Performing Single- and Multiple-POV Calculations Using Execution Control

The global context, rule sets, and rules in Profitability and Cost Management applications are specific to a single point of view (POV).

This means that a rule set or rule of the same name may exist in multiple POVs but each of the instances of that rule set or rule is a unique artifact and may have a unique definition. Running a rule for a specific POV executes the definition of that rule set or rule as it exists in that POV. When you perform a basic calculation, you select a single POV with data and rules and run the calculation against it usng its own rules. Originally, you could do that only by using the Navigator, as described in Performing Single-POV Calculations Using the Navigator. Now, you can use the Execution Control features to perform single-POV or multiple-POV calculations, such as calculating the data in one POV using rules from another, or using the rules in one POV against the data in several different POVs.


Once a POV has been calculated, to calculate it with a different model POV you must clear it first. There can be only one set of calculated results for a given POV at any one time.

To clear calculated results for a POV, follow the steps to perform an express calculation and select Clear Calculated Data in step 5.

To perform calculations using Execution Control features, see the following:


Before calculating an application, ensure that cost and revenue data have been loaded. Otherwise, the calculation uses an empty data set.