What's projected spend percentage?

The projected spend burn rate is the amount currently spent, and what it will be when projected out for the remaining duration of the award.

The following images describe the formula used to calculate projected spend percentage and the legend that contains descriptions of the values used in the formula.

Projected Spend Percentage equals left big parenthesis, left small parenthesis, expenses plus remaining cost, right small parenthesis, divided by budget, right big parenthesis, multiplied by one hundred. Remaining Cost in the Projected Spend Percentage formula equals left parenthesis, expenses divided by days spent, right parenthesis, multiplied by remaining days.
Legend for the Projected Spend Percentage formula includes three items: Expenses, Days Spent and Remaining Days. Expenses equals commitments plus actual costs. Days spent equals current date minus start date. Remaining days equals current budget period end date minus current date.

The start date is the award start date in awards that are enabled for expanded authority. In awards that aren't enabled for expanded authority, the start date is the current budget period start date.