)

Data Models

Two data models are delivered, one for each purchasing document report: Purchase Order Data Model, and Purchase Agreement Data Model. Obtain them from Oracle Analytics Publisher, using the following path: Catalog/Shared Folders/Procurement.

Use the data models to:

  • See all of the fields that can be included in a report.

  • Retrieve fields from other tables that aren't included in the delivered data models.

  • Make changes to the data models for the two purchasing document types independent of each other.

How You Copy and Configure a Purchasing Document Report

To copy and configure a purchasing document report follow these general steps.

  1. Use Oracle Analytics Publisher to:

    1. Obtain the delivered data model and report template appropriate to the purchasing document type.

    2. Make a copy of them to configure into a new version, preserving the delivered versions unchanged.

    3. Edit the data model and export the XML.

    4. Download the report template.

  2. Use Oracle Analytics Publisher Desktop, in Microsoft Word, to:

    1. Import the data model to the copy of the report template.

    2. Modify the report template to add fields to the report that aren't a part of the delivered report.

  3. Use Oracle Analytics Publisher to:

    1. Upload the modified report template to the catalog, making it available to other users.

The modified report template displays in the Configure Procurement Business Function task. You can find the task in the Setup and Maintenance work area, Procurement Foundation functional area. For each affected business unit, you can associate the modified report template with the appropriate purchasing document type.