Supplier Registration Approval Actions

Approvers are identified based on the approval rules configured for the registration. On receiving the approval notification, approvers review the information provided by the requester in the registration form and then take one of the following actions:

Approve: when satisfied with the information provided in the registration form, approvers can approve the request. After the approval, request will be routed to the next level for approval. Once all approvals are complete, supplier creation process starts and the requester is notified.

Reject: approvers can decide to reject a request if they do not need to onboard the supplier. On rejection, the approval workflow terminate and the requester is notified about the rejection.

When rejecting the request, approvers can choose from the list of configured rejection reasons or add more details of the rejection in the form of comments. The rejection reason and comments that are captured when rejecting a request are included in the notification that's sent to the requester of the rejected registration request. The reason and comments provided for each of the rejected supplier registration requests can be viewed from the Manage Supplier Registration Requests search results by expanding the view columns.

Request to Resubmit: when information provided by the requester in the external registration is incomplete or insufficient to take approval decision, approver can return the request by providing the reason for requesting resubmission. A notification is send to the requester and a URL is shared with them to access their saved request for resubmission. Requester can also access the registration URL and use their email that they used to register initially to retrieve the request returned for resubmission. When the request is resubmitted, it is routed through the same review process

Request Information: this action helps re-route the registration request to an internal user. Using this option, approvers can:

  • Return an internal registration request to the requester for resubmission, or
  • Request information from any internal user for internal as well as external registration requests, to get more information specific to the supplier being registered.

When approvers request information from users other than requesters, the user can only add the requested information through comments and submit back the request. They cannot edit the registration request.