Resource Formats

Resource formats are predefined resource types or hierarchies of resource types. You create resources for planning or billing resource breakdown structures based on resource formats.

Following is a description of resource types and resource format hierarchies.

Resource Types

Resource formats are created based on the following predefined resource types.



Named Person

Employee or a contingent worker who performs services for the deploying enterprise.

Event Type

Implementation-defined classification of events that determines the revenue and invoice effect of an event.

Expenditure Category

Implementation-defined grouping of expenditure types by type of cost.

Expenditure Type

Classification of cost assigned to each expenditure item. Expenditure types are grouped into cost groups (expenditure categories) and revenue groups (revenue categories).

Item Category

Categorization of inventory items that is used to track the aggregate consumption of material.

Inventory Item

An item that can be purchased or produced, and for which you can budget and track the costs associated with the consumption of the item.


A set of duties to which an employee can be assigned.


Divisions, groups, cost centers, or other organizational units within a company.

System Person Type

Distinguishes employees and contingent workers. For example, assume that a project requires 100 hours of labor effort and you have resources only for 80 hours. You can plan 80 hours of employee time and 20 hours of contingent worker time on the project.

Project Nonlabor Resource

Implementation-defined asset or pool of assets. An asset may represent actual pieces of equipment whose time is consumed, or an asset whose output is consumed.

Resource Class

Higher-level grouping of planning resources, into labor, equipment, material items, and financial resources, that drives how resources are used.

Revenue Category

Implementation-defined grouping of expenditure types by type of revenue.


A business or individual that provides goods or services, or both in return for payment.

Project Role Represents either a requirement or an assignment on a project, such as a project manager or project team member. To use the project role as a resource format, you need to add the format to the associated primary resource breakdown structure (PRBS).

Resource Format Hierarchies

Resource formats consist of one resource type or a hierarchy of up to three resource types. Before you add planning resources to a planning or billing resource breakdown structure, you must select the resource formats you want to use. For example, you can add the resource formats Job, Job: Organization, and Job: Organization: Named Person to your resource breakdown structure.

The resource formats and resource format hierarchy determine how planning amounts roll up and are displayed when you view financial and project plans by resource structure. Thus, each resource format hierarchy represents a separate structure. For example, the resource format hierarchies Job: Expenditure Type: Organization and Organization: Expenditure Type: Job are distinct.