Project Deliverables

Project deliverables are used to track the output produced to complete a project or task. A deliverable can result from the need to satisfy an external contractual obligation, or the need to fulfill an internally-planned activity.

Here's a table that describes the attributes that you enter and update when managing deliverables.



Deliverable type

A classification of deliverables.

Note: Project application administrators can create deliverable types from the Manage Deliverable Types page.


The name for the deliverable. The deliverable type is set as the name by default. It supports up to 150 characters.


The priority that indicates the anticipated impact on work. Valid values are Low, Medium, and High. The default value is Medium.


The status of the deliverable. Valid statuses are New, In progress, and Completed. The default value is New.


The actual output files, notes, or URLs.

Note: You can add multiple attachments to a deliverable.

Need-by Date

The date by which the deliverable must be completed. The task finish date is set as the need-by date by default.


The user who's responsible for the deliverable completion. If a primary resource is assigned to a task, the primary resource is set as the owner by default.

Short Name

The short name for the deliverable that's used for reporting purposes. The deliverable type is set as the short name by default. It supports up to 30 characters. It's recommended that you use unique short names.


The description of the deliverable.

Considerations for Creating and Managing Deliverables

Team members can create deliverables from the Manage Deliverables page.

Project managers can create deliverables and assign them to team members from the Deliverables tab of the Task Details dialog box. After a deliverable is created, it's available in Manage Work Items. For lowest-level tasks, you can also assign task completion events for deliverables in Manage Work Items.

Note: You must be a project enterprise labor resource to create, update, or own deliverables.

If a task completion event is set, deliverables are considered as work items and drive task progress. A deliverable work item is marked as complete when the deliverable's status changes to the status specified as the task completion event. When all the work items associated with a task are completed, the task status changes to complete. Keep in mind that you can't manually update task progress to 100% if a task completion event is set. If your business doesn't require you to track progress through deliverables, you can leave the task completion event blank.

Considerations for Deleting Deliverables

Project managers and team members can delete deliverables only if their status is New and if they aren't associated with tasks or requirements.

Project managers can remove deliverable associations from tasks. However, project managers can't remove a deliverable association after the deliverable status has changed to the status specified as the task completion event and the associated task is complete. Keep in mind that when a task is deleted, all the deliverables associated with it are also deleted.