Set Up Project Management Implementation Options

Specify the default calendar, currency, and full-time equivalent hours. Also, specify the progress exception thresholds for the project enterprise.

Setting Up the Default Calendars

Calendars determine the standard working and nonworking time, such as weekends and holidays, for resources and projects. Select the default calendars to assign to resources and new projects.

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Project Management Implementation Options task.

  2. Click the Manage Project Management Implementation Options link.

  3. On the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, in the Default Calendars section, select a value for default project and resource calendars.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Entering Progress Exception Thresholds

Progress exceptions are generated when team members enter progress amounts for a proposed start date, finish date, or planned hours that exceed the defined thresholds. Define the threshold values for task progress in days and hours.

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Project Management Implementation Options task.

  2. Click the Manage Project Management Implementation Options link.

  3. On the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, in the Progress Exceptions section, enter the days and hours.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Setting Up a Default Currency

The currency defined is used when a project is created.

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Project Management Implementation Options task.

  2. Click the Manage Project Management Implementation Options link.

  3. On the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, in the Default Currency section, select a currency.

  4. Click Save and Close.

Setting Up Common Financial Task Dates

Setting up common financial task dates between work plans and financial plans:

  • Enables better collaboration between the project manager and the project administrator by providing the same and consistent task schedule. For example, project administrator's updates in financial tasks are automatically available for the project manager’s review in the work plan.
  • Validates the dates in real time in managing project plans. For example, when the transaction and planned dates are synced, you can only change the task planned dates to the dates valid for the task’s expenditure items.

To ensure that task dates are the same across work planning and financial planning, regardless of in which of the two plans the dates are updated, complete the following steps:

  1. Click Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

  2. On the top of the page from the Setup dropdown, select Project Execution Management and then search for the Manage Project Management Implementation Options task.

  3. Click the Manage Project Management Implementation Options link.

  4. On the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, in the Define Common Financial Task Dates section, select Define Common Financial Task Dates Across Work and Financial Planning.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Note: For the plans existing at the time of enabling the Define Common Financial Task Dates Across Work and Financial Planning option, the project manager needs to once sync the dates manually between the two plans. For more information, see Automatically Sync Dates Between Financial Project Plans and Work Plans in the Using Project Execution Management guide.

Setting Up Default Full Time Equivalent Hours

Enter the full-time equivalent (FTE) hours for resources that are used to calculate the labor demand FTE hours for reporting in the Project Hierarchy Dashboard and enterprise project structure. The default value is 520 hours.

  1. Click Navigator > Setup and Maintenance, and search for the Manage Project Management Implementation Options task.

  2. Click the Manage Project Management Implementation Options link.

  3. On the Define Project Management Implementation Options page, in the Default Full Time Equivalent Hours section, enter hours.

  4. Click Save and Close.