Select Dimensions and Members for the Model View

Selected dimensions and members indicate the data to retrieve with the model view. Define them in the Dimensions and Member Selection area of the Model View screen.

Figure A-2 Dimension and Member for a Model View

Fill out the required information to add dimensions and members, as described in the text.

In this example, the Account dimension is selected by default. Ultimately, you want to select Operating Expenses, which is a member of Account.

  1. Optional: For your convenience, use the Move Up and Move Down buttons in the Dimensions area to move selected dimensions toward the top or the bottom of the list.


    If there are many, you may find it helpful to move the most used dimensions toward the top.

  2. To add dimension members to the view, select a dimension and click Add button in the Member Selection area, or select Add Member in the Actions menu.
    You see the Select Dimension Members screen.

    You can select members and use the right and left arrows of the shuttle control to move members from the list of available members at the left to the list of selected members at the right.

  3. Since Account is already selected, select Net Income, then Income From Operations, and finally Operating Expenses.
    Click at the beginning of each member name to show submembers.
  4. After you select Operating Expenses, click right arrow button to select that member, and then click OK.

    The Select Dimension Membere screen looks like the following with Operating Expenses selected.

    Figure A-3 Select Dimension Members Screen for Model Views

    Select a member in the left column and use the right arrow to move it to the right column.
  5. To further limit the model view, select another dimension member.
    For this example, select Entity, click Add button, and then select All_Entities.
  6. When the member has been selected, click OK and move it to the right column.
  7. When changes are complete, click Save button to save the settings.

Other Actions

To search for dimensions, enter part of the name in the box next to View. You also can do the following:

  • Click Delete button or use the Action menu in the Member Selection area of the Model View panel to remove previously added members.

  • Click Detach, Detach button, to enlarge the list.

  • Use Level buttons to go up or down a level or show the current selection as the top level.

  • Use the View menu to hide, show, and change the order of columns.

To delete, copy, or modify a model view, see Manage Model Views.

To see this model view in action, see Review Model View Examples.