Project Integration Specialist (Job Role)

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Role Hierarchy

The Project Integration Specialist job role directly and indirectly inherits these roles.

  • Project Integration Specialist
    • FSCM Load Interface Administration

    • Projects Folder Reporting

    • Upload data for Grants Management Import

    • Upload data for Project Billing Import

    • Upload data for Project Control Import

    • Upload data for Project Costing Import

    • Upload data for Project Enterprise Resource Import

    • Upload data for Project Foundation Import

    • Upload data for Project Management Import

    • Upload data for Project Resource Management Import

    • Upload data for Project Setup Import


This table lists the duties assigned directly and indirectly to the Project Integration Specialist job role.

Duty Role Description

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Projects Folder Reporting

Grants access to the Projects web catalog folder.

Upload data for Grants Management Import

Allows to upload data file to import Grants Management related data.

Upload data for Project Billing Import

Allows to upload data file to import project billing related data.

Upload data for Project Control Import

Allows to upload data file to import Project Control related data.

Upload data for Project Costing Import

Allows to upload data file to import project costing data.

Upload data for Project Enterprise Resource Import

Allows to upload data file to import projects enterprise resources.

Upload data for Project Foundation Import

Allows to upload data file to import Project Foundation related data.

Upload data for Project Management Import

Allows to upload data file to import project management data.

Upload data for Project Resource Management Import

Allows to upload data file to import Project Resource Management related data.

Upload data for Project Setup Import

Allows to upload data file to import project setup related data.


This table lists privileges granted to duties of the Project Integration Specialist job role.

Granted Role Granted Role Description Privilege

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Access FSCM Integration Rest Service

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load File to Interface

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Load Interface File for Import

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Manage File Import and Export

FSCM Load Interface Administration

Manages load interface file for import

Transfer File

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Grants Keyword

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Grants Personnel

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Grants Sponsor

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Billing Event

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Capital Assets Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Change Orders Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Commitments Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Contract Invoice Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Contract Revenue Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Deliverables

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Expenditure Items Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Financial Plans Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Issues Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Performance Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Planning Resource Breakdown Structure Version

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Progress

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Resource Pools

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Resource Request Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Template

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Project Unprocessed Expenditure Item

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Manage Work Plan Templates Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Asset and Assignments Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Award Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Billing Events Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Budgets Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Enterprise Resources Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Forecasts Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Key Performance Indicators Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Plan Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Progress Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Rate Schedules Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Resource Assignments Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Resource Requests Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Project Work Plan Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Projects Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Resource Actual Hours Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Run Import Resource Breakdown Structures Process

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

Validate Project Costs

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

View Project Expenditure Types Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

View Project Financial Tasks Service

Project Integration Specialist

Individual responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities related to the integration of project management information systems.

View Project Service