Essbase Naming Restrictions for Applications and Databases

When creating names for applications and databases, enter the name in the case in which you want the word displayed. The application or database name is created exactly as it is entered. If you enter the name as all capital letters (for instance, NEWAPP), Oracle Essbase does not automatically convert it to upper- and lowercase (for instance, Newapp).


This list provides a partial set of the restrictions. For the complete list of all restrictions, Oracle recommends that you refer to the Administering Oracle Analytics Cloud - Essbase:

The following naming restrictions apply when you are naming applications and databases:

  • For non-Unicode-mode application and database names, use no more than 8 bytes.

  • For Unicode-mode application and database names, use no more than 30 characters.

  • Do not use spaces in the name.

  • Do not use the following special characters in the name:

    • * asterisks

    • + plus signs

    • \ backslashes

    • ? question marks

    • [] brackets

    • " double quotation marks

    • : colons

    • ; semicolons

    • , commas

    • ‘ single quotation marks

    • = equal signs

    • / slashes

    • > greater than signs

    • tabs

    • < less than signs

    • | vertical bars

    • . periods

  • For aggregate storage databases only, do not use the following words as application or database names:


    • LOG


    • TEMP