Create a program




Header Parameters
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
  • Contains one of the following values: true or false. If true, the server performs an Upsert operation instead of a Create operation. During an Upsert operation, the server attempts to find an existing resource that matches the payload. If a match is found, the server updates the existing resource instead of creating a new one. If not found or false (default), the server performs a Create operation. Note that the Upsert operation isn't supported for date-effective REST resources.
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Assessment Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the program owner's ongoing assessment for the likelihood that the program will meet the program objectives. Examples for assessments are On track and At risk. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_ASSESSMENT. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Assessment Code
    The program owner's ongoing assessment for the likelihood that the program will meet the program objectives. Examples for assessments are On track and At risk. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_ASSESSMENT. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Finish Date
    The date when the program is finished. The value is for informational purposes only.
  • Title: Line of Business Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the line of business name for the set of products and services that are managed by the program. Examples for line of business names are Product development and All lines of business. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_BUSINESS. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The line of business name for the set of products and services that are managed by the program. Examples for line of business names are Product development and All lines of business. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_BUSINESS. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Owning Organization ID
    The unique identifier of the owning organization.
  • The name of the owning organization. The value is for informational purposes only. Review and update organizations classified as owning organizations using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the task Manage Project Organization Classifications.
  • Title: Parent Program ID
    The unique identifier of the parent program. A program without a parent is the root node in the hierarchy structure.
  • The unique number of the parent program. A program without a parent is the root node in the hierarchy structure.
  • Title: Priority Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the priority for the program. Examples for priority are High, Medium, and Low. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_PRIORITY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The priority for the program. Examples for priority are High, Medium, and Low. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_PRIORITY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Program Avatars
    Title: Program Avatars
    The Program Avatars resource is used to manage the avatar image for a program. A program can have only one avatar at a time.
  • The budgeted amount allotted to the program.
  • Maximum Length: 15
    The currency of the budgeted amount allotted to the program.
  • Maximum Length: 2000
    The description of the program.
  • Maximum Length: 240
    The unique name of the program. A value is required to create a program.
  • Program Notes
    Title: Program Notes
    The Program Notes resource is used to manage notes for programs.
  • Title: Program Number
    Maximum Length: 25
    The unique number of the program. The default value is the unique identifier of the program.
  • Maximum Length: 400
    The objective of the program.
  • Project Assignments
    Title: Project Assignments
    The Project Assignments resource is used to manage the assignments of projects to a program.
  • Stakeholders
    Title: Stakeholders
    The Stakeholders resource is used to manage the assignment of stakeholders and program administrators for a program.
  • The status of the program. Examples for status are Draft and Active. A value is required to create a program. Review and update the program status list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Project Statuses task.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: ORA_PROGRAM_ACTIVE
    The code that represents the system status defined for the program status. Values are DRAFT, SUBMITTED, ACTIVE, PENDING_CLOSE, and CLOSED. Review and update the program status list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Project Statuses task.
  • Title: Public access
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the program hierarchy can be viewed by all. If true, then programs in the hierarchy can be viewed by all. If false, then only the persons assigned as stakeholders directly or inherited from a parent or grandparent program can view their programs. The value is defined for the root node of the hierarchy. The default value is false.
  • Title: Region Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the geographic or divisional region that's covered by the program. Examples for region names are North America and All regions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_REGION. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The geographic or divisional region that's covered by the program. Examples for region names are North America and All regions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_REGION. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Start Date
    The date on which the program starts. The value is for informational purposes only.
  • Title: Strategy Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the strategic plan of actions and policies that are targeted by the program. An example for strategy is Innovation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_STRATEGY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The strategic plan of actions and policies that are targeted by the program. An example strategy is Innovation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_STRATEGY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Tree Structure ID
    The unique identifier of the program hierarchy structure.
Nested Schema : Program Avatars
Type: array
Title: Program Avatars
The Program Avatars resource is used to manage the avatar image for a program. A program can have only one avatar at a time.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Program Notes
Type: array
Title: Program Notes
The Program Notes resource is used to manage notes for programs.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Project Assignments
Type: array
Title: Project Assignments
The Project Assignments resource is used to manage the assignments of projects to a program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Stakeholders
Type: array
Title: Stakeholders
The Stakeholders resource is used to manage the assignment of stakeholders and program administrators for a program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramAvatars-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramNotes-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramProjects-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Project Assignment Notes
Type: array
Title: Project Assignment Notes
The Project Assignment Notes resource is used to manage notes for the project assignments to a program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramProjects-ProgramProjectNotes-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramStakeholders-item-post-request
Type: object
Show Source
  • The access type for the assignee. The assignee with owner access can edit and delete the program. An assignee with contributor access can edit the program. An assignee with viewer access can view the program and receive stakeholder communications. The person who creates the program is the default owner. Only one direct assignment can have owner access at a given time. Valid values are Owner, Contributor, and Viewer. The default value is Viewer.
  • Title: Access Type Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the access type for the assignee. The assignee with owner access can edit and delete the program. An assignee with contributor access can edit the program. An assignee with viewer access can view the program and receive stakeholder communications. The person who creates the program is the default owner. Only one direct assignment can have owner access at a given time. Valid values are OWNER, EDIT, and VIEW. The default value is VIEW.
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 240
    The email of the person who's assigned to the program as a stakeholder.
  • Title: Person ID
    The unique identifier of the person who's assigned to the program as a stakeholder.
  • Title: Name
    Maximum Length: 240
    The name of the person who's assigned to the program as a stakeholder.
  • Title: Stakeholder Assignment ID
    The unique identifier of the stakeholder assignment to a program.
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Supported Media Types

Default Response

The following table describes the default response for this task.
  • If the REST API supports runtime customizations, the shape of the service may change during runtime. The REST client may isolate itself from these changes or choose to interact with the latest version of the API by specifying this header. For example: Metadata-Context:sandbox="TrackEmployeeFeature".
  • The protocol version between a REST client and service. If the client does not specify this header in the request the server will pick a default version for the API.
Body ()
Root Schema : projectPrograms-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • Title: Assessment Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the program owner's ongoing assessment for the likelihood that the program will meet the program objectives. Examples for assessments are On track and At risk. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_ASSESSMENT. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Assessment Code
    The program owner's ongoing assessment for the likelihood that the program will meet the program objectives. Examples for assessments are On track and At risk. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_ASSESSMENT. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the record.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the record was created.
  • Title: Finish Date
    The date when the program is finished. The value is for informational purposes only.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the record was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Title: Line of Business Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the line of business name for the set of products and services that are managed by the program. Examples for line of business names are Product development and All lines of business. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_BUSINESS. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The line of business name for the set of products and services that are managed by the program. Examples for line of business names are Product development and All lines of business. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_BUSINESS. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Links
  • Title: Owning Organization ID
    The unique identifier of the owning organization.
  • The name of the owning organization. The value is for informational purposes only. Review and update organizations classified as owning organizations using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the task Manage Project Organization Classifications.
  • Title: Parent Program ID
    The unique identifier of the parent program. A program without a parent is the root node in the hierarchy structure.
  • The unique number of the parent program. A program without a parent is the root node in the hierarchy structure.
  • Title: Priority Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the priority for the program. Examples for priority are High, Medium, and Low. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_PRIORITY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The priority for the program. Examples for priority are High, Medium, and Low. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_PRIORITY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Program Avatars
    Title: Program Avatars
    The Program Avatars resource is used to manage the avatar image for a program. A program can have only one avatar at a time.
  • The budgeted amount allotted to the program.
  • Maximum Length: 15
    The currency of the budgeted amount allotted to the program.
  • Maximum Length: 2000
    The description of the program.
  • Maximum Length: 240
    The unique name of the program. A value is required to create a program.
  • Program Notes
    Title: Program Notes
    The Program Notes resource is used to manage notes for programs.
  • Title: Program Number
    Maximum Length: 25
    The unique number of the program. The default value is the unique identifier of the program.
  • Maximum Length: 400
    The objective of the program.
  • Project Assignments
    Title: Project Assignments
    The Project Assignments resource is used to manage the assignments of projects to a program.
  • Stakeholders
    Title: Stakeholders
    The Stakeholders resource is used to manage the assignment of stakeholders and program administrators for a program.
  • The status of the program. Examples for status are Draft and Active. A value is required to create a program. Review and update the program status list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Project Statuses task.
  • Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: ORA_PROGRAM_ACTIVE
    The code that represents the system status defined for the program status. Values are DRAFT, SUBMITTED, ACTIVE, PENDING_CLOSE, and CLOSED. Review and update the program status list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Project Statuses task.
  • Title: Program ID
    Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the program.
  • Title: Public access
    Maximum Length: 1
    Default Value: false
    Indicates whether the program hierarchy can be viewed by all. If true, then programs in the hierarchy can be viewed by all. If false, then only the persons assigned as stakeholders directly or inherited from a parent or grandparent program can view their programs. The value is defined for the root node of the hierarchy. The default value is false.
  • Title: Region Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the geographic or divisional region that's covered by the program. Examples for region names are North America and All regions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_REGION. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The geographic or divisional region that's covered by the program. Examples for region names are North America and All regions. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_REGION. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Start Date
    The date on which the program starts. The value is for informational purposes only.
  • Title: Strategy Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the strategic plan of actions and policies that are targeted by the program. An example for strategy is Innovation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_STRATEGY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • The strategic plan of actions and policies that are targeted by the program. An example strategy is Innovation. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type ORA_PROJECT_PROGRAM_STRATEGY. Review and update the list of values using the Setup and Maintenance work area and the Manage Standard Lookups task.
  • Title: Tree Structure ID
    The unique identifier of the program hierarchy structure.
Nested Schema : Program Avatars
Type: array
Title: Program Avatars
The Program Avatars resource is used to manage the avatar image for a program. A program can have only one avatar at a time.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Program Notes
Type: array
Title: Program Notes
The Program Notes resource is used to manage notes for programs.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Project Assignments
Type: array
Title: Project Assignments
The Project Assignments resource is used to manage the assignments of projects to a program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : Stakeholders
Type: array
Title: Stakeholders
The Stakeholders resource is used to manage the assignment of stakeholders and program administrators for a program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramAvatars-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramNotes-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramProjects-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Project Assignment Notes
Type: array
Title: Project Assignment Notes
The Project Assignment Notes resource is used to manage notes for the project assignments to a program.
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramProjects-ProgramProjectNotes-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : projectPrograms-ProgramStakeholders-item-response
Type: object
Show Source
  • The access type for the assignee. The assignee with owner access can edit and delete the program. An assignee with contributor access can edit the program. An assignee with viewer access can view the program and receive stakeholder communications. The person who creates the program is the default owner. Only one direct assignment can have owner access at a given time. Valid values are Owner, Contributor, and Viewer. The default value is Viewer.
  • Title: Access Type Code
    Maximum Length: 30
    The code that represents the access type for the assignee. The assignee with owner access can edit and delete the program. An assignee with contributor access can edit the program. An assignee with viewer access can view the program and receive stakeholder communications. The person who creates the program is the default owner. Only one direct assignment can have owner access at a given time. Valid values are OWNER, EDIT, and VIEW. The default value is VIEW.
  • Read Only: true
    The assignment category for the assignee as directly assigned or inherited from the program's parent or grandparent in the program hierarchy. Values are Inherited and Direct.
  • Title: Assignment Category Code
    Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 30
    Default Value: ORA_PJS_DIRECT
    The code that represents the assignment category for the assignee as directly assigned or inherited from the program's parent or grandparent in the program hierarchy. Values are INHERITED and DIRECT.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who created the record.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the record was created.
  • Title: Image
    Read Only: true
    The avatar image for a person.
  • Read Only: true
    The unique identifier of the avatar image for a person.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 240
    The name of the avatar image for a person.
  • Read Only: true
    The date when the record was last updated.
  • Read Only: true
    Maximum Length: 64
    The user who last updated the record.
  • Links
  • Title: Email
    Maximum Length: 240
    The email of the person who's assigned to the program as a stakeholder.
  • Title: Person ID
    The unique identifier of the person who's assigned to the program as a stakeholder.
  • Title: Name
    Maximum Length: 240
    The name of the person who's assigned to the program as a stakeholder.
  • Title: Stakeholder Assignment ID
    The unique identifier of the stakeholder assignment to a program.
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The following example shows how to create a program.

curl --user ppm_cloud_user -X POST -d @example_request_payload.json ""

Request Body Example

The following shows an example of the request body in JSON format.


"ProgramName": "Innovation Program",
"ProgramNumber": "100100100",
"ProgramStatusName" : "Active"

Response Body Example

The following shows an example of the response body in JSON format.

"AssessmentCode": null,
"AssessmentMeaning": null,
"CreatedBy": "Clayton.Smith",
"CreationDate": "2022-02-28T15:19:19.001+00:00",
"FinishDate": null,
"LastUpdateDate": "2022-02-28T15:19:19.240+00:00",
"LastUpdatedBy": "Clayton.Smith",
"LineOfBusinessCode": null,
"LineOfBusinessMeaning": null,
"ParentProgramId": null,
"ParentProgramNumber": null,
"PriorityCode": null,
"PriorityMeaning": null,
"ProgramDescription": null,
"ProjectProgramId": 300100549355134,
"ProgramName": "Innovation Program",
"ProgramNumber": "100100100",
"ProgramObjective": null,
"ProgramStatusName": "Active",
"ProgramSystemStatusCode": "ORA_PROGRAM_ACTIVE",
"PublicFlag": false,
"RegionCode": null,
"RegionMeaning": null,
"StartDate": null,
"StrategyCode": null,
"StrategyMeaning": null,
"TreeStructureId": 300100549355134,
"OwningOrganizationName": null,
"OwningOrganizationId": null,
"ProgramBudget": null,
"ProgramBudgetCurrency": null,
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "",
"name": "projectPrograms",
"kind": "item",
"properties": {
"changeIndicator": "ACED0005737200136A6176612E7574696C2E41727261794C6973747881D21D99C7619D03000149000473697A65787000000001770400000001737200116A6176612E6C616E672E496E746567657212E2A0A4F781873802000149000576616C7565787200106A6176612E6C616E672E4E756D62657286AC951D0B94E08B02000078700000000178"
"rel": "canonical",
"href": "",
"name": "projectPrograms",
"kind": "item"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "ProgramAvatars",
"kind": "collection"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "ProgramNotes",
"kind": "collection"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "ProgramProjects",
"kind": "collection"
"rel": "child",
"href": "",
"name": "ProgramStakeholders",
"kind": "collection"
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