Supplier Profile Audit History Setup and Reporting

Supplier audit history allows tracking and reporting of changes made to supplier profile information to support internal audit controls and governance as well as external regulatory compliance such as SOX. A detailed change history provides real-time traceability of any supplier changes.

You can set up audit tracking on any attribute related to these supplier information:

  • Profile details (Name, Alternate Name, D-U-N-S Number, and so on)

  • Supplier addresses

  • Supplier Business Classifications

  • Supplier Products and Services

  • Supplier Tax Registrations

  • Tax Classifications

  • Tax Reporting Codes

  • Supplier Sites

  • Supplier Site Assignments

  • Supplier Contracts

  • Supplier Payment Methods

  • Supplier Payment Attributes

  • Supplier Bank Accounts

  • Supplier Address Contacts

  • Supplier Address Tax Classifications

  • Supplier Address Tax Registrations

  • Supplier Address Tax Reporting Codes

  • Supplier Site Third-Party Payment Relationships

Once configured, changes to the supplier profile are tracked and available for review online. Changes to the supplier profile include updates made by end users both in the buying organization as well as from the supplier and changes applied by the application such as supplier import, approved supplier registration requests, or approved change requests.

Configure Audit Setup for Suppliers

The audit setup page is available to users with a job role of Application Administrator. In the setup page you can select objects and its attributes that you want to enable for audit tracking. To configure audit setup:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the Manage Audit Policies task.

  2. In the Oracle Fusion Applications region, change the Audit Level to Auditing.

    Audit history is now enabled for all applications that are implemented at the customer site.

  3. Click Configure Business Object Attributes.

    In the Configure Business Object Attributes page you can select the specific business objects and attributes within each object that you require to enable for audit history tracking.

  4. From the Configure Business Object Attributes page, in Product, select Supplier Model.

    The supplier objects available for audit are displayed:

    1. Parent: Supplier (Includes all profile-level attributes such as identifier information including Supplier Name, Alternate Name, D-U-N-S Number, Descriptive Flexfields, and Income Tax details).

    2. Child: Supplier Business Classifications, Supplier Products and Services, Supplier Addresses, Supplier Contacts, Supplier Sites, Supplier Site Assignments, Supplier Tax Classifications, Supplier Address Tax Classifications, Supplier Tax Registrations, Supplier Address Tax Registrations, Supplier Tax Reporting Codes, Supplier Address Tax Reporting Codes, and so on.

  5. You must first determine what objects need to be enabled for audit tracking. You can check the top node Audit Top Node, which will check all the listed objects, or choose each individual object, based on your specific requirements.

  6. After you have selected the objects, to select attributes to enable audit tracking for that selected object, in the Audited Attributes region, From the Actions menu, click Create. You can also remove attributes previously assigned if there is no longer a need for audit tracking for those attributes. To add or remove attributes, you must click Create itself.


    Double-click each line under object to see it under the Audited Attributes section. Then from Audited Attribute section, click Actions > Create to select or change specific attributes for the object selected.

  7. In the Select and Add Audit Attributes dialog box, select the specific attributes you want to audit and then click OK. To optimize performance, only select attributes that you intend to use.

  8. After you select the attribute you want to audit, click Save and Close.

  9. In the Mange Audit Policies page, click Save and Close.

Implementation Considerations

Here's the information for you to consider regarding audit history

  • The audit setup page provides users with access to all applications enabled for audit tracking. Take care when you make changes in the setup page. The impact of changes in setup can impact users across several applications.

  • If an object or attribute is disabled or removed from audit tracking, the changes are prospective and not retrospective. Audit history before such change will continue to be available for reporting.

  • Before you configure the setup, it's recommended that you consider your change history reporting requirements. it's important to determine whether or not you need to enable only select objects (or select attributes within an object) for audit tracking, or enable all available objects and attributes.

Report Supplier Audit History

In the Audit Reports page, you can search and view audit history for the business objects you have enabled for audit. This page is available only to users with the job role of Internal Auditor. To access audit reports, go to: Navigator > Tools > Audit Reports. From this page, you can review change history on all supplier objects and attributes that are enabled for audit tracking.

View supplier change history using these various search criteria:

  1. Date: Select a specific date or a date range within which to view supplier change history.

  2. User: Track changes made by a specific user.

  3. Event Type: Restrict results to only specific types of changes such as insert, update, or delete or any such combinations.

  4. Business Object Type: View change history across both parent and child supplier objects by using parent value of supplier. If you need to view changes on specific child objects, then select the desired child object to restrict the results.

Change history displays these details:

  • When the change were made?

  • Who made the changes?

  • Nature of change (added, removed, or updated)

  • What was changed?

For business object such as supplier, supplier address, supplier business classifications, and so on.

View Changes Regarding Specific Attributes

In the Audit Reports page, in Search Results, you do any of these tasks:

  • Select Show User-Related Details to view impersonations if any for a particular user.

  • Select Show Attribute Details to view the old value and new value for the changed attribute.

  • Select Show additional object identifier columns to view additional context details for the business object, for example, if change was on Minority Owned business classification, the specific subclassification it belonged to.

Usage Considerations

Here are some usage considerations:

  • Since results are retrieved online, searching time periods longer than a month may have an impact on system performance.

  • It's recommended that you run the report using the parent business object supplier because the report will also include changes to all child objects. You can use a child object in the search if there is a specific need to track changes for only that object for a given time period.

  • If audit history is disabled for objects and attributes, history is still retrieved for the periods when they were enabled.

  • If Personally Identifiable Information (PII) attributes are enabled for audit, the change history results will display changes for PII attributes only if the user has PII privileges.

For more information on audit related REST services, see the task Get an audit report in the REST API for Common Features in Oracle Applications Cloud document.

How You Audit the Supplier Bank Information

You can audit supplier bank accounts at these levels:

  • Supplier

  • Supplier Address

  • Supplier Site


If masking is enabled, due to security sensitivity, only masked values are shown in the audit history results for the attributes Bank Account Number and IBAN. The setup task Manage System Security Options controls the masking setup for these attributes.

The list of attributes that are available for audit for the bank account entity are:

  • Country

  • Branch

  • Bank Name

  • Account Number

  • Currency

  • IBAN

  • Check Digits

  • Account Type

  • Account Suffix

  • Allow International Payments

  • Account Name

These bank account child entities aren’t available for supplier audit tracking:

  • Account Owners

  • Intermediate Accounts

  • Attachments