Table PON_BID_ITEM_PRICES stores the line level information such as price, quantity etc for a response submitted by a supplier on a negotiation.


  • Schema: FUSION

  • Object owner: PON

  • Object type: TABLE

  • Tablespace: APPS_TS_TX_DATA

Primary Key

Name Columns




Name Datatype Length Precision Not-null Comments
AUCTION_HEADER_ID NUMBER 18 Yes Auction Header Identifier
PURCHASING_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Item Id associated to the purchasing line created from this line if it is an alternate line response. The value will be set during the create purchasing phase.
PURCHASING_ITEM_REVISION VARCHAR2 18 Item Revision associated to the purchasing line created from this line if it is an alternate line response. The value will be set during the create purchasing phase.
PURCHASING_ITEM_DESC VARCHAR2 2500 Item Description associated to the purchasing line created from this line if it is an alternate line response. The value will be set during the create purchasing phase.
PRICE NUMBER Price per unit
PROMISED_DATE DATE Date items are promised at receivers address
AWARD_STATUS VARCHAR2 25 Award status of bid
AWARD_DATE DATE Date of award status
NOTE_TO_AUCTION_OWNER VARCHAR2 4000 Note to auction owner
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the creation of the row.
CREATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who created the row.
LAST_UPDATE_DATE TIMESTAMP Yes Who column: indicates the date and time of the last update of the row.
LAST_UPDATED_BY VARCHAR2 64 Yes Who column: indicates the user who last updated the row.
PUBLISH_DATE DATE Date of this row being published
PROXY_BID_LIMIT_PRICE NUMBER Price limit that can be bid in proxy bid
BID_CURRENCY_PRICE NUMBER Currency of bid price
BID_CURRENCY_LIMIT_PRICE NUMBER Bid Limit price in bid currency
PROXY_BID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N flag to indicate proxy bid is allowable
FIRST_BID_PRICE NUMBER Price for first bid
HAS_ATTRIBUTES_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Y or N flag to indicate item attributes
TOTAL_WEIGHTED_SCORE NUMBER Total weighted score for the scored attributes
RANK NUMBER Rank for this particular bid
TRIGGER_BID_NUMBER NUMBER 18 Bid number which triggered system to generate this bid
PO_MIN_REL_AMOUNT NUMBER Minimum Release Amount in negotiation currency
PO_BID_MIN_REL_AMOUNT NUMBER Minimum Release Amount in bid currency
PRICE_BREAK_TYPE VARCHAR2 25 Type of price break
HAS_SHIPMENTS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Does this line have shipments?
CANCELLED_LIMIT_PRICE NUMBER Contains the proxy bid limit price at the time the user cancelled proxy bidding on a line.
IS_CHANGED_LINE_FLAG VARCHAR2 240 This flag indicates if the bid on an item is changed compared to the previous bid.
HAS_PRICE_DIFFERENTIALS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Not currently used. Flag to indicate if the response item has price differentials
PRICE_DIFF_SHIPMENT_NUMBER NUMBER Price differential shipment number (used for OA Framework VL)
BID_CURRENCY_TRANS_PRICE NUMBER Stores transformed price in bid currency
UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Stores unit price in auction currency
BID_CURRENCY_UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Stores unit price in bid currency
GROUP_AMOUNT NUMBER Stores the total group amount for all lines in that group
HAS_BID_PAYMENTS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Not currently used. Indicates whether this line has payments defined under it.
ADVANCE_AMOUNT NUMBER Not currently used. Amount that will be paid to the supplier as an advance in auction currency.
BID_CURR_ADVANCE_AMOUNT NUMBER Not currently used. Amount that will be paid to the supplier as an advance in response currency.
RECOUPMENT_RATE_PERCENT NUMBER Not currently used. Percentage of each invoice that can be recouped when financing or advances are provided to the supplier.
PROGRESS_PYMT_RATE_PERCENT NUMBER Not currently used. Percentage of the amount that will be due to the Supplier upon completion of a milestone.
RETAINAGE_RATE_PERCENT NUMBER Percentage of each invoice that will be retained until the work is completed and accepted.
MAX_RETAINAGE_AMOUNT NUMBER Maximum amount that can be retained across all invoices for this line in auction currency.
BID_CURR_MAX_RETAINAGE_AMT NUMBER Maximum amount that can be retained across all invoices for this line in response currency.
OLD_NO_OF_PAYMENTS NUMBER Not currently used. Number of payments in the previous bid. This is only populated when the supplier's bid is defaulted from an earlier bid. It is used to determine if any payments were deleted in the new bid.
OLD_BID_CURR_ADVANCE_AMOUNT NUMBER Not currently used. Value from column BID_CURR_ADVANCE_AMOUNT of the prior bid. This is only populated when the supplier's bid is defaulted from an earlier bid.
OLD_RECOUPMENT_RATE_PERCENT NUMBER Not currently used. Value from column RECOUPMENT_RATE_PERCENT of the prior bid. This is only populated when the supplier's bid is defaulted from an earlier bid.
OLD_PROGRESS_PYMT_RATE_PERCENT NUMBER Not currently used. Value from column PROGRESS_PYMT_RATE_PERCENT of the prior bid. This is only populated when the supplier's bid is defaulted from an earlier bid.
OLD_RETAINAGE_RATE_PERCENT NUMBER Value from column RETAINAGE_RATE_PERCENT of the prior bid. This is only populated when the supplier's bid is defaulted from an earlier bid.
OLD_BID_CURR_MAX_RETAINAGE_AMT NUMBER Value from column BID_CURR_MAX_RETAINAGE_AMT of the prior bid. This is only populated when the supplier's bid is defaulted from an earlier bid.
OLD_PRICE NUMBER Total price from source bid
OLD_BID_CURRENCY_UNIT_PRICE NUMBER Unit price in bid currency from source bid.
OLD_BID_CURRENCY_PRICE NUMBER Total price or unit price(depending on the transformed/untransformed view) in bid currency from source bid.
OLD_BID_CURRENCY_LIMIT_PRICE NUMBER Proxy limit in bid currency from source bid.
OLD_PO_BID_MIN_REL_AMOUNT NUMBER PO minimum release amount in bid currency from source bid.
OLD_QUANTITY NUMBER Quantity from source bid
OLD_PUBLISH_DATE DATE Publish date from source bid
OLD_PROMISED_DATE DATE Promised date from source bid
OLD_NOTE_TO_AUCTION_OWNER VARCHAR2 4000 Note to auction owner from source bid.
HAS_BID_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether supplier has bid on the line or not.
DISPLAY_PRICE_FACTORS_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether this line has applicable price factors for this supplier.
REQUEST_ID NUMBER 18 Enterprise Service Scheduler: indicates the request ID of the job that created or last updated the row.
PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE DATE Date when this row was last updated by a concurrent program
PROGRAM_NAME VARCHAR2 30 Identifies the concurrent program
PROGRAM_APP_NAME VARCHAR2 50 Identifies the application name spawning the concurrent request.
BATCH_ID NUMBER 18 In spreadsheet upload case, use it to only validate the lines in the spreadsheet.
INTERFACE_LINE_ID NUMBER In spreadsheet upload case, use it to store the line number in the spreadsheet file.
COPY_PRICE_FOR_PROXY_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 The flag will set to "Y" if there is active proxy going on for that line. The flag will be cleared out when the proxy bid is exhausted.
AWARD_PRICE NUMBER The final price used for award
AWARD_SHIPMENT_NUMBER NUMBER Stores reference to shipment number in case award price if from Tiers
HAS_QUANTITY_TIERS VARCHAR2 1 Indicates whether bid line has Quantity tiers
PER_UNIT_PRICE_COMPONENT NUMBER This column stores the calculated value that contains line price, per unit cost factors and percentage cost factors.
FIXED_AMOUNT_COMPONENT NUMBER This column stores calculated value that contains fixed amount cost factors.
BID_START_PRICE NUMBER Start price for a multiround negotiation is derived from previous bid price in the previous round based on the control ENFORCE_PREVRND_BID_PRICE_FLAG specified by the buyer.
OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER NUMBER 9 Yes Used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
WORKSHEET_NAME VARCHAR2 80 Worksheet name in which this column appears during XML spreadsheet upload.
WORKSHEET_SEQUENCE_NUMBER NUMBER Sequence number of the worksheet. This is used to sort the errors from middle tier and pl/sql layer.
LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN VARCHAR2 32 Who column: indicates the session login associated to the user who last updated the row.
PARENT_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER Bid Line Number of parent Lot/Group. For non alternate lines, this value will be defaulted from the negotiation and for Alternate lines this will store the Line number of the Parent Alternate Lot or Group
ALTERNATE_DISP_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER Internal number used for ordering Alternate lines. It's value will be 1 for negotiation line and 2,3,4 etc for its alternate lines.
AUCTION_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER Yes Line number of the Negotiation line. For Alternate lines, this will store the Negotiation Line number for which the alternate is created.
ALTERNATE_LINE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2500 Description of an Alternate Line.
OLD_ALTERNATE_LINE_DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 2500 Alternate line description of source bid.
UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Code for unit of measure. For non alternate lines, this value will be defaulted from the negotiation.
OLD_UOM_CODE VARCHAR2 3 Code for unit of measure from source bid for alternate lines.
UOM_CONVERSION_FACTOR NUMBER Conversion factor between Negotiation Line UOM and Alternate Line UOM.
DOCUMENT_DISP_LINE_NUMBER VARCHAR2 25 Line number displayed to the user (eg: 2.1-1). For non alternate lines, this value will be defaulted from the negotiation.
MAX_ALTERNATE_DISP_LINE_NUMBER NUMBER For the negotiation line, this value will contain the max ALTERNATE_DISP_LINE_NUMBER. For alternate lines, this value will be 1.
ALTERNATE_LINE_FLAG VARCHAR2 1 Alternate line flag will be Y for alternate lines and N for regular negotiation lines.
PROMISED_SHIP_DATE DATE A date that the supplier has promised to ship the item ordered by the buying company.
OLD_PROMISED_SHIP_DATE DATE The old date when the supplier promises to ship out the item ordered by the buying company in the previous bid.
PROMISED_DELIVERY_DATE DATE A date that the supplier has promised to deliver the ordered item or service.
OLD_PROMISED_DELIVERY_DATE DATE The old date when the supplier promises to deliver the ordered item or service in the previous bid.
TOTAL_FIXED_ICF_LINE_COST NUMBER Total Line Internal Cost Factor value of Fixed Amount type Pricing Basis in Auction currency.
TOTAL_PERCENT_ICF_LINE_COST NUMBER Total internal cost factor value of "Percentage" type pricing basis in Auction currency.
TOTAL_PER_UNIT_ICF_LINE_COST NUMBER Total Line Internal Cost Factor value of Per Unit type Pricing Basis in Auction currency.
TRANS_RESPONSE_PRICE NUMBER Transformed Response Price in auction currency for this Bid Line.
TRANS_LINE_AMOUNT NUMBER Transformed Line Amount in auction currency.
TRANS_RANK NUMBER Transformed Rank for this Bid Line.
TRANS_GROUP_AMOUNT NUMBER Transformed Group amount in Auction currency. Applicable only for GROUP type line.
MIN_BID_LINE_CHANGE NUMBER Minimum bid line change if proxy bidding is allowed.
OLD_MIN_BID_LINE_CHANGE NUMBER Minimum bid line decrement from source bid.
BID_CURR_MIN_BID_LINE_CHANGE NUMBER Minimum bid line change in response currency if proxy bidding is allowed.
OLD_BID_CUR_MIN_BID_LIN_CHANGE NUMBER Minimum bid line change in response currency from source bid if proxy bidding is allowed.
SUPP_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Item Id of the associated supplier item from EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS table with tp_type as "SUPPLIER"
MFG_PART_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Item Id of the associated manufacturer part number from EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS table with tp_type as "MANUFACTURER"
MFG_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Trading Partner Id of the associated manufacturer from EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS table with tp_type as "MANUFACTURER".
OLD_SUPP_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Old Item Id of the associated supplier item from EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS table with tp_type as "SUPPLIER"
OLD_MFG_PART_ITEM_ID NUMBER 18 Old Item Id of the associated manufacturer part number from EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS table with tp_type as "MANUFACTURER"
OLD_MFG_PARTY_ID NUMBER 18 Old Trading Partner Id of the associated manufacturer from EGP_TRADING_PARTNER_ITEMS table with tp_type as "MANUFACTURER".
NEW_SUPP_ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Item Number of the new supplier item given by supplier.
OLD_NEW_SUPP_ITEM_NUMBER VARCHAR2 150 Old Item Number of the new supplier item given by supplier.

Foreign Keys

Table Foreign Table Foreign Key Column
pon_award_allocations pon_bid_item_prices BID_NUMBER, BID_LINE_NUMBER
pon_bid_po_lines pon_bid_item_prices BID_NUMBER, LINE_NUMBER
pon_acceptances pon_bid_item_prices BID_NUMBER, LINE_NUMBER
pon_bid_price_elements pon_bid_item_prices BID_NUMBER, LINE_NUMBER
pon_award_allocations_history pon_bid_item_prices BID_NUMBER, BID_LINE_NUMBER
pon_bid_po_lines_history pon_bid_item_prices BID_NUMBER, LINE_NUMBER


Index Uniqueness Tablespace Columns