About Rule Balancing

Rule balancing can help you validate applications.

  • Calculation results validation — Following a calculation, you can validate the results by reviewing calculation results for individual rules, reviewing the impacts of those rules, and evaluating the effect of all rules on a particular slice of the database. You can verify that the calculations are producing expected results and also determine if the collection of rules is affecting the database slice as expected.

  • Contribution analysis and trace — Using the same screen and isolating a segment of the database, you can evaluate the balances at that segment and how the rules contributed to the final result. Then, you can use this information to relate final results to individual rules to trace the effects of application logic on the final allocation results.

To display rule balancing data, calculate the application and then follow these steps:

  1. In an open application, click Navigator button and then select Rule Balancing.

    The Rule Balancing screen is displayed.

    Figure 5-1 Rule Balancing Screen

    The Rule Balancing screen contains boxes for POV members, a model view selection, and columns of data, described in later paragraphs.
  2. Select a Model View from the list at the top, and then select a POV (Year, Period, and Scenario, here). Click Refresh.

    Appropriate values are displayed in the columns.

  3. Review the data and manage it as described in Viewing the Rule Balancing Screen and Performing Rule Balancing Tasks.


    You can change the POV or Model View to review a different set of data.