Creating an Initiative: Worked Example

This worked example provides information on creating initiatives.

Create an Initiative

Complete the these prerequisites:

Qualification Areas

Qualification Area Name

Question Name



Question Notes

West Coast Electronics Supplier Product Information

Number of procurement customers

How many customers do you maintain procurement contacts with?

  • Good

  • Acceptable

  • Unacceptable

Supplier must provide an answer.

West Coast Electronics Supplier Product Information

Major Product Areas

For which of these categories do you sell lighting products?

  • Good

  • Acceptable

  • Unacceptable

This is a multiple choice with multiple selections question with possible choices.

  • Commercial

  • Landscape

  • Residential

West Coast Electronics Supplier Product Information

International Sites

Identify any major geographic areas where you have significant operations.

  • Good

  • Acceptable

  • Unacceptable

This is a multiple choice with multiple selections question, and is optional. (This question will be deleted during the configuration step.)

Supplier Performance

Supplier Rating

Select the appropriate supplier rating.

  • Good

  • Exceptional

  • Substandard

This is the second qualification area. This is an internal question and is a multiple choice with single selection question.


Create suppliers PennyPack Systems, Green Corp., and Large and Associates. The suppliers must have a supplier contact, an internal responder, and a supplier site.

To create an initiative:

  1. In the Navigator, click Supplier Qualification.

  2. In the Supplier Qualification work area, in Tasks, click Create Initiative.

  3. In the Create Initiative window, set type as Qualification and enter title as Initiative for Electronic Goods Suppliers, and then click Create.

  4. In Edit Initiative: Overview train stop, provide description as Qualification initiative to identify new electronic goods suppliers in the North American region and provide internal note as Targeted suppliers as per Emily's email.

  5. In qualification area, click add icon.

  6. In qualification area, select West Electronics Supplier Product Information, enter evaluation due date as two months from today.

  7. In qualification area, select Supplier Performance, enter evaluation due date as two months from today.

  8. In qualification area, select Supplier Performance and in the Suppliers region click Search and Add.

    You also click Detach to detach the page and added suppliers.

  9. In the supplier search page, search and add the suppliers, PennyPack Systems, Green Corp., and Large and Associates to the initiative.

  10. For suppliers, add the supplier site and internal responder. You can also add the purchasing manager as the internal responder.

    The Configuration train stop shows that the questionnaires will be sent to both suppliers and internal responders.
  11. In the Questionnaire train stop, for the question involving geographic location, as it is already known that these suppliers are located in North America, this question is not required and you can delete this question. Also, you can change the order of the remaining two questions. After the changes are complete, you can click Save.

    You can restore the question you deleted and while restoring, you can also reinsert the question at a different position.
  12. Click Preview to ensure that the questionnaire for the supplier looks the way you want and then click Done.

  13. In Show Questionnaire, select Internal to view the internal questionnaire. Click Preview to ensure that the questionnaire looks the way you want and then click Done.

  14. Click the Review train stop, and then click Validate. In the confirmation message, click OK and then click Save.

  15. Click Launch and in the warning message, click Yes and in the confirmation message click OK.

    You can search for the initiative you just launched from the Manage Initiatives task in the Tasks panel.